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From An Old Aa Expression


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doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results.

The SFA have come out and said "scottish fitba will recover from this" what they really mean is people will forget about this and move on.

I guess what Im trying to say is there needs to be a complete overhaul of the game in Scotland from the grassroots up. Money needs to be spent from the government and a whole new fitness program needs to be inplace in the school system. Scots kids are un healthy, and lack the ball skills other countries have.

This has worked in countries like Australia before the Sydney Olympics and they had their best results ever. A similar model is currently underway in Canada where Im from called "own the podium" and we had a fantastic games in Vancouver.

I think it is time for something like this in Scotland or risk becoming a minnow forever

just my opinion

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Forest, Bannan, Hanley, Wilson, Fletcher....a good batch is coming through at the moment.

As I said in another thread, with smaller countries like Scotland, the standard of football is alwways cyclical. We'll always have to put up with good periods and bad periods.

Read this piece on Belgian football- sums it up quite well:


fair. but there is room for huge improvement

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Its the definition of Insanity, doing the same thing over, and over to achieve different results.

Change is good .

and insane is what im being driven watching the old boys SFA and even Rangers react year after year.

For instance:

1. if you know you need to be in mid season form by August, start pre season training 3 weeks earlier, play stern opposition and have the same 11-14 play several games together.

2. Dave Weir is 41, do you not think that you might need to find a replacement, even if it is a youngster prior to European qualifying games. instead of having a last minute signing fly all over Europe to arrive at the ground 30 minutes before kick off...then wonder why we lose stupid goals?

3. Mo Edu is NOT athletic, he can't pass and is not creative...so stop playing him.

anyone else like to add more?

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and insane is what im being driven watching the old boys SFA and even Rangers react year after year.

For instance:

1. if you know you need to be in mid season form by August, start pre season training 3 weeks earlier, play stern opposition and have the same 11-14 play several games together.

2. Dave Weir is 41, do you not think that you might need to find a replacement, even if it is a youngster prior to European qualifying games. instead of having a last minute signing fly all over Europe to arrive at the ground 30 minutes before kick off...then wonder why we lose stupid goals?

3. Mo Edu is NOT athletic, he can't pass and is not creative...so stop playing him.

anyone else like to add more?

Is this what they call preparation?I thought it was.

We are never prepared for playing these Teams.

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