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St Mirren 0 vs. Rangers 1 Apr.8th 2007


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What ever happened to the days of one goal, leading to another, leading to a comfortable, confidant win? It was classed as finishing teams off and we used to be quite adept at it.

The last two games have been a struggle to watch in terms of footballing quality; even more so today as very few clear-cut chances from either side were created. This isn’t to say that the result wasn’t deserved as we were the better team but huge improvements have to be made over the summer and Walters job is looking tougher and tougher with every passing game.

Two changes were made to last week’s squad with Prso dropping to the bench and Murray dropping to the treatment table. There replacements came in the form of Ehiogu and Burke as, after yesterday’s results, we tried to make a statement of intent for second place.

To a certain degree, the plans worked, we got three points and a cushion of eight points over Aberdeen but the manner in which it was achieved is still a cause for concern.

Today’s team: -

McGregor: - Called into action a couple of times and did what he had to do. Another clean sheet to add to his record.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

Hutton: - Had another decent game and was solid defensively. Broke forward several times but was too often let down by his final ball.

Rmed Verdict: - 7

Ehiogu: - Reinstated at centre back with Papac being moved out left. Had a good tussle with Sutton and came out on top. Good physical performance.

Rmed Verdict: - 7

Weir: - The rock upon which Walters revolution has been built. Hardly broke sweat on a day where his guile was more than good enough to see off his opponents.

Rmed Verdict: - 7 (MOTM His experience spoke volumes.)

Papac: - From his previous record at left back left back it is not his preferred position but he slotted in ok and did what was required of him. It did leave us short of attacking options on that side as he was more inclined to sit back.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

Burke: - We’re now well into April and he has still to find any kind of form for the season. He was a revelation for McCliesh last term but is a long way off rediscovering that at the minute. Poor display.

Rmed Verdict: - 4

Hemdani: - Tidy enough, but never managed to get any kind of stamp of authority on the game. In saying that, most of the time the ball bypassed the midfield completely.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

Bazza: - Like Hemdani, the game passed him by. We never saw the driving runs past the forwards that we have seen all season.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

Adam: - A couple of long diagonals to Boyd were about as good as it got for him today. Defensively he has a lot of work to do.

Rmed Verdict: - 5

Novo: - A lot of dig and fight but couldn’t get onto the ball often enough. He got his goal though which he put away well and was moved to the right late on.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

Boyd: - Our very own goal machine was on the blink today as three or four good chances came his way and he failed to trouble the keeper with any of them. There will be better days for him.

Rmed Verdict: - 5

Prso (On for Burke): - Gave a bit more presence to the team and had he been a bit sharper could have finished the game off.

Rmed Verdict: - 5

Thomson (On for Boyd): - Came on to waste a couple of seconds

Rmed Verdict: - 3

Smith: - Would have been pleased with the points but little else. Knows only too well the task that lies ahead.

Rmed Verdict: - 6

I suppose that the main aim of today was to capitalise on the slip up by Aberdeen and secure the champions league spot that could release extra funds for the new season. With that seemingly done we have little to play for and with the football on show today, it showed.




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