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Are We Having Meetings With Police ?


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Having read the minutes of their recent meeting it seems the police are kow-towing to them already. You can clearly see they were after muzzling the match commander and have pressured the police into requiring club reps to be there.

We need to be doing stuff like this or before we know it they'll be singing what they like with impunity whilst we become the targets. :anguish:

Strathclyde Police praise Celtic support

Update meeting with Campbell Corrigan (Assistant Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police)

Thursday 29th December 2011

Present Strathclyde Police – Campbell Corrigan and Simon Wright

Affiliation of Registered C.S.C.’s – Mark Cameron and Alan Horne

Campbell Corrigan (CC) opened meeting by praising Celtic support for exemplary behaviour at last night’s game. In comparison to “shame game” it was a much quieter event for police, it was later confirmed that only 12 arrests were made (compared with 34 at March 2011 game) and none were for sectarian offences.

Mark Cameron (MC) asked why all coaches were stopped en-route to match and searched for alcohol when it had previously been stated that match would be policed as per any other Celtic v Rangers match. Alan Horne (AH) stated that most coaches were delayed for up to 30 minutes by being escorted from motorway and then taken to Broadwood Stadium for coach search and then back to motorway. CC replied that the police were concerned that many supporters groups were having events in the afternoon of the match and were concerned that there was a ”higher than normal risk” of alcohol making its way onto coaches. CC stated that a similar exercise had happened recently on the day of a Scotland international fixture and it would be something that we may see more off in the future. Simon Wright (SW) agreed to look at options to reduce inconvenience to travelling public when similar exercises were to be held in future. This would also be reviewed at forces out with Strathclyde. CC stated that police would be very careful about repeating this exercise at any midweek fixtures in future. CC confirmed that future searches for alcohol on coaches would be based around “high risk fixtures” as well as manning issues for police. MC asked if supporters groups could be advised in advance of future searches in order that supporters clubs could plan travel with expected delay in mind. CC and SW agreed to look into this and report back.

MC asked for comments from CC regarding the perception that it was police who decided on date of last night’s fixture. CC totally refuted the notion that it was police who decided on this date. He suggested that question should be re-directed to SPL. CC stated that police presented data to Joint Action Group (JAG – Government, SPL, Police, Celtic, Rangers etc.) which showed impact (arrests etc.) and cost of police resources when Celtic v Rangers games are played. CC stated that Sunday lunchtime and midweek fixtures were most suitable. Saturdays were less suitable and the Police wanted to avoid 1st and 2nd January as this they believed was worst possible date for the fixture. CC asked Neil Doncaster if there could be a mixture of Sunday and midweek dates for these fixtures. It was agreed with JAG that police would be consulted over fixture dates.

MC asked if it was protocol for match commander to brief SPL / UEFA delegate without a representative from home club present. CC stated that these discussions are usually informal and that they take place in Police Control Room. CC agreed that moving forward and it had already been communicated to match commanders to ensure that club representatives were present during these discussions. MC stated that he found it unusual that Match Commander would be working in close proximity to clubs operations team for up to 6 hours on match day and that Eddie Smith had not raised any issues with club at Hibs or Rennes games. CC confirmed that de-brief had taken place last night with representatives of both clubs present.

MC then asked why the police had changed recently from arresting supporters post match to going into crowd and making arrests there during the game. CC stated that it was the Match Commander’s decision and that the preference would be to ask those involved to come to the end of the row or to make the arrest in the concourse post match. When asked why the match commander would use either option CC stated that the primary concern would be the immediate safety of spectators and the Match Commander would look at likelihood to destabilise spectators as well as the continual conduct of the individual.

CC stated that it would normally be the case that people would be warned first before an officer would make an arrest for breach of the peace but it doesn’t happen on all occasions. He further pointed out that anyone singing Celtic Symphony with add on’s would be arrested for breach of peace.

The issue of the 17 year old who was arrested on a Friday morning and then held in custody for several days was discussed. CC stated that the police did not break down doors as had been reported and that now that he had taken the opportunity to review the details confirmed that police made the arrest on the first available day and not on a Friday “as punishment.”

On the subject of relations between large elements of Celtic support and the police CC accepted that there had been a breakdown in trust following a series of anti-Celtic briefings given by the Communications Officer at Strathclyde Police. It was pointed out and accepted that the journalist and the tabloid concerned were known to have an anti-Celtic agenda. CC confirmed that future briefings from police would need a different approach and that Communications Officer would no longer be doing that function and that Celtic PR Dept. would be involved. CC accepted that these events had been damaging to police.

MC than asked CC about the source of a recent Sunday newspaper report that had claimed that the police “wanted to smash ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ”. CC stated the police had no interest in doing this and his opinion was that 99% of what they (GB) do is great for the atmosphere. MC stated that on top of previous anti Celtic media stories that this was more damaging. CC agreed and he stated that he did not believe the story had any credibility as to the attitude of police and that journalist must having been talking with someone who was not representing the police.

CC stated that police officers had already commenced training on the new legislation relating to Offensive Behaviour and he confirmed that training would be based around those officers who were at grass roots level (Police who would be at football grounds). CC suggested that it may be beneficial to have fans present or take part in future training sessions.

AH asked about the proposed introduction of safe standing areas. CC stated that the Taylor report had indicated safest method was all seater stadium but he had no indication prior to Neil Doncaster’s announcement that the stance of the SPL had changed. CC stated that police would need to review before agreeing to any change.

CC stated the Strathclyde Police have been working with Celtic to overcome recent issues and hoped that recent improvement in relationships would continue and that he would be available to discuss issues with fan groups.

All agreed that meeting was worthwhile exercise and CC thanked AH and MC for taking the time to attend.

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CC stated the police had no interest in doing this and his opinion was that 99% of what they (GB) do is great for the atmosphere.

That sentence alone shows why he shouldn't have been match commander.

Having said, they'll be more acquainted with the polis than us, seeing how touching children is illegal and all.

Swings and roundabouts.

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Looks like they have not only set the agenda for match commanders but they are now dictating what the Strathclyde Poilce communications office terms and conditions are and they are picking and choosing which journalists get involved in reporting events at their dump.

They are now also influencing when the Police arrest those who have committed offences.

And all this is being done from the back of the bus.

Goebbels would indeed be proud of them.

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