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Newsnow Rangers, Alex Thomson on investigating Rangers.


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He is a serious journalist, and an award winning one at that. That is what makes his current drivel even more depressing. He's a man I've respected for a number of years, but I can't take him seriously anymore.

Also worth pointing out that he worked for BBC Northern Ireland before he moved to Channel 4. Methinks he's approached this hole thing with a bias developed 20 odd years ago.

Serious journalists are meant to be objective.

My morning shit produced a more accurate article than he has ever done.

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I take it you haven't read the shit he is producing?

I have read it, some of it is uncomfortable, some of it is old news regurgitated and some of it is bang on the money. What of it do you take issue with?

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I've looked at his reports, tweets and blogs.

He's not a serious journalist. He's a bigot's poodle.

Oh, he's a serious journalist, and an influential one at that. What's he written you take issue with so far?

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He is a serious journalist, and an award winning one at that. That is what makes his current drivel even more depressing. He's a man I've respected for a number of years, but I can't take him seriously anymore.

Also worth pointing out that he worked for BBC Northern Ireland before he moved to Channel 4. Methinks he's approached this hole thing with a bias developed 20 odd years ago.

This is what concerns me. We (the bulk of the Rangers support) had that same reaction to the Panorama programme on Whyte. because it was by Mark Daly, apparently a Rangers hating Celtic fan, we sought to discredit, ignore or explain it as 'Tim propaganda. Instead we should have wondered why it took a Tim to bring Whyte's past to light. Why didn't the SFA do this, why didn't Sir David Murray, why didn't the Rangers Supporters Trust, the Supporters Assembly, Rangers Media, Follow Follow, you, me or any other Rangers supporter with the club's best interests at heart? We can call Thomson an agenda driven Tim poodle all we want but it won't make what he writes any more palatable. We could engage with him and see if we can't help get to the bottom of all this. You're an admin here, you've more clout and authority than most of us.

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Oh, he's a serious journalist, and an influential one at that. What's he written you take issue with so far?

My issue would be his report from Ibrox last week. He could only hear one set of fans singing(really)

Sounds like something OC would come out with.He's being taught well (tu)

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And I've tried to engage with him. He has been completely dismissive. He's currently on some sort of bizarre drive to prove Salmond has done something wrong in talking to HMRC. Why? I can't understand his motivation and he completely ignores questioning on the issue/talks in pathetic riddles. He is adopting a scattergun approach and trying anything he can to prove wrong doing. This comes on the back of weeks of thinly-vieled accusations that Campbell Ogilvie was somehow influencing the SFA investigation into Rangers. This also came on the back of his 'exclusive' interview with Hugh Adams...two weeks after The Daily Mail published the exact same info. As I say, he is someone I have respected for some time and genuinely welcomed his input. But I've read what he's written and how he's spun his input and it is entirely clear to me that he is not treating Rangers with anything close to fairness.

He's been dismissive of you personally or of Rangers Media? The Salmond thing might be something or it might be nothing. It is against FIFA rules for politicians to get involved in football governance. I'm not sure that's happened here, but keeping the communications secret doesn't help. The Adam interview was no scoop I agree, but it was interesting all the same. Whether Adam is a reliable witness is debatable though. Ogilvie benefited from EBTs, these same EBTs might see our club sunk. I'd like to know why more pressure hasn't been applied to those who benefitted from them. If they are provan legal than they've nothing to worry about. He's asking questions more people should be asking. I'm not sure where he's going with his 'investigation', time will tell. What part do you feel hasn't treated Rangers with fairness?

As for Whyte, what exactly do you think people like myself could have done? I run a website in my spare time. I am in no position to do anything like the sort of research into Whyte that the BBC and other have done. Why didn't RM do something? We're all volunteers! We do what we can, but we simply cannot be expected to be the ones who put hundreds upon hundreds of hours of research into Craig Whyte. To be perfectly honest, I think it's ridiculous you'd think that any fan on any website was in a position where uncovering Whyte's past was remotely possible.

I've not explained myself properly clearly. I'm not criticising you personally or Rangers Media specifically. I'm pointing out many of us had the same reaction to the Daly Panorama programme as we're having to Thomson now. If you've approached Thomson then I apologise for grouping you in with the rest of us. It doesn't change the fact that it's Tims who seem to be finding our dirt not us.

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My issue would be his report from Ibrox last week. He could only hear one set of fans singing(really)

Sounds like something OC would come out with.He's being taught well (tu)

So out of everything he's written and presented you've an issue with one single item?

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Channel 4 News is an agenda driven news programme: it comes at the news from a left-wing Fabian perspective that means they pick and chose what is news, and then if it fits into the agenda they wish to propagate. It is the Fox News of the left.

The Alex Thomson thing is interesting. I would say he is quite conscientious in how he goes about things- I think a few years ago he was willing to go to jail rather than hand over his contacts- but I cannot believe he is only interested in Rangers: this is a man who has reported on Afghanistan and the like, and will probably be wanted by the BBC one day; he would certainly fill all the left-wing boxes for them. I detect that Rangers are a test case for him, and that once he is done with Rangers he will prepare himself for the bigger pool of British football. If all he wants to know is about Rangers, then his involvement is all the more baffling.

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I can testify that what Kev says is true.....having tried to engage Thomson in a short conversation, he ignores any questions about Lawell, or selik fans or indeed anything that doesn't fit with his agenda. Ask him about how many awards he has won and he'll reply rather quickly however. Egomaniac.

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So out of everything he's written and presented you've an issue with one single item?

If you are happy with his lying, carry on.

Or maybe you actually believe him.

Or maybe the guy does genuinely suffer from selective hearing. Awful affliction i hear(sorry, i'm told)

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Right, anything specific then?

You are being very unfair with these questions: it is possible that Alex Thomson, clever chap that he is, is using the nuances and subtleties of language to not quite state what we might sense he is getting at. 'Specifics'?: it is quite possible that his bravery doesn't quite extend as far as stating what he believes, because he knows that he will have to be 100%accurate or face libel.

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We should be asking ourselves, and possibly Alex Thomson, why is he interested in Rangers? That is what interests me at the moment: there has to be something going on that he possibly knows/suspects, and is determined to prove it.

Manslaughter Phil is his buddy. That is the answer.

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Manslaughter Phil is his buddy. That is the answer.

A few weeks ago, and I hated having to sit through that so-called news programme, he ended his news report with the sting in that tail that not just Rangers, but many clubs, "north and south of the border" might have questions to answer. If he is only interested in Rangers then will be very surprised.

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He is out to prove that we were involved in EBT's along with other teams in the EPN thus avoiding Tax, Im only hoping CH4 will pull the plug and send him back out to something more newsworthy like Sudan etc............

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He is out to prove that we were involved in EBT's along with other teams in the EPN thus avoiding Tax, Im only hoping CH4 will pull the plug and send him back out to something more newsworthy like Sudan etc............

From the little I know, I gave up watching mainstream news a good while ago, he hasn't got a lot of ice cream and jelly from the effort he has put in up here: he is only regurgitating old news. I'm surprised Tom English hasn't had words with him with trying to steal his thunder.

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I tweeted him this morning and asked him if he was put up to this by philthy phil or mank matt his answer was

ME two fucking letters.Ive now tweeted asking when hes running a story about the football club major shareholder

care home scandal and he hasnt replied.

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He's been dismissive of most Rangers fans and their concerns. As for Salmond, if he was sitting back and watching a massive Scottish institution head towards collapse without making a phonecall to HMRC to discuss the situation then he would be getting hounded for not doing more. I'm really not sure what the story is here. And neither is Alex. If you follow him on Twitter you'll see how obsessed he's become by this, even though he isn't able to explain why he's obsessed by it. Ogilvie benfited from the EBT, as did many, many others. Why? Because the legal advice we received assured us the EBTs were perfectly legal. Not sure why that's relevant to the investigation. None of it has anything to do with wheter we did or did not use EBTs. Thomson keeps rolling out the line that Ogilvie is 'conflicted', presumably for no other reason than he's a former Rangers man. As for fairness, ask why he continues to ignore all retorts that Lawell is surely 'conflicted'. Ogilvie plays no role in the investigation but is still 'conflicted', yet Lawell is on the panel that decides guilt and isn't? How can anybody looking at this objectively come to this conclusion?

(tu) I'm having this reaction to Thomson because of nothing other than what he has written and how he has spun his input. Like I say, I respected him. I approached this hoping he'd shed some new light.

He seems to be engaging with some Rangers supporters, at least according to his blogs he is, indeed one of them was quite complimentary about us. I'm with you on the Salmond 'story', there well might not be one, all the more reason he should release the records of it, if nothing untoward took place what's the issue? Any journalist would pursue this because it looks bad.

We've all bought Sir David's line about the EBTs being perfectly legal, HMRC disagree, none of us actually know. I'm not sure why we've accepted SDM's assurances on the legal advice, he's shown himself to be a gambler in the past, why not now? Ogilvie may have done nothing wrong, but he's been less than forthcoming in his disclosure of how he benefited. He's in a senior position at the SFA, if he was a director of Rangers during a period of gross governance negligence I also think he should stand down. I expect every director during this period to be brought to book if, IF, we lose this case.

I'm sorry the Lawell stuff is a red herring. He's not involved with Rangers, he didn't play a part in our going into administration or the circumstances that allowed that to happen. By pointing figures at him for what he might do in the future doesn't help us get to the bottom of how we actually got here in the first place.

I'm struggling to accept that you feel Thomson is not being fair because he hasn't yet launched an investigation into Lawell?

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I can testify that what Kev says is true.....having tried to engage Thomson in a short conversation, he ignores any questions about Lawell, or selik fans or indeed anything that doesn't fit with his agenda. Ask him about how many awards he has won and he'll reply rather quickly however. Egomaniac.

He ignores questions about Celtic and Lawell because he's investigating Rangers. It's not anything to do with them surely?

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We should be asking ourselves, and possibly Alex Thomson, why is he interested in Rangers? That is what interests me at the moment: there has to be something going on that he possibly knows/suspects, and is determined to prove it.

I agree, I struggle to accept that a senior investigator on Channel 4 decided to spend this time and effort on this subject because of a lunatic in Donegal and Matt fuckin McGlone. We give those cunts far too much credit. He clearly suspects something else.

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