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A Step Forward

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CHARLES GREEN knows much has still to be done at Rangers but thinks the club has taken a step forward today with administrators Duff and Phelps' publication of its CVA proposal.

The prospective Light Blues chief executive is leading a consortium of investors from home and abroad which aims to take control of the club in early July.

A key part of that process is agreeing a company voluntary agreement and that will be considered by all creditors and shareholders of the club over the next 16 days.

They will meet on June 14 to decide whether the proposal will be approved and if it is, a 28-day period will then pass before it can be formalised.

It is possible the proposal could be rejected and the Green consortium would then be committed to taking Gers into a newco situation.

But the Yorkshireman hopes that scenario can be avoided and that he can help the Ibrox outfit become much stronger in the future.

Speaking exclusively to RangersTV.tv this afternoon, Green said: "This is where we wanted to get to and we have said consistently the CVA was our preferred route.

"From now on in, we lose control and it's up to creditors to decide whether they feel the offer Duff and Phelps has made is appropriate.

"It's definitely the right way for Rangers to try to move forward, even though creditors are going to take losses.

"That is disappointing but to save the club, and in terms of being able to do business with them in the future, I hope we will be able to repay their loyalty.

"We do believe in reciprocity and people who have supported Rangers in its difficult days will find we will support them when we come out of this difficult situation.

"Duff and Phelps have been liaising closely with creditors and if they believed there was no chance of this going through, it's very unlikely they'd have sent this document out.

"We believe it is the best offer that is on the table for creditors and for shareholders and we would like everyone to consider that and the future benefits.

Green and his advisors have been working hard behind the scenes to pave the way for Gers to emerge out of administration before the 2012/13 campaign begins.

While obstacles remain, he added: "As each day passes, we see the clouds moving away and the dark days at Rangers are disappearing.

"There has to be a point where we draw a line under the Craig Whyte issues, the (Sir David) Murray issues and all the programmes we've seen about the club.

"There is so much negative energy dealing with those issues and I think the important thing now is to draw a line in the sand and start moving forward.

"There are many hurdles still to overcome so I don't want fans to think we've played 90 minutes and we're 5-0 up.

"We're at 0-0 now whereas I think a few weeks ago, we were trailing 4-0 and there were only 10 minutes to play.

"The measure of us achieving what we want to is when we only see Rangers featuring on the back pages of the newspapers.

"We don't want to see Rangers in the news other than when they are enjoying success on the field."


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We are all for the one step forward scenario.

It the two steps back that normally follow it we are not so keen on.

We are due a bit of good news guys and heres hoping its today

WATP and will always be :21:

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