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Mr Doncaster

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I have just seen your interview on sky this morning. You question ‘why should 41 clubs suffer as a result of the financial failings of 1 club’.

I find this a very strange view from a member of a governing body who has failed every club, including Rangers. Rangers has been failed initially as the club has been sold to Craig Whyte, who walked your fit and proper person test. This despite the fact that the governing bodies were aware of what was happening under Whyte regarding non-payment.

After going into Administration the club has been treated with absolute disgust by all and sundry, particularly the governing bodies. The process has been delayed and protracted as a result of delayed votes and timing of official releases.

The majority of the 11 SPL clubs have given a clear message that they don’t want Rangers to be part of it and have even had the audacity to say that they didn’t need Rangers. Mr Doncaster, should you not have been more vociferous to correct this at the start. The Div 1 clubs have been bullied into accepting a deal to have Rangers into Div 1, again the mood seems to be against Rangers.

Ask most Rangers fans and we accept that the club should start in Div 3 and work our way up again. This you now say is not financially viable, well maybe if YOU had taken the initiative and provided the leadership that is required the 41 clubs would not have suffered as a result of YOURE failings.

Maybe the question you should be asking Mr Doncaster is ‘Why is one club who provide so much income to Scottish football, being treated so badly’ shortly followed by ‘what can we do to bring this situation under control and provide stability once more’

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I have just seen your interview on sky this morning. You question ‘why should 41 clubs suffer as a result of the financial failings of 1 club’.

I find this a very strange view from a member of a governing body who has failed every club, including Rangers. Rangers has been failed initially as the club has been sold to Craig Whyte, who walked your fit and proper person test. This despite the fact that the governing bodies were aware of what was happening under Whyte regarding non-payment.

After going into Administration the club has been treated with absolute disgust by all and sundry, particularly the governing bodies. The process has been delayed and protracted as a result of delayed votes and timing of official releases.

The majority of the 11 SPL clubs have given a clear message that they don’t want Rangers to be part of it and have even had the audacity to say that they didn’t need Rangers. Mr Doncaster, should you not have been more vociferous to correct this at the start. The Div 1 clubs have been bullied into accepting a deal to have Rangers into Div 1, again the mood seems to be against Rangers.

Ask most Rangers fans and we accept that the club should start in Div 3 and work our way up again. This you now say is not financially viable, well maybe if YOU had taken the initiative and provided the leadership that is required the 41 clubs would not have suffered as a result of YOURE failings.

Maybe the question you should be asking Mr Doncaster is ‘Why is one club who provide so much income to Scottish football, being treated so badly’ shortly followed by ‘what can we do to bring this situation under control and provide stability once more’

Followed by "I resign".

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Court of Arbitration for Sport are extremely interested in Neil Doncaster's "SPL or Div1, Div3 is not viable" comment this morning

Tha is who we should go to if That registration Document is legit also.

Where you hearing this about CAS?

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Rangers and Ce*t*c could survive in another league and could survive in lower divisions, or could survive in the SPL with sanctions. The other diddy teams cant. So this is correct the SPL and Doncaster have failed. Theyre to busy chasing big bad Rangers and trying to impress the other fans that theyve effectively killed them off.

The fans of SPL and SFL clubs look for a scapegoat in us so they can blame us for all their problems. Instead of blaming the real culprits. This is the main reason I say f*** the SPL, us Rangers fans should make it clear its SPL no sanctions or Div 3 we go.

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Why should 41 clubs suffer for the failing of 1?

it's not our responsibilty to prop up the game in this country. The scottish game has leeched off us, and dare i say, celtic, for decades now.

no more leeching please, division 3 (tu)

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All of these teams and people were ready to burn us at the stake until they realised that Sky will leave and they'll all be skint, now they want a compromise. If we bow down and take theyre sanctions I will be thoroughly ashamed and disgusted. Its nohting short of a damn disgrace.

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‘why should 41 clubs suffer as a result of the financial failings of 1 club’.

Wow, what a ridiculous statement! My instant response to that is there is evidently "financial failings" at these 41 clubs if their survival is reliant on our club.

Forget the issue about Rangers in SPL, SFL1 or SFL3...Scottish Football needs to be ripped up and start again...the "financial failings" at our club pale in to insignificance against the organisational failings at the myriad of governing bodies in Scottish Football none of them seem to know their own rules, how to apply them, and/or willing to make an actual decision!

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Mr Doncaster, youve taken one step forward, and two steps back. Now hurry up so we can destroy the whole of scottish football via the pitch.

Theyre all scared because they know sooner or later we'll be back stronger than ever.

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