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Rangers Have Been Demoted And The Punishing Must Stop

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Rangers Have Been Demoted And The Punishing Must StopRangers Have Been Demoted And The Punishing Must StopRangers Have Been Demoted And The Punishing Must Stop by JCS

[imgleft]http://www.rangersmedia.co.uk/images/resized/images/wv5stewartregansfa_200_200.jpg[/imgleft]Just before the SFL clubs met to decide our fate on Friday, former First Minister, Henry McLeish stated that the relegation of Rangers to a lower division should,

Bring to a conclusion, I would like to think, the range of punishments that have been meted out.”

I don’t think you will find a Rangers fan who will disagree with that; but regrettably there are still those who consider we have not been punished enough, and who continue to urge the SFA to impose much harsher sanctions on our club – a club that has just received the ultimate sanction of relegation to the bottom tier of Scottish football.

Late yesterday evening the BBC (who else?) reported that the Scottish Football Association will meet early next week to, “consider what, if any, punishments to impose on Rangers before granting membership to the new company.”

I don’t know about you lot, but I’m sick, sore and tired of this, and I just want it to stop. There is absolutely no justification for withholding the transfer of our SFA membership from the Oldco to the Newco, and no rationale for that transfer to be contingent upon the acceptance of further draconian punishments.

How much more punishment must we take before it is deemed to be sufficient?

How much longer will the SFA, through its hostile Chief Executive, Stewart Regan, continue this campaign of vilification, hatred and aggression? A campaign that is enthusiastically supported by Neil Doncaster and his cabal of vengeful SPL chairmen.

Almost simultaneously however, Stewart Regan made the following statement,

"In light of today's decision by the members of the Scottish Football League, the Scottish FA is committed to leading the challenge to reinvigorate the national game. Today is a watershed for Scottish football. There will, undoubtedly, be financial consequences on the horizon. Nonetheless, with togetherness, an open mind, and innovative thinking, there can also be opportunity: opportunity to restructure the game and promote competitiveness, to place greater emphasis on development of young Scottish talent and to support the financial sustainability of clubs through the Financial Fair Play model. The SFA has offered guidance and support to the respective league bodies during this process. The SPL and SFL enter a crucial phase ahead of the new season and they must reach agreement on the practical issues that require to be addressed within their jurisdictions. Ultimately, there must be an outcome that enables Scottish football to move on with consensus, clarity and confidence into a new era for the national game."

Is this a conciliatory statement or just another one of the myriad platitudes that Stewart Regan regurgitates when he’s in a tight corner? And he is in a tight corner!

Please forgive my obvious cynicism, but I’m sure you’ll agree with me that his actions of late speak much louder than his words.

In a previous interview with journalists, Regan warned of a "slow, lingering death" for the game if Rangers were not admitted to Division One, and the inevitable financial consequences of Friday’s SFL decision to place Rangers in Division 3 has now focused the collective minds of the SFA and SPL ‘great and good’ on the likelihood that a number of their top clubs may ‘go to the wall’ in short order.

Indeed, so worried are Regan and Doncaster, that a crisis meeting has been convened on Monday coming, 16th, to consider the options available to them following the SFL decision.

If the Scottish Sun is to believed (and I rarely believe anything it reports),

Now they (the SFA/SPL) hope to overcome the vote by 25 of the SFL’s 30 clubs to banish the Light Blues into the bottom tier of Scottish football — by creating a new SPL2 league. And there are even plans to consider reinstating Rangers to the SPL at a crisis meeting on Monday,” and rather conspiratorially the paper reports that, “An insider said: “The prospect will be discussed.”

What next I ask you? Sad thing is, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if such discussions were to take place on Monday, and these morally bankrupt and discredited officials actually attempt to overturn the legitimate (and honest) decision of the SFL clubs in favour of some nefarious, underhand arrangement that would see Rangers in a new SPL 2 or, incredibly (and dishonorably in my view), back in the SPL.

Personally, I firmly believe that any such attempt to bring Rangers back to the SPL, other than by promotion through the divisions from the lowest tier, would be to the utter shame and discredit of the SFA and the SPL.

Certainly, I can envisage NO circumstances in which Rangers could accept such a dishonorable arrangement, whether with or without sanctions.

The SFA and the SPL have made their decision. It was they who abrogated their responsibility to the SFL. It was they who refused to have Rangers in the SPL in the full knowledge of the financial consequences their decision would inevitably have.

The Scottish Sun quotes a London –based football ‘expert’, Chris Brady, who says

Integrity is all very well but the SPL know having Rangers in the Third Division is footballing suicide. Quite simply they are hatching this plot to try and save the TV deal and keep the money in the Scottish game. If Scottish football is being honest with itself they know they need the Old Firm to survive at a reasonable level.”

All too true Mr. Brady, and undoubtedly why Regan and Doncaster are reaching for the tranquilizers at this very moment to calm their frayed and shredded nerves.

I genuinely take no pleasure in their discomfort (well, maybe just a little), but it is a discomfort – a financial crisis – they have precipitated by their lies, deceit, threats and intimidation.

The SFL clubs have now called their bluff, and nothing less than a solution that encapsulates all 42 senior clubs will have any currency or credibility, and that’s what Alex Salmond believes as well.

The time for bullying, threats, deceit and dishonesty is over. It’s time to face the stark reality of life in the SPL without Rangers.

We are prepared to face life in the 3rd Division– indeed we will embrace it, move swiftly on, and return a better club for it.

Wouldn’t it be good if the SFA and the SPL were to embrace their responsibilities to the Scottish game as a whole, move swiftly on without further thought of punishing Rangers, the SFL or anyone else, and work toward healing the wounds they have inflicted?

We recognise the wounds we have inflicted and we have apologised. We are now trying to make amends for the wrong-doing of the now discredited individuals who formerly ran our club.

Messrs. Regan and Doncaster - why don’t you do the same?

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what exactly is our demotion for?

is it for the fact we are a newco, or as punishment for our finances?

because if it is for the newco then one must ask why the celtic athletic football club didnt get demoted in 1994. if it punishment for our finances then we should have not one single sanction next season.

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what exactly is our demotion for?

is it for the fact we are a newco, or as punishment for our finances?

because if it is for the newco then one must ask why the celtic athletic football club didnt get demoted in 1994. if it punishment for our finances then we should have not one single sanction next season.

We restarted as new company and so must start form the bottom, thats fine, not a punishment per say but a consequence we accept, now if we are to start again because the old company is nor more then we shouldnt be getting pnished for the sins of the old company previous owners thats the fucking point, if we are to be punished for the sins of the old company then we should keep the fucking spl place, european place and everytihng that goes with it, they cannot have the fucking cake and eat it the bastards.

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We restarted as new company and so must start form the bottom, thats fine, not a punishment per say but a consequence we accept, now if we are to start again because the old company is nor more then we shouldnt be getting pnished for the sins of the old company previous owners thats the fucking point, if we are to be punished for the sins of the old company then we should keep the fucking spl place, european place and everytihng that goes with it, they cannot have the fucking cake and eat it the bastards.


well said mate

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what exactly is our demotion for?

is it for the fact we are a newco, or as punishment for our finances?

because if it is for the newco then one must ask why the celtic athletic football club didnt get demoted in 1994. if it punishment for our finances then we should have not one single sanction next season.

Really? We were liquidated, we start a new company/club at the bottom. Celtic were not liquidated, they changes their company structure and retain the same company number. Ignorance like this does the rangers cause no good whatsoever if we don't even understand the situation.

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We restarted as new company and so must start form the bottom, thats fine, not a punishment per say but a consequence we accept, now if we are to start again because the old company is nor more then we shouldnt be getting pnished for the sins of the old company previous owners thats the fucking point, if we are to be punished for the sins of the old company then we should keep the fucking spl place, european place and everytihng that goes with it, they cannot have the fucking cake and eat it the bastards.

I agree, new company starting at bottom, no more punishments. However if we don't want the next spl we win to be no.1 then we take oldco history and punishments. Newco no new punishments also means we start again in every sense!

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I agree, new company starting at bottom, no more punishments. However if we don't want the next spl we win to be no.1 then we take oldco history and punishments. Newco no new punishments also means we start again in every sense!

The fucking taig is screaming oot of you get to fuck back to your own boards ya cunt. The history is an asset it was transferred when the assets were purchased, when a soon to be liquidated company sells off it's assets including history to a new company it doesnt sell the fucking debts and bad stuff with it, Unless your a fucking beast of course then it would make sense.

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Really? We were liquidated, we start a new company/club at the bottom. Celtic were not liquidated, they changes their company structure and retain the same company number. Ignorance like this does the rangers cause no good whatsoever if we don't even understand the situation.

and neither does the arrogance of others.

it may surprise you that in order to reduce my "ignorance" i ask such questions on a forum like this - imagine that, trying to find out information!

so in the future dont ever question my dedication to doing the rangers cause good. thanks.

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Really? We were liquidated, we start a new company/club at the bottom. Celtic were not liquidated, they changes their company structure and retain the same company number. Ignorance like this does the rangers cause no good whatsoever if we don't even understand the situation.

Somebody get this screaming fucking tarrier out of here, obsessed isn't the word this place is hoaching wi them fucking embarassing I bet we have more registered papes than fiddleboard.

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