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G4S. And dodgy contacts

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This is from Vanguard Bear site regarding that arsehole John Reid ropey as fuck....but we knew that already

The national TV stations and broadsheets have been choc-a-bloc with bad news stories regarding the security group G4S of late. The fiasco surrounding the shambles that is their organisation and recruitment of personnel for the London Olympics has rewarded the media with a feeding frenzy. The Scottish Sun, the Daily Record and a host of other newspapers here in Scotland deem this front-page news. Radio Scotland and Radio Clyde can’t get enough of it, reeling off headline news bulletins regards the scandal on an hourly basis.

Amid all the press conferences and national enquiries, another little story regarding the same organisation seems to have been missed by the same outlets. Where is their integrity (Scotland's new buzzword) some may ask?

Not so long ago, G4S took on a new employee with the grand title of “Director, G4S Regional Management (UK & Ireland)”. For 4 hours work per month, they awarded this lucky fellow a salary of £50,000 per annum, plus bonuses. Great work if you can get it, I’m sure you’ll agree. With their new employee’s well-established links to the Ministry of Defence, it could be said G4S had been cute.

This proved to be the case it would seem, when just three months later, G4S were awarded a massive and very lucrative multi-million pound contract to supply private security for around 200 military sites around the United Kingdom. With his Westminster contacts, G4S’ star employee has since ensured the high-tech security equipment used by his employers’ features highly in parliamentary debates at every turn. Some may call it clever business practice. Others may prefer the terms “scandalous”, “corrupt” and “cronyism”.

The star employees name? Baron Reid of Cardowan, or former Celtic Chairman John “IRA songs” Reid as you may know him better. Of course Reid is no stranger to scandal. He once had to offer his resignation to then Labour Party Leader John Smith, having terrorised a female colleague - one Dawn Primarolo - so much with his unwanted sexual advances, she was reduced to tears. One of Mr. Reid’s charming chat-up lines was “I want to fuck you, you want it too”, leading another of his colleagues Baroness Corston to describe him as a “disgusting creature”. Ms. Primarolo later revealed that Mr. Reid has been sexually harassing her for a number of years.

Let’s hope Mr. Reid’s fellow directors at G4S have the good sense to keep their wives well away from him at the annual Christmas Ball. One never knows what he is capable of.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 08:18

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I mentioned this the othet night in another thread .

When i served this lot won the contracts as I was serving at a Camp in Edinburgh guarding it, this lot where at the Garrison in Edinburgh making a complete mess of it.

Ried knew of those contracts when he was Home Secretery and bought his way in through shares and he had inside info.

If that was you or I we would be in the clink.

He is a cunt ,and wouldnt surprise me as someone suggested the other night if he is involved with our prediciment.

The man is vile and in the same Mold as that dirty old Twat John I dont want a Peer Lordship Prescot.

The cpuntry is fucked with these guys in charge.

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John Reid who when visiting loyalist prisoners introduced himself by saying " I'm just a wee taig from Glasgow"

The sex pest who hounded Dawn Primarolo

The liar who claimed to know nothing about cannabis resin when it was found in his house.

A cunt who is hell bent on destroying us.

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John Reid who when visiting loyalist prisoners introduced himself by saying " I'm just a wee taig from Glasgow"

The sex pest who hounded Dawn Primarolo

The liar who claimed to know nothing about cannabis resin when it was found in his house.

A cunt who is hell bent on destroying us.


Could you see if any of the VB boys have the wherewithal, or know someone who could do a pictorial chart to link all these bheasts together?

It's ok having lots of different threads on various boards showing the links but if someone could pull it all together it would be a damning document.

Even if someone had to be paid for doing it it would be a worthwhile exercise and i'm sure a whip round would cover any costs.

It's long overdue.

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