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Statement from the assembly


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Supporters Assembly press release


The Rangers Supporters Assembly today welcomed the news that, at last, the new Rangers FC is able to start playing football matches. However there is a really powerful feeling among our fans that the protracted process endured over recent weeks is nothing short of appalling and merits the closest examination.

Assembly President, Andy Kerr said “The fact that confirmation of our membership was announced less than 36 hours before our fixture against Brechin highlights the incompetence of the SFA and the manner in which they have dealt with the membership application from the new Rangers FC has been a disgrace. Their approach has smacked of vindictiveness and has undoubtedly diminished the reputation and standing of Scottish football.

The SPL clubs have also been a key factor in the mishandling of this whole episode. Their eagerness to remove the new Rangers from their league has backfired as their cute little pact with the SFA to bully the SFL clubs to accept us in SFL Division 1 failed miserably. The consequences are now biting and they still want to use Rangers as a bartering tool for their own selfish ends.

We never wanted any favours or special treatment and we have readily accepted the punishment of demotion to SFL Division 3, the consequential expulsion from European competition for at least 4 years and the loss of the majority of our first-team playing squad. However, the notion that our membership of the SFA has to be subject to conditions that are clearly in the domain of the old company and individuals within the old company is totally ridiculous. It smacks of the SFA using the new Rangers to mask their own deficiencies in governance.

If it is possible, we would like to see a formal Judicial Review of the whole process of the Scottish Football Association’s governance of the “Rangers scenario” and let’s have the transparency and integrity of all the main parties tested to the same degree that others have demanded of both oldco and newco Rangers.

For our Manager, Ally McCoist, to vent his frustrations in the manner that he has, it is absolutely clear that the handling of this whole episode by the SFA and the SPL has been a disgrace. We stand 100% behind him in his plea that the blatant persecution has to stop.”

FFS doh

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I am making the assumption the ffs part of the op is only for the bit in bold as the rest seems fine to me.

Aye but its Ray he scans all Rangers articles and bolds one or two words, it fits with his agenda

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You just did.

Not your wittiest, better luck next time. To put it in terms you might understand, what complete idiot at the Assembly referred to us as "new Rangers FC"? That person needs to take a good look at himself.

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That is not the original statement. I've seen it elsewhere and it only refers to new Rangers at one point further down. Still a mistake to say it once but it is not repeated as the OP has posted it.

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Good grief people, get a grip. The guy is merely making the distinction between the old company and the new. The factions now within our own support will be the end of us if we are not careful. Ever heard the saying "United We ...."? Of course you have! Time to take that message on board I think.

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The new Rangers FC, what club is that Einstein.

I agree with you there Ray ... the new rangers quote coming from one of the so called spokesmen of the fans is fucking shockinh, he needs his fucking balls toed .. seriously

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