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Capitalism - UEFA


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Let’s face it, Capitalism is rife in football.

In a sink or swim mentality the gulf between the rich and the poor has never been so apparent.

The effects of Capitalism filters down from the top. And is run like a well oiled dictatorship by the already mega-rich.

Take a look at the farce that we know as the Champions League.

Prior to 1994/95 season it was a competition for the champions of each European nation to compete for the crown of European Champion, however the greed of the rich minority was due to eradicate 'sporting integrity' forever.

It is a well known fact that clubs from the 'big' leagues petitioned to UEFA, that they deserve more places in the competition (regardless if they had actually won anything), and unbelievably they THREATEND to leave the Champions league and start up another competition if UEFA failed to meet their demands.

What? No vote? No chance for other participants to have their say?

I’m pretty sure that had UEFA approached other member FA's with this proposal:

* associations ranked 1 to 3 have four positions,

* associations ranked 4 to 6 have three positions,

* associations ranked 7 to 15 have two positions,

* associations ranked 16 or lower have one position.

England, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain want to have 3-4 clubs every year, taking the majority of all revenue received and other nations (including actual club champions) will potentially have to play qualifiers just to participate.

It’s a no brainer - they would be told where to go.

You would think that when a major decision like this was made we would have some sort of vote, considering that the demands of 5 nations are far outweighed by the opinions of 40.

The link below is to UEFA’s financial distribution sheet for last year.

My link

Manchester United who were knocked out in groups received the same amount of money as ‘group winners’ Basil and Benfica combined.

Being rewarded for failure should not feature in any cup competition.

However along comes American sport to show us another way. First, there are those rules on revenue-sharing that so frustrated Liverpool's new owners. All the money that, say, a baseball team makes – from tickets, TV rights and merchandise – is taxed by the major league that runs the sport and spread around the other clubs, so that the richest cannot dwarf the rest. That isn't because the titans of Major League Baseball have read too much Marx. It's because they understand that their sport is worth nothing if it stops being a real competition, if only a handful of the wealthiest teams ever have a chance of winning. Redistributing the wealth around the league ensures their sport doesn't become boring. It does not level the playing field, but it comes very close.

The proof is in the stats so beloved of sporting obsessives. Over the past 19 seasons, 12 different teams have won baseball's biggest prize.

Since the reinvention of the Champions League only 1 team (Porto) has won out-with Spain, England, Italy and Germany. (Ajax don’t count due to it still being one club per county)

Clearly UEFA has no intentions to change.

So taking this Capitalistic view that UEFA seem to favour, I sincerely hope that Charles Green holds the SPL to ransom when we return to the top.

Almost every SPL club relies on income from Rangers for their mere existence. This must now stop. Almost every SFL club relies on the £2 million money from the SPL and in many cases this is their main income. Money only generated by the prescience of the Old Firm.

It’s time to get rid of the stragglers, the clingers, the wasters and for Rangers to take what is rightfully theirs. I’d like to see how Dundee Utd balance their books with no old firm money PERMANANTLY not just for a couple of years.

Is there really any other league in the world where 40 clubs literally sponge of 2?

I used to have the attitude that we are all in this together and that all money should be split more evenly, however due to the hatred shown towards my club by other SPL members it’s time to see how self-sustainable they really are.

Maybe some bears might get the dream of playing in England on the basis that we have no one else to play with.

Because remember UEFA supports capitalism. And capitalism ensures that only popular products survive.

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Although I wouldn't argue with your post in any way, who would we play if we weren't able to prop up the fodder.

I reckon it's about time we wound up Scottish football and joined the English league set up, at least they would hate us for being Scottish rather than being hated by our own for being Protestant.

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You should really knock out the bit about MLB, just makes a mess of the argument. MLB's plan has worked insomuch as the rich are still very very rich, but the competition in general has improved. Of course then you get cunts who just take the money out of the shared pool home and pay it out to directors, but that's because the franchise system of American sports allows generational failure, and in some cases encourages it.

In any case, fuck them all. I hope they all burn. 00000042.gif

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You should really knock out the bit about MLB, just makes a mess of the argument. MLB's plan has worked insomuch as the rich are still very very rich, but the competition in general has improved. Of course then you get cunts who just take the money out of the shared pool home and pay it out to directors, but that's because the franchise system of American sports allows generational failure, and in some cases encourages it.

In any case, fuck them all. I hope they all burn. 00000042.gif

Agree, the piece is a bit of a contradiction, the American model distributes wealth from top to bottom but thats no different than the diddy teams living off of Rangers. The third division clubs will see a large increase in income because of Rangers, how much will go in to the pockets of the directors?

PS Read that Aberdeen have been given an increased ticket allocation for the match against the tims, fuck we've only been gone a few days and their struggling to sell tickets for their opener, which will effectively be their biggest match of the season.

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Agree, the piece is a bit of a contradiction, the American model distributes wealth from top to bottom but thats no different than the diddy teams living off of Rangers. The third division clubs will see a large increase in income because of Rangers, how much will go in to the pockets of the directors?

PS Read that Aberdeen have been given an increased ticket allocation for the match against the tims, fuck we've only been gone a few days and their struggling to sell tickets for their opener, which will effectively be their biggest match of the season.

Fuckin spun that as quick as they could, Oh, look how well the sheep are travelling! Who needs ya?! Daft cunts wanker.gif

We'll have a draft proposal for SPL2 by Christmas.

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You should really knock out the bit about MLB, just makes a mess of the argument. MLB's plan has worked insomuch as the rich are still very very rich, but the competition in general has improved. Of course then you get cunts who just take the money out of the shared pool home and pay it out to directors, but that's because the franchise system of American sports allows generational failure, and in some cases encourages it.

In any case, fuck them all. I hope they all burn. 00000042.gif

I added the MLB part to show one extreme to the other.

To show that we are bound by UEFA - a Organisation to clearly doesnt believe in sharing and rewards on audiences and sponsorship rather than competition.

If we go by UEFA's views then all clubs in the SPL should get a 'market pool' rather that the big pot strucure that we have.

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