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Bill McMurdo - The Bigot On Sunday


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Another fine piece by BMc.

Emphasises the need to stick together and overcome these bigots.

(for those that wish to increase the hits to Bill):


(for those that don't) :

The Rangers Fightback appears to be working and you only have to read today’s Sun to see it.

For it is on the pages of The Sun – a Rupert Murdoch paper – that you can read possibly the most blatant piece of propaganda you are ever likely to read – a puff piece on Phil - The Failed Journalist, otherwise known to Rangers fans as Three Names or Phil McGobbler.

We are told in this “story” that Phil Three Names is feart for his life after receiving “threats” from extremists in the west of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Phil Three Names believes this is down to his investigative journalism, exposing the financial indiscretions at Rangers.

This twit of a man – a joke figure even among his fellow Celtic fans – is notorious for waging a hate campaign of his own – against Rangers FC and its supporters.

What is interesting, however, is that this PR spin story from The Sun comes only a few days after Phil Three Names was outed once more for being an extremist sectarian bigot of the most despicable kind when David Leggat released to a much wider audience the disturbing contents of a blog “story” by McGobbler.

You can read the sick rantings of Three Names here.

McGobbler has obviously pulled a wee favour in from his sympathising contacts in the Scottish media to retort this outing by Leggat. This only goes to show that the Rangers Fightback is hitting where it hurts.

Over the coming weeks and months we can expect more of the same as the cabal that has corrupted Scottish football is further exposed. Their machinations in slowly but relentlessly developing a culture of Rangers-hating in Scottish society are now being brought into the light – and they don’t like it.

The one thing it is difficult for these people to argue with is the economic power of Rangers FC. This power is not actually in the hands of the club but in the hands of Rangers fans.

Put simply, if Rangers fans impose a boycott on your team, product, brand, newspaper or TV station, you are on a massive loser.

That is the power that Rangers fans have and they should be reminded of it more often.

You want Rangers fans to turn up at your stadium? Don’t employ a Rangers-hater to do your tannoy announcements.

You want Rangers fans to tune in to your TV station? Don’t sponsor a corrupt cabal of Rangers-despising clubs.

You want Rangers fans to buy your newspaper? Don’t fill your rag with off-the-scale propaganda and one-sided journalism.

This last bit of advice is something obviously not being followed by management at The Sun. If there are any Rangers fans still buying this newspaper, they can kiss those fans goodbye from today.

The massive support of Rangers FC has had enough. Rangers fans are mobilising and taking revenge on the club’s detractors and persecutors. This Fightback is growing in strength and firm resolve daily.

It is important to point out that this Fightback does not involve nor in any way endorse the deployment of violence or threats of violence toward Rangers’ enemies.

Such criminal behaviour is not part of the Fightback, though it has to be borne in mind that many of Rangers’ detractors are very adept at counterfeiting things to pin the blame on Rangers supporters.

In respect of whether or not this supposed threat on Phil McGobbler was such a counterfeit or a genuine communication from a so-called Rangers fan, I couldn’t possibly comment.

What I would say in reply is the real story of the piece – buried, as it so often is, at the bottom of the article – this being a quote from a much more trusted source than The Sun or Phil McGoobler i.e. Stratchclyde Police:-

“There was insufficient evidence and no arrests were made.”

Says it all, really.

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