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Just a quick thought...


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Didn't really post much on the topics yesterday in relation to the tax case. For me, it's a bit of a shallow victory, but at the same time, part of me can't help but feel that under the stewardship of Craig Whyte, we would have ended up in a pile of trouble somewhere else down the line.

But anyway, there's one observation from yesterday that I can't get out of my head. The moral outcry that there's been over this 100 MILLION POUND TAX BILL!! over the past few months. Everywhere we turned, we were still doing something wrong. We stole £20 off every man, woman and child in Scotland. Why were we allowed to bring troops out at Ibrox? We had stolen money from their pockets? The biggest fraud in the history of sport. We had cheated. We had stolen from the taxpayer, and every attempt to respond with, "nothing has yet been proven" was shot down with a snigger and saying we were disgraced, and that the outcome was as good as decided. On that point, experts who knew the case inside out said it was too close to call, why were figures in the mainstream media allowed to continuously say that the case was as good as lost. Should they not have listened to the people who actually know what they're talking about?

But now we've won the case, or at least, won the vast majority of the case, and what's the reaction? Is there an apology for tainting us at cheats? Believing we had stolen from the taxpayer? Is there at least an acknowledgement that they were wrong to continuously believe the case was in the favour of HMRC? No - certainly no one I've seen anyway. What is the reaction now? "Haha, look at what happened now. Rangers "died" because of unpaid PAYE over the space of a year. How amusing."

Now exactly what happened to the moral outcry? What happened to the justice of the average taxpayer? Books were written, miles upon miles worth of articles written. The name besmirched from pillar to post. And now that we've had a victory? It's now all just a bit of a laugh. No more moral outcry, they're all just amused at how we could have been saved from D3 if things had been done differently. Masks are slipping, and what we've known all along, is that the hounding of Rangers Football Club has been based on hatred. The "injustice to the taxpayer" was a facade for something that runs much deeper, and is much more difficult to eradicate. Let's watch the main figures fade away now. One less thing for them to hate us for. It's quite evident that "no to newco" was built on the same things. Not a cry for "sporting integrity" but that one chance to get rid of that enemy they had grown to hate, fear and be jealous of.

In becoming the world's most successful club, we have made a great deal of enemies. Spiteful, toxic, hate-filled enemies, who will use any tools to get to the club. I think it goes without saying that these people should never be forgotten by the club, and I believe that when all the details of yesterday have been digested properly, it's time to start taking action against the appropriate figures. I'm sure we all know who they are. They have not been friends to our club, so it's time to kick back at them.

I anticipate it very much.

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Agreed 100% - pay back time is looming.

I am not being disrespectful to Cap't W. Barrie or his family, but while I was reading your post, it came to me that he is an perfect example of the Rangers family - he was out playing football with the local, different cultured people. And a terrosist sniper took him out.

No guessing who's family the sniper is an example of.

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Their vile bitterness was always obvious to us from the beginning. It was swept away under the carpet of moral outrage and sporting integrity. Hopefully one of the worlds media, eager to tell the story of the club that wouldn't die, will investigate the views of those that presided over this. We were undermined for years due to insecurity over the BTC, we were used by a crook to make a quick buck and left in administration for no fucking reason. On our knees, our peers and contemporaries attacked us with gay abandon. It was an assassination attempt.

We are where we are. SFL3. People thinking about where we'd be if this had been dealt with fairly and quickly need to stop that. We will succeed in our journey back to the top despite everything they tried. It has become a part of our history. We can't change what happened. What we can do now is go after these bastards with more determination than ever.

We are standing. We are stronger. We are wiser. Let's not shy away from this fight in the name of dignity . They will try again unless we remain ruthless in the search for answers and retribution for the actions that led us to this point.

However, from this point we move forward. Onwards and Upwards.

We Are The People. And our fight has just begun...

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I still dont think this is the end of this story yet, although I am feeling better this morning knowing we won a deal of the case.

Absolutely not - even in our favour. As they've always said, HMRC are considering their appeal. They've made it clear before that they wouldn't let this rest. They've also made it clear it's not particularly about Rangers - it's about sending out a message to the clubs in England who used the same scheme. I'm sure this isn't the last we'll hear about this case.

Aside from that, I just hope it isn't the last we've heard of it for the fans sakes. It's time for a bit of justice for those who have been put through this saga for the past 9 months, and even longer than that in some regards.

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