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PETITION: Call for an enquiry into HMRC v Rangers FC.

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No worries, mate and fair play to the guy who got off his arse to start it.

Labour MP Brian Donohoe is calling for an inquiry http://m.local.stv.t...s-big-tax-case/

So hopefully he can take a lead on it as well.

Brilliant. If even a few mps do this plus as many Rangers fans as possible i think it will happen.

That petition in the op just got started on the 21st and it already has just under 4k sigs.


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We have to do as much as we can as fans to keep this matter in the public domain.

Why did HMRC elect to single out Rangers?

Who was responsible within HMRC for leaks to phil3dicks et. al?

Why was CVA rejected and why the delay in rejection?

I would not trust a single media entity in the UK to report this story without bias. Perhaps some RM blogger could re-write the complete story and send to global news agencies such as CNN, AlJazeera (they like this type of story) or even Fox??

We need to keep this story, as I said, in the public domain.

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I would urge other Rangers fans to do the same, they will listen if enough people want something done about it.

So far i have seen a mp call for an inquiry, Giovanni di stefano and the RST. I'm sure there will be more?

Murdo fraser MSP who was also on our side and wrote to D&PS etc will be in favor of this.

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I don't want to be a dick, but it's 'inquiry' and not 'enquiry'.

Just to give it more credibility mate and no offence meant.

If you don't want to be a dick then don't make unnecessary dickish posts. Both are acceptable English.

No offence like.

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If you don't want to be a dick then don't make unnecessary dickish posts. Both are acceptable English.

No offence like.

None taken. It's important to get simple things correct when dealing with officialdom and was meant to be helpful.

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I think a parliamentary inquiry is now imperative. The behaviour of HMRC, in circumstances where they were doing shady deals with major CORPORATE TAX EVADERS whilst pursuing the 'pittance' that Rangers were alleged to have owed, is scandalous.

Now that we have the decision in the BTC, we must use every contact we have, influence whomever we can, and maintain the pressure on those who sought the destruction of our club.

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We demand a full and thorough investigation into the delays in hearing the First Tier Tax Tribunal in relation to Employee Benefits Trust operated by Murray International Holdings and its subsidiaries including The Rangers Football Club. Specifically we would like the time taken from announcing the tribunal until the announcement of the result investigated and the effect this had in the liquidation of The Rang

ers Football Club. We would also like the much publicized and award winning leaks from HMRC or other parties investigated.

That's the wording of the one submitted on the parliamentary website. Still waiting to hear back.

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