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PLG - some facts


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The fitness deficit has been there all season, indeed right from the middlesborough game. We have had the legs run off us by almost every team we have played. Even Hibs with 10 men looked stronger than us in the second half. As for this young team nonsense lets put that one to rest.

****I havent seen a fitness problem at all - Ive seen us lose silly goals, but Ive also seen us strong late in games also, Celtic, Aberdeen at home etc) As for the Hibs game, we had a 3 goal lead, you dont think that maybe we were sitting on that?****

Multiple formations ? He tried his one up front routine then switched to the conventional 4-4-2. That's it.

****I can think of 4 different formations I have seen us start games with this season, although we stuck primarily with 2 of them ****

Coaching ? I can't believe the excuses you are making for PLG. If he is a coach he would have sorted that out ages ago. If he can't fathom two central defenders to mark their players then he isn't a coach. Levein made an instant difference to the Dundee united defence. PLG has made no impact on that defence whatsoever, they are as bad now as ever in terms of tgheir understanding of the position. It is a complete failure of coaching.

****Again, the defence has three youngsters and a midfielder - what do you want? juventus? To be honest I see vast inprovement in our defence since the first month of the season, both individualy and collectively. But again, i will judge more after he brings in a new CD to play with Svensson now that he knows what we have and are up against****

SZet pieces ? It's his job to deal with set pieces according to what he has available. Both defensively and offensively we are totally inept. A failure again of coaching.

***BS - you need the type of player to take quality set pices, we dont have any - we dont have a dominant aerial player or players, so are susceptible - again, give him a chance to bring in a player or two to change that****

Players - give him time ? There has been no improvement in any of the players he has brought in. They are not 16 year old boys. Other clubs are bringing in boys who are progressing quicker than this lot. Look at the boy Aberdeen blooded in their last game. PLG had a year - a whole flipping year to identify gtalent and he comes up with a striker who is an enthusiastic misfit.

****Then I guess you havent been watching then, maybe you only watch the bad games? We have just played Celtic off the park - demolished Hibs, and in this two games played a brand of football that we havent seen at Rangers for many a year - there have been other games as well when its been great to watch. Ok, we arent great yet at finishing teams off but that will come. Crikey, do you remember how we looked the last few years under McLeish - I stopped watching for a time last year, it was THAT bad****

Motivation - against a Celtic team who coasted that game happy not to lose. Where was the motivation last night ? Where is the unity of purpose when the captain is downright disagreeing with him in public. It's obvious that there is disharmony in the club.

***So youre a mind reader now? You know that Celtic coasted the game? My arse, Celtic coasted nothing - you can be sure if they did, WGS would be giving each of his players a rocket****

The above are all jobs of the manager and he is culpable for failing so far to make any difference

***Yeah, obviously a Football Manager veteran - where you cantrain your players to be great in a month and can beat the wee teams 4-0 every week. This is the real world though and that doesnt happen. Turning this club around will take time - those who stay with them will have the moral high ground in the end****

we have not once this year outran a team, and I include the Celtic game in that. Celtic sat in at 1-0 and couldn't pick the game back up when we got the bit between the teeth. And remember, we still only scraped a draw at home to a poor CELTIC TEAM

as for sitting on a 3-0 lead - who's the mind reader now ? From the start of the second half Hibs were running faster and stronger than us. It has been a pattern throughout this season including last night, hell evn St Johnstone etc ran stronger than us.

There is no structured use of formations, he has fallen back to the most obvious formation of all.

Three youngsters and a midfield player ? Who p[icks the midfield player ahead of the centre back he chased from Austria Vienna, ahead of J-Rod who was a solid defender last season. As for this youngster n onsense, these guys are now in their twenties they are not youngsters. Look at Celtic - Kennedy was playing for Scotland at 20, the young boy O'Dea looks more accomplished than our lot, Mark wilson is only 20, stephen mcmanus is about the same age as Svensson as is Zander Diamond.

I have seen no improvement in the defence, we keep losing daft goals now just as we did at the start of the season. Every b all into the box is a nigfhtmare just now. The defnding last night bordered on the childish.

So having brought in 2 centre backs he now has to go for another one !!!!! What exactly was he looking at when he brought in these two ???? This is the man who had a year to look at what was needed and came up with a centre half who in his own words "never had to head the ball in Sweden" - that inspires me with real confidence for his next choice.

We don't have any players who can take a quality free Kick ? Well that's a damning indictment in itself. So we don't have a singl;e player who can take a free kick yet you think nwe are only a couple of players off being a quality side, not to mention you don't think we have anyone who can head the ball. Some quality side !!!!!! As for give him a chance to bring in a player or two to change that, he has had that chance already nand has failed miserably.

This current squad's performance is no better than under McLeish. We also had some good games under McLeish, and just as many bad games.

Train your players in a month ??? Have I missed something ? I thought PLG came in July - Levein made a difference in a week, PLG has had 6 months and has made things worse. No-one is looking to beat the wee teams 4-0 we're just looking not to be beaten by the wee teams. St Johnstone at home, Caley home and away, Dundee united , Motherwell, these teams are laughing at us.

TRurning this team around will take time, well sorry but in the real world of rangers that is not something that PLG has. Aberdeeen, Hibs, Hearts are all making more progress as aa footbaalling side than us. PLG has not made the difference and is at this point, making things worse. Last year under Mcleish we wwent from February unbeaten after a bad spell, PLG has made us a laughing stock i9n the SPL this year, and it has to stop.

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Did you see enough in those three games to see encouraging signs for the future Muff?

I did, and am also of the thought that we are side that may well develop into a very good outfit. We need one or two signings, especially to give us depth, but overall we are not that bad.

3 games is not good enough, thats twice now. I will wait until we go on a 8,9,10 winning game run before judging for the future.

McGregor, Smith, Clement, Ferguson and Boyd are the only ones who should be playing in the 1st team. Hemdani, Burke and Hutton as back up. The rest are just not good enough. Dado not included as he is retiring.

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