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Merry Christmas from The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium

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All the staff at The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium would like to wish all the Rangers Family a very Merry Christmas!

This year has been traumatic for both the club and our supporters but our fans have shown resilience, commitment and above all loyalty that no other club can boast. From that fateful day on February 14th until Charles Green’s consortium offer was accepted and rescued the club from oblivion were the worst and most worrying days of my life following The Rangers. From these troubled days until now, the turnaround has been not only remarkable; it is the stuff of legend. We will tell our grandchildren of these times, and they will tell their grandchildren – and they will think we are exaggerating when we tell them of sell-out 50,000 crowds and 6 hour queues for season tickets!

In my opinion, this season is the most significant period in our 140 history for The Rangers Support and to paraphrase Winston Churchill – This is our finest hour.

I don’t think it would be proper to finish this Christmas greeting without a mention for all of our armed forces at home and abroad – Our thoughts and prayers go to them and their families. I’d also like to mention our emergency services - police, ambulance, and fire brigade – who so many people depend on across this festive period. And last, but not least, I’d like to raise a glass to absent friends: Forever in our thoughts.

No matter where you are in the world, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hope to see you on Boxing Day.

We Are The People

God Bless The Rangers

The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium - More than a Pub

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All the staff at The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium would like to wish all the Rangers Family a very Merry Christmas!

This year has been traumatic for both the club and our supporters but our fans have shown resilience, commitment and above all loyalty that no other club can boast. From that fateful day on February 14th until Charles Green’s consortium offer was accepted and rescued the club from oblivion were the worst and most worrying days of my life following The Rangers. From these troubled days until now, the turnaround has been not only remarkable; it is the stuff of legend. We will tell our grandchildren of these times, and they will tell their grandchildren – and they will think we are exaggerating when we tell them of sell-out 50,000 crowds and 6 hour queues for season tickets!

In my opinion, this season is the most significant period in our 140 history for The Rangers Support and to paraphrase Winston Churchill – This is our finest hour.

I don’t think it would be proper to finish this Christmas greeting without a mention for all of our armed forces at home and abroad – Our thoughts and prayers go to them and their families. I’d also like to mention our emergency services - police, ambulance, and fire brigade – who so many people depend on across this festive period. And last, but not least, I’d like to raise a glass to absent friends: Forever in our thoughts.

No matter where you are in the world, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hope to see you on Boxing Day.

We Are The People

God Bless The Rangers

The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium - More than a Pub

I'll look forward to that, Like these old guys now who bring out stories like "I use to have to walk 10 miles in the snow barefoot...." Yeah, yeah :D

If they don't believe me then that will just make me feel even prouder. When we look back on this period from the top we will appreciate just how spectacular it truly is.

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That is a brilliant summary from the Louden,just a pity but i take my wee underage diehard bear to the games,otherwise my mate [who also has a young bear],and have to go elsewhere,but it won't be long until they will be buying us the pints,long live the Louden....

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