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So how far do you want me to back ? My opinion is different f from you and I would meet anyone on here a said what I think ..... Would you ?

No, I just stay on the Internet all day in the corner of a dark room and cower in fear from keyboard hardmen. (tu)

By the way, I didn't say you had necessarily 'to back.'

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Not once, not twice, but thrice. 3 fuck off ya pricks! Go on puff ya fuckin dancer! Let the jobby jabber fuckin have it!

Best day on rm for fuckin months for me

No Surrender


Wish I could say the same m8, what a pile of complete shit getting discussed in here today.

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This thread has been hilarious, but the above quote was definitely the highlight

Aye, cos I deserved to be jumped by 4 blokes and hit on the knees with a machete as I was telling my sons mum on the phone to kiss them goodnight for me, oh aye, the 3 old guys who tried to help me deserved the pasting they got as well.

Aye great quote though, he must have been there to see me acting like a bam, smoking talking to my ex wife on the phone. Who knows what hi jinx I would have got up to had I finished speaking ? Text my sister? Throw away the key!

By the way

Never mind

No Surrender


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no another wan. Fuck sake. You dont have to be a casual to get hit with a fuckin machete by some fuckin crackpot.

Picture the scene, you are at the the chip shop away from the ground(as in you), 2 tarriers come up to you saying there going to fuckin do you, your back is against the wall, so even though you want to run you cant. Do you:

a) let the fuckers give you a leatherin and hope they stop, while you leave your arms by your side, cos you cant stand this hooligan pish cos it does the club no favours if you fight . or do you:

b)throw down yer bag of chips, and throw your hardest punch at one of the bastards and hope you connect so you buy yourself a second to try and hit the other one, if you are unlucky and go down and just pray ,like me ,or any other fuckin human being, that some bastard jumps in to help you out and stops you getting kicked to fuck.

If you chose a , you must have no pride at all, or no bollocks.If you chose b, then at least you did your best to defend yourself, a bit of honour. And before you say its not the same thing, it is exactly the same thing.

No Surrender


what has that got to do with the ICF? if I was in that situation yes I would do my best to knock the shit out of them and I would do my best to help another bear in that situation there is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend the ICF are going around as some noble bodyguards with the sole aim of protecting innocent women and kids because the fact is they are not. Who were you guys protecting in Manchester when 50+ decided to gang up on one random policeman and nearly kick him to death? Fighting to defend yourself and others is completley different from going out looking for a fight so don't try to equate the two when trying to win the moral argument.

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I am the top man in the firm I founded following the mk dons...we are called the TCF ( the concrete 50 ) due to Milton Keynes being 50 years old and being renown for concrete...also like me and my firm , concrete is hard so the name is rather apt. Pm me if u fancy joining forces for a tear up :)

considering you are maori i take it this is some sort of ethnic gang that you are in :7325:

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what has that got to do with the ICF? if I was in that situation yes I would do my best to knock the shit out of them and I would do my best to help another bear in that situation there is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend the ICF are going around as some noble bodyguards with the sole aim of protecting innocent women and kids because the fact is they are not. Who were you guys protecting in Manchester when 50+ decided to gang up on one random policeman and nearly kick him to death? Fighting to defend yourself and others is completley different from going out looking for a fight so don't try to equate the two when trying to win the moral argument.

this is where for once I will defend them. That was not the icf. That was fucking neds
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The whole holligan thing baffles me, I could understand a riot at a game like in the OF cup final or something, adreneline and the atmosphere and passion for your team can make people do mad things at the spur of the moment. But whats the point in meeting up with a bunch of folk. who youd normally never meet let alone have a reason to fight, in some random place miles away from the ground and fight just because their team happens to be playing down the road? What has it got to do with football and loving your team?

I think the childish part about it is the fact they attach football teams to it, like they're fighting for some cause. It would seem less ridiculous if they just admitted they like getting pished and fighting for the fun of it. Nearly every town in Scotland has a gang of neds calling themselves the (Insert town name) young team for that exact reason, british people especially scots are known for getting drunk and fighting its just most people grow out of it by the time they turn 18.

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