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Does anyone else think?


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That the media have played a blinder with the admin II stories to take our focus away from c****cs state aid debate?

Just as it was gathering momentum the bullshit of 15% wage reductions, admin again and ally's on the players side etc etc appear in the paper and its what we (as Rangers fans) are all talking about on the forums.

Mr Wallace has stated admin wont happen and the cuts are needed, so lets get our focus on the real story in Scottish football, C****c, GCC and Co-op Bank!! WATP!!

And to those who are at the forefront of the invistigations on this corruption I say thank you and keep up the sterling work!!

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..With regards to GCC and their works team I to find it strange that this European commission probe is not worthy of mention in any paper anywhere in this fucked up little country.....my own view is that the nappy rippers lawyers have taken out an injunction to try to sweep this from public view...imagine state aid / cheating is proven I think it would be the end of them and the clock is ticking!

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The papers are quite entitled to report on the fact we have asked our players to take 15% wage cuts.

If it happened at a top club in England there'd be news stories so the fact there's new stories here does not hint at some conspiracy at work.

It's to be expected the papers would report on this issue considering the prominent place we have in Scottish football (tu)

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Yes i do (tu) every single time they get into bother whether for vile disgusting creatures they call supporters or corrupt business deals or neil lennon throwing another tantrum at a ref or even senior players attending funerals for child killing terrorists, there's a bad news story about Rangers the next morning that the likes of the rheble, the bbc and others obsess over. And yet not one of our fan chiefs or our highly paid PR company nor anybody says or does anything. Its left to guys like D'Art, Oleg and VB to fight the good fight and that's shameful.

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