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How Good Is This Feeling?

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Agreed. Overall it was fairly promising.

Made all the better by sitting in a pub in Edinburgh with a fair number of Hibs fans in it all claiming that they didn't want to win that cup anyway. Fair enough I said - the important thing is winning the game on the day. 6-2 made it even sweeter.

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Loving it. Been looking forward to the season kicking off more so than many a year. Bits of today's game was superb, the confidence, the pressing of the ball,the tempo, the general style. If anything we were probably too confident!! If we'd decided to be more 'german'like rather than just rip the piss out of them at times, it could have seriously been 10. Imagine some of our results in a months time when we have a full squad who've had an extra month of training, getting used to MWs tactics etc.....fuck me, we'll be pretty special.

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