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Artur Boruc


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I have listened to real radio tonight and read this thread further, all i can say is I am stunned. There are many reasons why;

1 Artur Boruc blesses himself, so what, big Amo did it regularly, so I don't care.

2 Did Boruc do it in a provocative manner? No, not his time

3 Many people are taking offence, feck knows why, most of us don't go to church therefore why be offended.

4 Why are the few papers making a story of this? Well phone calls from Rangers fans feigning disgust. Or just extremely thick "rangers" fans.

Lets get a few things clear, we are now in real danger of people not being allowed to do anything in public without worryign about someone taking offence. There have been many examples recently, celtic fans wanting WATP banned coz they say it is sectarian, now yesterday.

The biggest problem of the lot is this;

When the original offence took place at Ibrox before, all newspapers printed stories of Boruc being cautioned due to the act of blessing himself. This was clearly not the case what did we get around 4 days later, a small, barely news worthy piece on him being charged for provocative gesture, not blessing himself. This was then followed by Jakie McConnell and the rest of the MSP freeloaders trying to win votes by being PC and saying being cautioned for a religious act was out of order - wrong end of the stick as usual. Boruc then has his poor wee me say in the redtops. Then only two weeks ago the MSPs are on about it again, even tho' the police had denied it many many times before. FFS we now have no guidance from the leaders of the country on what is acceptable and what is not so everyone one wants everyone else done it is truly pathetic and childish. Sorry folks but the only people that can sort this out are the politicians. Not you and I the football fans.

Why can we all not just share a few <beeer> <beeer> <beeer> and get on?


Why dont you run for SMP! For once a bit of sense spoken about this shite!

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i think you will find boruc did look at the fans then crossed himself,then we are told its only his religion .we are always told there is no place for religion in football so people cant have it both ways unless its only the protestant religion thats not allowed.

u talk shit mate watch the video again .. he does the exact same ritual every week i see him clearly easily offended..

hes looking at the ground .. did nothing wrong.. same as always.


the only shit i can see is the three players in your photo.

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if hes allowed religious acts

how come we cant sing religious based songs

Oh dear, if you can't see the difference between someone crossing themselves and someone singing "up to our knees in fenian blood" (i.e. glorifying acts of ethnic cleansing) then you need to either

A) get yourself a better education


B) Kill yourself before you procreate..

Sorry, I'm a Rangers fan of the strongest oprder, but there's no need on our side for ignorance - leave that up to them.

If your so well educated how did you miss the point of the post.

The SFA,SPL,Rangers and Celtic have been trying hard to

close the devide between the two clubs, a bit of sensitivity is needed

in these trying times. If rangers fans are trying why cant he.

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As i have said in the other topic on Boruc is we dnt have a problem with him crossin himself its the fact he does it turning facing the Rangers Fans in the copland road end you knew as soon as he came out the tunnel he was going to do it, and you will also find he never done it at the start of the game but the fans wouldnt have a problem him doing it if he never turned to face them while doing it <angryy>

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speaking purely as a neutral, being an atheist myself, i don't see the point of blessing ones' self, their isn't god, their never has been one their never will be one. i just can't see why grown up people go and pray to, well you tell me, their is nothing out there, rockets, sputniks, probes, you name it they've travelled zillions of miles, they haven't even come across a speck of dust far less a god. i ask all these so called believers, when was the last time god rang you up and had a wee conversation with you it seems it is always one way traffic where god is concerned, my advice is, move on. we all know what believing in god or the great prophet means, bigotry and a means for hatred. my advice is, get rid of Faith schools for starters. cheers.

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i think you will find boruc did look at the fans then crossed himself,then we are told its only his religion .we are always told there is no place for religion in football so people cant have it both ways unless its only the protestant religion thats not allowed.

u talk shit mate watch the video again .. he does the exact same ritual every week i see him clearly easily offended..

hes looking at the ground .. did nothing wrong.. same as always.


I find this image highly irresponsible.

Boruc is disliked by Rangers fans for provocation. He is to blame for that and no one else. A criminal record speaks volumes.

Lennon is disliked by all SPL fans - he gets booed all over Scotland. For being the way he is on the pitch.

McGeady provoked zero reaction until he opted to play for Ireland and not Scotland. A decision, incidentally, that even many of his own fans disagree with.

Using religion in this pictorial way is careless and contributes to sectarian hate. This image appears to be an attempt at pointscoring and ignores facts.

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speaking purely as a neutral, being an atheist myself, i don't see the point of blessing ones' self, their isn't god, their never has been one their never will be one. i just can't see why grown up people go and pray to, well you tell me, their is nothing out there, rockets, sputniks, probes, you name it they've travelled zillions of miles, they haven't even come across a speck of dust far less a god. i ask all these so called believers, when was the last time god rang you up and had a wee conversation with you it seems it is always one way traffic where god is concerned, my advice is, move on. we all know what believing in god or the great prophet means, bigotry and a means for hatred. my advice is, get rid of Faith schools for starters. cheers.

Mate, that is your oppinion and you are more than entitled to it. I actually agree with most of what you say but you shouldn't belittle someone for not thinking the same way as you. That is how wars start and how bigotry is formed. You just slagged of everyone who believes in a God and that in itself is not acceptable. There is no proof of their being a God but there is no proof against it so until there is you cannot say things like that.

You say that you are neutral but the way you talk you seem very bigoted towards people who follow a religion. Many people would think that your idea of there being no creator is pathetic aswell but most of them would have the decency not to hold it against you. You should do the same.

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speaking purely as a neutral, being an atheist myself, i don't see the point of blessing ones' self, their isn't god, their never has been one their never will be one. i just can't see why grown up people go and pray to, well you tell me, their is nothing out there, rockets, sputniks, probes, you name it they've travelled zillions of miles, they haven't even come across a speck of dust far less a god. i ask all these so called believers, when was the last time god rang you up and had a wee conversation with you it seems it is always one way traffic where god is concerned, my advice is, move on. we all know what believing in god or the great prophet means, bigotry and a means for hatred. my advice is, get rid of Faith schools for starters. cheers.

Mate, that is your oppinion and you are more than entitled to it. I actually agree with most of what you say but you shouldn't belittle someone for not thinking the same way as you. That is how wars start and how bigotry is formed. You just slagged of everyone who believes in a God and that in itself is not acceptable. There is no proof of their being a God but there is no proof against it so until there is you cannot say things like that.

You say that you are neutral but the way you talk you seem very bigoted towards people who follow a religion. Many people would think that your idea of there being no creator is pathetic aswell but most of them would have the decency not to hold it against you. You should do the same.

when god phones you give me a call, and religion has caused wars and deaths so if that is religion you are welcome to it also i am a protestant which in this country to some people it makes you a bigot.

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speaking purely as a neutral, being an atheist myself, i don't see the point of blessing ones' self, their isn't god, their never has been one their never will be one. i just can't see why grown up people go and pray to, well you tell me, their is nothing out there, rockets, sputniks, probes, you name it they've travelled zillions of miles, they haven't even come across a speck of dust far less a god. i ask all these so called believers, when was the last time god rang you up and had a wee conversation with you it seems it is always one way traffic where god is concerned, my advice is, move on. we all know what believing in god or the great prophet means, bigotry and a means for hatred. my advice is, get rid of Faith schools for starters. cheers.

Mate, that is your oppinion and you are more than entitled to it. I actually agree with most of what you say but you shouldn't belittle someone for not thinking the same way as you. That is how wars start and how bigotry is formed. You just slagged of everyone who believes in a God and that in itself is not acceptable. There is no proof of their being a God but there is no proof against it so until there is you cannot say things like that.

You say that you are neutral but the way you talk you seem very bigoted towards people who follow a religion. Many people would think that your idea of there being no creator is pathetic aswell but most of them would have the decency not to hold it against you. You should do the same.

when god phones you give me a call, and religion has caused wars and deaths so if that is religion you are welcome to it also i am a protestant which in this country to some people it makes you a bigot.

A Protestant and an Athiest ????

I presume you mean you were brought up as a protestant

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he will do it next week, and the week after that , and the week after that,..

and the next old firm game... deal with it ..

the guys entitled to prepare whatever way he wants ... as longs as he is not directing to any oppsoing footballfans. in a gesturing manner.. yesterday he did nothing wrong .. yet the hoardes of baying hatred mob was evident again...

All this indignant pious pish from a support that accuses socks of being sectarian !!!

At the end of the day you love it when this happens as it allows you to cry "Persecution" again.

Go read up on Hugenots and find out what real religious persecution is.

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A Protestant and an Athiest ????

I presume you mean you were brought up as a protestant

I know. Get a grip.

Minstral, you are aware that Protestants do believe in God? Or are you just a Protestant when it comes to some situations and and Atheist in others?

Saying you are a Protestant after some of the things you have just said is completely hypocritical.

And seeing as you are trying to make a fool of me by saying things like "when god phones you give me a call" i will say againt that i don't believe in God and i don't believe in Religion but like i said earlier, i wil not belittle someone for their religious beliefs. That is not right, mate. You need to get a grip and think about what you are saying.

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A Protestant and an Athiest ????

I presume you mean you were brought up as a protestant

I know. Get a grip.

Minstral, you are aware that Protestants do believe in God? Or are you just a Protestant when it comes to some situations and and Atheist in others?

Saying you are a Protestant after some of the things you have just said is completely hypocritical.

And seeing as you are trying to make a fool of me by saying things like "when god phones you give me a call" i will say againt that i don't believe in God and i don't believe in Religion but like i said earlier, i wil not belittle someone for their religious beliefs. That is not right, mate. You need to get a grip and think about what you are saying.

i should have said brought up a protestant but to be honest my first post was said as a wind up and it seems to have worked and by the way i hope you go to your place of worship every week oops there goes my phone it might be the big man himself. ;)

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if hes allowed religious acts

how come we cant sing religious based songs

Oh dear, if you can't see the difference between someone crossing themselves and someone singing "up to our knees in fenian blood" (i.e. glorifying acts of ethnic cleansing) then you need to either

A) get yourself a better education


B) Kill yourself before you procreate..

Sorry, I'm a Rangers fan of the strongest oprder, but there's no need on our side for ignorance - leave that up to them.

If your so well educated how did you miss the point of the post.

The SFA,SPL,Rangers and Celtic have been trying hard to

close the devide between the two clubs, a bit of sensitivity is needed

in these trying times. If rangers fans are trying why cant he.

Okay, if you want me to understand your point, you better try explaining it better.

My post was in response to you claiming we should be allowed to sing religious songs - what, you mean like Come All Ye Faithful? I'm sure no-one would object. Or are you referring to ANTI-Religious songs? Which is it?

You also ask, If Rangers fans are trying, why can't he?

What are Rangers fans trying to do? Behave themselves? Good - and so they should.

What is Boruc trying to do? Bless himself? So what - free country and all that. He got his wrists skelped last time because hewas calling the fans w**kers - not for blessing himself.

Sorry, but if you're so easily offended by someone blessing himself you need to either develop a thicker skin or stop going to matches. there's simply nothing wrong with it and if you're not bright or mature enough enough to adopt the old schoolground practice of simply ignoring it then that's tough.

the sad truth is that everyone with half a brain looks at individuals who react furiously to that kind of behviour and just think "what an immateur wee twat".

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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nice rant still missing the point

Yes, hilarious. Still missing a point that you clearly don't have the communication skills to elucidate further upon.

If this is all you are capable of, fair enough. But don't go thinking you've achieved something just because you're too dumb to construct a reasonable argument.

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: nice rant still missing the point

Yes, hilarious. Still missing a point that you clearly don't have the communication skills to elucidate further upon.

If this is all you are capable of, fair enough. But don't go thinking you've achieved something just because you're too dumb to construct a reasonable argument.

Less of the insults Ricardo. You've done this before. Don't make a habit of it or your warn increases.

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why the need for 5 thread about boruc ffs can you's not keep it to the 1 thread ? a mod merge them ?

God, you complain a lot. You did this about Lennon as well.

These are all different topics - can't very well combine a story about him crossing himself with one about Arsenal wanting to sign him, can we?

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I don't see the big deal about him blessing himself like he did.

He never even looking at the Rangers supporters, plus I have seen him do it a few times against Dundee Utd, Dunfermlin etc...

Maybe the last time when he got pulled up he done it in a provocative way i.e stairing at the supporters & blessing himself in a kind of look at me way, but he did not do that at the weekend.

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why the need for 5 thread about boruc ffs can you's not keep it to the 1 thread ? a mod merge them ?

God, you complain a lot. You did this about Lennon as well.

These are all different topics - can't very well combine a story about him crossing himself with one about Arsenal wanting to sign him, can we?

i agree about that but why need 4 threads regarding him blessing himself ? it makes the place untidy

as for the lennon thing , why do ppl on here feel to start a new thread on a person when there already 3/4 about him on the main page ?

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: nice rant still missing the point

Yes, hilarious. Still missing a point that you clearly don't have the communication skills to elucidate further upon.

If this is all you are capable of, fair enough. But don't go thinking you've achieved something just because you're too dumb to construct a reasonable argument.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: keep ranting

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