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Split Squad ?


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About a month ago, one of the journalists (I think it was Daryll King) stated on live radio that he had knowledge that there was a split in the camp. He said he had spoken to players off the record who had told him as much.

He didn't go into too much detail, but he did say that the decisions regarding the non selection of McGregor and Boyd (obviously earlier in the season), had caused a great deal of discontent within the dressing room.

I'm not one to read too much into what journos say, but King is usually quite reliable when it comes to Rangers info, is he not ? Doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would just spurt this out without reason to believe it.

Personally, I am a bit worried about the Barry-Le Guen situation. It seems strange that this has spilled out publically. I think PLG has, yet again, made a poor error of judgement, this time in stating his views regarding the captaincy. It was of no benefit to anyone, and I don't blame Barry for being annoyed.

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Players don't have to like each other, but they should respect each other. There is no excuse for the lack of effort seen at the beginning of the season.

We've had a problem with split squads on and off for a few years now and it's time the prima donna's accepted that all people are not the same.

As for the night out in Newcastle, I heard the team night our was meant to be in Scotland but the Scottish contingent decided to go to Newcastle instead. Le Guen, his back room staff were out for a meal on their own.

Also, when Murray had his talk with the players, Ferguson said something to Murray in front of all the players, he was taken to one side and told not to say things like that to him in front of the players. (can't remember what it was)<cr>

The players were told by Murray that Le Guen was going nowhere and either get used to it or he would find an alternative for anyone who is unhappy.

Where did you hear this from?

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