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Cavalcade of buses


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anyone know the details of a cavalcade of buses leaving for manchester 10am on Wednesday? how many buses, where they sey of from etc etc??

10am on Tuesday it says in here. From Ibrox

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish...86908-20409674/

Manchester ready to welcome 100,000-strong Rangers invasion

May 8 2008 By Craig McDonald in Manchester and Lachlan Mackinnon

A RED, white and blue convoy will head from Ibrox to Manchester for Wednesday's UEFA Cup final.

The plans were unveiled as Manchester threw its arms wide open to welcome the 100,000-plus Rangers fans heading for the clash with Zenit St Petersburg.

The city is laying on two - possibly three - fan zones for the army of supporters desperate to soak up the atmosphere.

And Rangers fans are signing up for the 220-mile car conga, which will leave their home ground at 10am on Tuesday.

The multi-coloured cavalcade will head into the city centre, out to Strathclyde Park in Lanarkshire then down the M74 towards Manchester.

One fan taking part said: "We've got a great big convoy rockin' down the road.

"Everyone is being urged to bring along flags, scarves, banners - the lot.

"We want motors decked out in club colours for a carnival procession all the way to the host city.

"Folk have promised to decorate cars, bikes, buses and whatever other transport turns up on the day from scooters to skateboards.

"It is also hoped to have car stickers made up to plaster across the windows and flags flying out of windows and sunroofs.

"There is only one planned stop to refuel and grab some munchies and nip to the loo."

It is estimated the number of coaches already booked to travel down from Glasgow would stretch 13 miles if laid bumper to bumper.

A Rangers spokesman confirmed "just under 17,000" fans had tickets after getting extra from UEFA.

The thousands without tickets will be able to enjoy booze, food and the match in the city centre fan zones.

Giant screens are to be set up to ensure no one misses a kick at the City of Manchester Stadium.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: "Manchester will be an open city.

"Supporters are urged not to travel without a ticket.

"But realistically, city chiefs know that thousands will want to be near their club during the crucial match.

"We had originally only planned one fan zone for each set of supporters but, because of the fact so many will travel and it looks like Rangers fans will have the majority of tickets, we have had to set up a second site."

As well as the fan zones in Albert Square and Piccadilly Gardens, there will be a series of three-a-side football tournaments and shuttle buses to the stadium.

A third fan zone - in Cathedral Gardens - may be unveiled later this week.

It's understood the fan zones may be mixed.

Council chiefs urged local businesses, pubs and hotels to create a carnival atmosphere.

They also warned supporters not to let their home cities down, saying fans should act as "ambassadors".

Councillor Pat Karney said: "It's going to be a fantastic busy day and we are making plans so that everyone can enjoy themselves.

"Fans will be ambassadors for their clubs and their cities, so our message to them is, 'Please don't let down your home city'.

"Manchester is excellent at hosting major events and - just like at the Commonwealth Games - we want people to welcome our visitors and enjoy the busy atmosphere."

Council and police chiefs will continue to work on the plans right up until the day of the game.

The match commander for the final will be in Glasgow tomorrow to iron out plans.

Chief Superintendent Gerry Donnellan will be joined by Manchester City Council's assistant chief executive Vicky Rosin for the meeting at Ibrox.

Mr Donnellan said: "Manchester loves its football and we are delighted that the city is hosting this final.

"We are experts in policing major football events and we want the day to be as enjoyable as possible for supporters, residents and businesses.

"Everyone in Manchester has a part to play in creating an enjoyable and busy atmosphere.

"We want pubs and hotels to be open and to be properly staffed so that we can give visitors a proper welcome.

"We want to deliver a successful event for everyone who lives and works in Manchester and for our visitors."

Police also dismissed claims that hotel bookings for fans will be cancelled unless premises have stewards because the cops will not be able to respond to flashpoints.

A spokesman said: "We will have extra resources in the city centre on the day of the final and will be in a position to deal with any incidents accordingly.

"We have asked local businesses, and in particular hotels and licensed premises, to take a detailed look at their security arrangements. This is purely to advise them to ensure they have the correct security in place to enable them to deal with the expected extra demand."

Accommodation is virtually impossible to find in Manchester and Stephen Miles, chairman of the city's hoteliers association, admitted they had been inundated with requests.

He said: "We have had calls asking if the city can cope with the 100,000 fans they believe are heading our way.

"I think the truth is that many will only head here for the day and others will have to stay in cities around Manchester.

"But it will be a huge challenge." Pubs, bars and clubs are also gearing up for the invasion.

Phil Burke, spokesman for the Manchester Pub and Club Network, said: "We've been preparing for this since last August.

"We have always known it was going to be incredibly busy in the city on that day.

"We have special measures in place to deal with all the fans, many of whom won't have tickets.

"And we have all been working very closely with the police to make sure everyone can enjoy themselves in the right kind of atmosphere."

Rangers fans flying to the game will be segregated from their Russian counterparts, a spokesman for Manchester airport confirmed.

Special measures have been set up to deal with around 10,000 supporters from both clubs who are expected at the airport.

Rangers fans will arrive and depart from terminal 3, while Zenit's fans will travel through terminal 1.

Additional security staff are being laid on and Russian speakers will be there to help fans.

Detailed information about fan zones, travel and parking arrangements will be available through Manchester City Council's website www.manchester.gov.uk within the next few days.


Rangers fans heading into Manchester without a ticket for the big game will be able to soak up the atmosphere in one of the fan zones - three are being planned - with big screens to watch the match. Mini football tournaments will also be arranged and buses will run between the city centre and the stadium



THE Daily Record is producing a souvenir edition to commemorate Rangers' run to the UEFA Cup final with a special Roll of Honour dedicated to the fans.

Our Manchester Special will be a must-have for all Rangers fans. Your name will be printed alongside reports and pictures in the aftermath of the cup final. All you have to do is tell us your name and where you live e.g. Gordon Campbell, Kilbirnie.

There are two ways to sign up. You can phone or text the numbers below.

The service will open from 10am today and will stay open until 12 noon on Thursday May 15, 2008.


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Yeh I read that, but been on phone this morning to glasgow and guy says another one leaving wednesday but no details

Thanks again Coop

I havent heard anything, but there will be buses travelling down on the Wednesday morning.

If anyone knows, please post in here.

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Yeh I read that, but been on phone this morning to glasgow and guy says another one leaving wednesday but no details

Thanks again Coop

I havent heard anything, but there will be buses travelling down on the Wednesday morning.

If anyone knows, please post in here.

my supporters bus is leaving at 8am on the weds goin to club i booked just outside bolton

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