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Article From My Local Newspaper


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It's been over week since Lennon had his bust up with McGeady but I was only able to get a copy of the paper today. The local sports writer always has a good column and he had this to say this to say about Lennon, Strachan and captains in general. I thought it was quite a good little read.

Much has been made of Celtic captain Neil Lennon's very public spat with team mates Artur Boruc and Aiden McGeady last Sunday. Players from the same team, especially younger ones, have always argued on the field of play. Having a flare up is second natureto many people, and in a high-tension situation like a football match the tendency to let rip is easy. What this incident highlighted, however, is that Lennon is completely the wrong choice to be leading his side on the field. His snarling, aggressive nature, though not atypical of a small, red headed person, gives off entirely the wrong impression. The same could be said of John Terry of Chelsea, who never misses the chance to lead a posse of players surronding the referee when a decision goes against his team. It was disappointintg to read Celtic manager Gordon Strachan's comments this week, where he stated that it was in Lennon's nature to explode simply because he was a player who hated losing. I still have a lot of time for Strachan, but he is fast gaining a reputation for being a would-be smartass, and speaking out of a place where the sun don't shine. His latest utterings are a perfect example. No player worth his salt likes losing. Everyone wants to be a winner. But there are ways of going about it and they don't include childish displays of handbags with a younger teammate A captain of a team should be carefully chosen, because he must be the one who sets an example to the more immature players under his control. Celtic have had many with that kind of qualities, from Billy McNeil and Danny McGrain to more latterly Paul McStay, Tom Boyd and Jackie McNamara. Lennon has once again proved that he is not in the same league.

Personally I would like to have read more about this but the column is only small and has to mention other sports too.

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what this incident highlighted, however, is that Lennon is completely the wrong choice to be leading his side on the field. His snarling, aggressive nature, though not atypical of a small, red headed person, gives off entirely the wrong impression. T


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Maybe the celtic lads agree? Somehow I dont think so.

I am not a big Lennon fan I think he is publicity seeking little crybaby and hypocrite for whom I have little respect as a person.

Having said that I feel he has been a very effective player for Celtic. He moans a lot - but so does Bazza. Lennon however goes further in his antics and gestures to other supporters etc., and fighting with his own team.

So I agree there should be another player captain of Celtic - but who?

Naylor would be my choice.

What do the Celtic lads think?


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I disagree with the article.

I'm by no means a fan of Lennon. In fact I hate the little ginger ****. However, his reaction to one of his tam who was being a little smart-arse shows that he demands the respect of his fellow players. For me that is what being a captain is all about - striving for perfection from the players around you.

Butcher did it for us, as did Gough and there is the same streak in Ferguson. I'm sure some of the older bears will remember other captains who weren't afraid to have a go at their own players. Maybe it should have waited until the dressing room, but it didn't - that is the only faultt I see on this ocassion.

For once, I can't slate Lennon, in fact I agree with him (and I don't like it :lol: )

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