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Supporters' Representation Online Debate


Your Thoughts on Supporters' Representation  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. What Supporters Organisations are you aware of? (Tick all that apply)

    • Rangers Supporters Association
    • Rangers Supporters Assembly
    • Rangers Supporters Trust
  2. 2. 2. What do you expect from such organisations? (Tick all that apply)

    • Work within the local community
    • Full media interaction
    • Regular minuted meetings with the club
    • Representation on the club?s board of directors
    • Liaison with other unofficial websites
    • Liaison with other supporters groups
    • Merchandise/Shop
    • Chance to buy shares in club
    • Offline meetings
    • Website and forum
    • Regular communications
    • Democratic elections for office-bearers
  3. 3. 3. Are you an active member of any of these organisations? (Tick all that apply)

    • Rangers Supporters Association
    • Rangers Supporters Assembly
    • Rangers Supporters Trust
    • None of the above
  4. 4. 4. If yes; are you happy with what they provide? (Tick all that apply)

    • Association Member: Yes
    • Association Member: No
    • Assembly Member: Yes
    • Assembly Member: No
    • Trust Member: Yes
    • Trust Member: No
    • Undecided
  5. 5. 5. If not an active member; can you supply a reason for this? (Tick all that apply)

    • Don't think any listed organisation provides what I require
    • Previous member but unhappy with service
    • Unaware of organisation
    • Not interested in supporters? representation enough to join
  6. 6. 6. Do you think the existing organisations provide adequate representation?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  7. 7. 7. Do you think there is room for another fans organisation?

    • Yes, the existing ones are not good enough
    • Yes, competition is healthy
    • No, the existing ones do well enough
    • No, the existing ones should be revamped
    • No, any more and the effect would be diluted
    • Undecided
  8. 8. 8. Do you think fans should pay for membership of such organisations?

    • Yes
    • Yes, but only if the benefits are suitable (e.g. shares)
    • No
    • Undecided
  9. 9. 9. Should the club do more to work with supporters?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  10. 10. 10. Should there be a fan on the board of the club?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided
  11. 11. 11. If yes; who should be consulted in this? (Tick all that apply)

    • All supporters (e.g. registered with official website)
    • Season ticket holders
    • Shareholders
    • Organisation members only
  12. 12. 12. What should be the background of such a person? (Tick all that apply)

    • Any fan who puts themselves forward
    • A season ticket holder
    • A shareholder
    • An existing organisation representative
  13. 13. 13. Why do you think this hasn't happened already? (Tick all that apply)

    • Internal conflicts remove credibility
    • Impossible to canvass fans fairly
    • Suitable candidate has not been found
    • Club are not genuine in wanting to work with fans
    • Don't know
  14. 14. 14. What should the club provide to improve feedback? (Tick all that apply)

    • Publish new magazine for fans interested in representation
    • Provide quarterly 'fans-forums' attended by key club staff
    • Revamp the Rangers Supporters Assembly
    • Provide an affordable sharesave scheme
    • Provide a well-moderated official online forum
  15. 15. 15. Finally, would you be interested in a new organisation with a fresh outlook on the issue?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

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This makes me wonder...

If a "fan" had been in charge of the reins at Rangers, would they have stood by the fans singing "The Famine Song"?

If so, how could this have been anything other than damaging for the clubs image?

Perhaps a degree of detachment is always good. There definitely needs to be some representation though more than there is now

It wouldn't be too difficult for the club to have been more supportive on this and still not have the club's image damaged. However to get ibnto a detailed discussion on this would be taking away from the initial reason for the thread.

A degree of detachment isn't necessary. Clubs can be well run by people who are emotionally attached to them, as long as they have the skills to do so. They aren't mutually exclusive.

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Tried to do the poll but when I click vote it keeps saying an error has occured

Make sure you have an answer in place for everything nemisis (tu)

Went back and did it again after your reply, making sure to answer every single one and still got the same error message.

You must be putting the wrong answers :shifty:

Thats what i thought too.

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Rangers have a massive fan base, and IMO if all three groups came under the one umbrella and all pulled for the common good, a lot could be achieved for Rangers and their fans,E.g putting pressure on the media,lobbing the SPL/SFA,etc,as well as letting those who run our club know when we,re unhappy with the way things are going within Ibrox,or being of help when reqiured.or when we feel the club is being treated unfairly by external influences.

If these three groups could could come together,encourage Rangers supporters to join and say gather a membership of x amount of thousands, it would be a strong voice in helping the club getting back to where we belong as the main players in Scottish football.


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Got to say I'm quite disheartened by the amount of bears who believe having a fan on the board is a good idea.

I think people should read Templeton's and MacMillan's comments regarding this with more interest. It can't work IMO and will drive a wedge between the Rangers support. Any organization should remain independant from the club otherwise there'll be a conflict of interest.

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Got to say I'm quite disheartened by the amount of bears who believe having a fan on the board is a good idea.

I think people should read Templeton's and MacMillan's comments regarding this with more interest. It can't work IMO and will drive a wedge between the Rangers support. Any organization should remain independant from the club otherwise there'll be a conflict of interest.

I believe it can work with the correct person being put in place.

Templeton was all set for taking a place on the board prior to the events of last summer and I don't believe he highlights anything that can't be overcome.

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I believe it can work with the correct person being put in place.

Templeton was all set for taking a place on the board prior to the events of last summer and I don't believe he highlights anything that can't be overcome.

I thought that initially, but let's face facts here. Murray meets these reps from various bodies and already knows what the general concensus of feelings are amongst the support. I don't see what a board representative can bring to board meetings infront of an array of nodding heads that hasn't already been said to Murray in private and dismissed.

The 'carrot on the stick' as I see it has caused massive rips amoungst the rangers support and will only continue to do so, I feel we'd be better off as a support saying 'no thanks, we'd rather independant from the club'.

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interesting results thus far - confirmed my feelings on the trust - as an early member (212), i really bought into the whole ethos and purpose of the trust. but it appears to have become somewhat impotent and ineffective, with plenty internal ructions & intrigue. I've canceled as of this year - the whole thing appears to have unraveled rather quickly. i do admire the effort that was put in, but it seems that the trust is past it's sell by date.

any updates on what's happening? the news section is well out of date (and doesn't contain much of any importance), and the current image is a little ridiculous (it looks like a site that should be selling handbags). what's the current position with the board - has the whole 'in/out' thing settled down?

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I believe it can work with the correct person being put in place.

Templeton was all set for taking a place on the board prior to the events of last summer and I don't believe he highlights anything that can't be overcome.

I thought that initially, but let's face facts here. Murray meets these reps from various bodies and already knows what the general concensus of feelings are amongst the support. I don't see what a board representative can bring to board meetings infront of an array of nodding heads that hasn't already been said to Murray in private and dismissed.

The 'carrot on the stick' as I see it has caused massive rips amoungst the rangers support and will only continue to do so, I feel we'd be better off as a support saying 'no thanks, we'd rather independant from the club'.

The difference is that being on the board would allow the fans (more) open access to club affairs making us better placed to offer advice, ideas or even enable us to retract (or refine) certain criticisms.

Like BD, I think having a fan (or fans) on the board can work (although despite his kind words I'm certainly NOT the person for such a job) and the fact Murray himself conceded that shows it is possible. While there are still obstacles involved therein, they are not insurmountable and indeed conquering them would be just one way of showing that we can work together and can achieve results.

This was extremely close to happening earlier this year but the well documented problems have put paid to it certainly in the short term. It will be possible again but only under the correct circumstances and only if lessons have been learned.

In the mean-time we need to examine the status quo, look for improvements and make the changes required to once again make supporters' representation the credible and workable proud achievement it once was.

It's just a shame that it seems to be unofficial websites taking the lead instead of the official organisations involved.

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Got to say I'm quite disheartened by the amount of bears who believe having a fan on the board is a good idea.

I think people should read Templeton's and MacMillan's comments regarding this with more interest. It can't work IMO and will drive a wedge between the Rangers support. Any organization should remain independant from the club otherwise there'll be a conflict of interest.

Got to agree with what you are saying, the Supporter representation on the board is a non starter for me. In fact with the egos involved, I don't think it will ever happen.

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I thought that initially, but let's face facts here. Murray meets these reps from various bodies and already knows what the general concensus of feelings are amongst the support. I don't see what a board representative can bring to board meetings infront of an array of nodding heads that hasn't already been said to Murray in private and dismissed.

The 'carrot on the stick' as I see it has caused massive rips amoungst the rangers support and will only continue to do so, I feel we'd be better off as a support saying 'no thanks, we'd rather independant from the club'.

I would prefer that Murray was made to justify his position before any decision is made (or made public). This would then allow the feeling of the support to be put forward at a far earlier stage.

Any meetings between Murray and any reps would largely be reactive, whereas this would allow issues to be addressed proactively. I'm not sure what meetings you refer to. It appears that Murray may have put a stop to meetings with the RST, and there appears to be virtually no communication between the Assembly and its members so I'm unsure as how people can get issues raised through them if they even still have any regular meetings with Murray.

If there are no meaningful meetings with Murray then a supporters rep on the board would be an alternative to the nodding heads, who may not have put forward our views.

The club could do with some independent non-exec directors who have a remit to comment on all kinds of issues.

Ultimately it may not make that much difference, but I can't see it dong any harm.

As for it causing massive rips in our support, it depends who the person is, and how they are elected. Certain parties could be upset if their candidate is not the one chosen. It is certainly an issue, but one I believe that can be overcome.

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The only occasions on which this debate really comes to the fore is when it is driven by our concern regards the one sided, ill informed tales or muckraking of the Scottish media. There is a place I believe, for all 3 organisations, however there are issues on which we should speak with one voice and the media is the main one.

Sadly the agendas of Rangers FC and the support with relation to the media are 2 seperate issues, unless of course SDM has a personal interest whereapon the full force of the Rangers PR machine is brought to bear.

As a support we should have our own media savvy reps who speak for all 3 organisations. If the club will not standup or speak up for the supporters then we will have to do it ourselves.

This is an issue which I believe with the various talents among our support allied with those who have a bit of time would pay off in spades.

If the organisations and journalists who vex our support the most, spent an inordinate time dealing with complaints to the Press Commission, the BBC internal complaints mechanism and any other related organisation that deals with those matters, I anticipate that those responsible would become a tad more thoughtfull as to their outputs.

Of course not forgetting their lawyers and senior managements time spent dealing with all the legitimate non vexatious complaints. I think they would also soon get fed up with the extra unnescessary work generated,again causing them to put the hems on the rubbish being generated by their staff.

They would soon become wary of becoming involved with us.

I for one would take this further.

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I've voted. Very interesting and much needed research Frankie. (tu)

However, the one thing I want and expect from a Rangers Supporters organisation is true and honest representation of members views untainted by political in-fighting and internal power struggles. I doubt any new organisation could accomplish this, as has been shown by all 3 bodies mentioned in this research.

I'm also one of those that think there shouldn't be a "fan" on the board, for the reason mentioned above, ie. fans are too emotionally involved to make totally rational decisions based purely on business needs rather than on our collective wish and need for instant success.

I'm a wee bit pissed so really not sure if this makes any sense, but I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm typing nonsense. :pipe:

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'As a support we should have our own media savvy reps who speak for all 3 organisations. If the club will not standup or speak up for the supporters then we will have to do it ourselves'

I think this is the problem, agreeing anything between the different organisations. Too many egos at work.

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Regards the directors issue. I do'nt see what benefit there is at the moment having a 'fan' on the board. All its done so far is cause dissention. SDM seems to be using this as a means of creating problems among those he perceives to be dissenters and a carrot to the others.

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Ive heard of All the rangers Organisations but you never hear alot about them or of them the only time u hear them is if someting is going wrong for example, paul le guen and barry ferguson situation,and when we got put out with kaunas, riots in Manchester, And the fans wanted Murray out because he was ficking our team and fans about. what's the point in them then if you only hear about the shite things going on with our club.

They should be there to deal with issues. If there aren't any issues then why would you want to hear from them? I don't understand your reasoning.

When do we ever have no issues?

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