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Everything posted by MadSasa

  1. They aren’t my top picks but all I can say is if you do the research then they won’t sound as bad as you think.
  2. I’ve got a window that’s already more than you.
  3. They aren’t the worst suggestions if you look into them. They aren’t young and they aren’t exhilarating names but if you do the research then you’ll see they potentially could be a good fit for us. We all laughed when they appointed Postecoglu but its paid off for them, who’s to say Bradley or Arena wouldn’t work out for us?
  4. You can’t talk you live in a cell and if not that then one of those DHSS buildings with about 17 other down and outs between 3 rooms.
  5. You’ll just say stop without doing any research because their not your usual run of the mill names being suggested.
  6. Unfortunately just the way the young generation are now with their instagrams and tiktoks
  7. https://themastermindsite.com/2021/11/13/bruce-arena-new-england-revolution-tactical-analysis/ https://www.americansocceranalysis.com/home/2021/12/9/bob-bradley-possession-pressing-and-personnel Tactics are positive, just what we need.
  8. Feel bad for the boy Ofoborh, chances are he’ll never play.
  9. At 24 Robbie should be given his chance or else we should just let him go. Can’t be any worse than McLaughlin.
  10. Who the fuck is this cunt? Probably a bitter catholic.
  11. I imagine they’ll be looking for a new back up LB. I never said I wanted them to loan him out, I’ve been saying we should play Ridvan.
  12. A loan isn’t permanent.
  13. Think it might be time to cut our losses with him. Solid enough defender but no use if he is always injured. Wish him well and thank him for the memories but its time to release him.
  14. Can see a loan deal back to Besiktas ot some other Turkish mob coming in January. Feel sorry for the lad, must be half decent if he’s a Turkish international.
  15. The board won’t sack him until we are humiliated a couple more times and by that time it will be too late. I estimate that he’ll get to February or March.
  16. They are not the most exhilarating of names granted but they have a vast amount of experience in the game and their tactics are generally quite positive.
  17. Admittedly these two suggestions are a bit left field but Bob Bradley and Bruce Arena are two experienced managers that play attacking football. Could do a job for us.
  18. I mentioned before but I’d take Lucescu now even for 2/3 years, he’s old but his experience and the amount of titles he’s won is impressive. Failing that Fatih Terim.
  19. Don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t start Ridvan. After Barasic’s performance on Wednesday the boy deserves a chance.
  20. This is exactly what the board will do. Look forward to our new manager being Robbie Neilson, John Hughes, Calum Davidson or some other mediocre Scottish manager or a complete non entity that manages Charleroi or Oostende seeing as Wilson loves the Belgian league.
  21. Yeah they are, might do a job in a short term capacity until we get someone who is here for the long term.
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