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Everything posted by Loyal72

  1. 😂 Bastards. I remember pub where we used to live, me and my mates mums both worked in there when we were younger, football tops obviously barred, yet me and him running in and out with our NTL tops on, getting our Appletisers in the glass bottles so it felt like we were drinking beers 😂 Better days, better Rangers team 🥺
  2. Welcome to Rangers 🇬🇧 Next!
  3. I technically can't remember the first time I wore it, because I think I was 3/4, with a little Rangers kilt, at a wedding reception. The only way I know that happened, is there's a photo 😂 Cheeky barsteward 😮 big bones matter.
  4. First one that I can remember is that NTL one. Although technically my first Rangers top was this.
  5. Think it was just to inform Phil of what was what in Scottish football, and now that he knows what he needs to know, he can replace him with someone more competent.
  6. Strange if he's leaving an AM role to become a coach here though? Step back.
  7. https://www.rangers.co.uk/Article/rangers-confirm-stephan-van-der-heyden-as-assistant-manager/3kbrW4DVjDP6yfW2LUw5re Record have fucked up.
  8. "I'm looking forward to" as in, it's a sure thing. I know it's happening. If this squad miraculously wins tomorrow, absolutely we get fucked up and celebrate. But it doesn't change anything about that set thing I'm looking forward to, there's no redemption arc here.
  9. Aye, it's sad to be agreeing that the thing I'm looking forward to most, is the final whistle on a lot of these players careers.
  10. Sterling can play multiple positions, excellent in most. Not LB.
  11. I don't even think winning the league would've saved many, it'd have been a thank you see you later. As you say, we're definitely well beyond any sort of redemption arcs.
  12. It's a belter tbh, and I love the retro shield.
  13. That's a bit better tbf. Think whoever got that first photo was just incredibly lucky at the right time. Should've put it in place with construction boards around it though so it couldn't have been seen at all. Bit of care. Ah well.
  14. Why wouldn't they put a box around it?
  15. They'll have missed a trick if he's not holding a trophy imo.
  16. You reckon the picture they used there is the pose selected? Be a cracking statue as well tbh.
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