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Everything posted by Hoff

  1. alright gazz, welcome to the site! My wee bro is getting it on his PS 2 so I will defiantely play it on that. He is getting a PS 3 at xmas so I will see how much better is is ther eventually! Canny wait to get a game on it. Should be brilliant!
  2. terrible mate, think it was posted earlier as well!! Sweep Sweep though as usual!!
  3. tried to get thru but engaged all the time, what a joke!
  4. Soti made 0 errors in the CL. Cuellar has made the odd one or two wee guff ups. Our defence now is better than it was then. He did a job for us but Davie Weir is a better centre half.
  5. brilliant, but, a long way to go!! We still hav our work cut out. I cannot wait til the next matches though!!!
  6. best result ever for me, I never gave us a sniff before it!! The pub was heaving, great atmosphere!! Fantastic!!!!
  7. rangers 2-1 RSB Boyd and McCulloch
  8. my sentiments exactly Jeff :pipegreen: Hoff :pipegreen: Jeff :pipegreen:
  9. my sentiments exactly Jeff :pipegreen:
  10. the game is pish easy! So not particularly!! do itwith a shit team and then you may be a reasonable manager!
  11. Hoff

    PS3 game help

    i will leave a link in OT for it anyways j1m!
  12. Hoff

    PS3 game help

    nice wee disclaimer there mate I will leave it til you get some replies, and move it to the gaming section later today!!
  13. 2 awesome efforts!!! gers4eva for me, love how the hammers is showing! clever!
  14. Hoff

    Sensible Soccer

    anyone rmember a footie game called "Goal" for the snes?? That was really good as well.
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