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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    Wallpaper Request

    Lorney, the screen res is 1366 x 768. Can you change it when you are able?
  2. Ace

    Wallpaper Request

    Thanks for thse Lorney, if you get a chance on the Paramore one(s) .. that would be superb. Showed them to Kieran and he loves them. Scott ... next time you see him, give him kicking from me, he won't mind ... Honest !!
  3. Sorry Jasper, can't help you much more than that. Only know this because I had to re-set something in my Router settings and that's how I accessed mine.
  4. Ace

    Wallpaper Request

    I knew you were gonna ask that .. and I can't remember what his settings are. Can you set it for 1024 x 768 and if it's any different you could change it (please ??)
  5. Lift your router up and check for a label on it, as long as you (or your mate) haven't changed them, the username & ans password will be written on it ... something like Username: BTINTERNET Password: PASSWORD Go to your web browser, type in .. ...it will ask for the above, that should access your router page. From there you should be able to find the security key .. i presume (if it hasn't been **** out)
  6. Ace

    Wallpaper Request

    Could someone do me a wallpaper .. well, actually for my son. He is into You Me at Six & Paramore and i was hoping that someone could do me a couple of original wallpapers. One of each band and a collage of both. Any design you feel as it would be unique and therefore .. cool
  7. Ace

    iTunes Help

    I'll give that a go Jama. Once i seledct that will it still rip all any further albums into the same album, i won't have to manually sort every song ?
  8. Ace


    Can't play TDM .. Infested with too many campers. With HC HQ there is a goal to acheive so a makes people move.
  9. Ace


    put up or shut up
  10. Ace


    yea, we have about 10 regulars and it's any 6 from that. We will beat most comers, of a nights playing HC HQ we will lose one or two games at most
  11. Ace


    fucking damn right ... take on any fuckers we would beat them too.
  12. damn .. Hope to get on tonight for a bit and try this out. I wonder what the changes were to the guns ... Too powerful, not powerful enough ?? The thing about the door on radiation, never experienced that myself. Hope this update works.
  13. He is also aware of the issues and i would doubt anyone would put themselves in the line of fire like that.
  14. Your clan .. Can i join, i can be medic extraordinnaire !!
  15. if they fix the connection issues that ps3 has it will solve Lot of problems. The spawn poiints is another issue tht need looking at, fix those 2 and the game will be miles better
  16. Last night there was a 14th prestige who had just over 7 days playing time, there was no way that was legit .... we all reported him
  17. Ace

    Walter Smith

    that is very cool spook.
  18. Feedback was more chance for snipers :anguish: , checkpoint Charlie will just piss me off. As Klb ... :P Bite me *grumbles .. f'kin HMV*
  19. 2002 World Cup, Brazil -v- Turkey .. Rivaldo hit on the knee but goes down like a sack of potato's
  20. Ace

    Gaming Forum

    I read through the gaming forum often but it annoys me that I always look at a thread that is not related to the platform I use. Using other gaming forums, they are often split up using the system as an index i.e. .. Xbox PS3 PC etc etc .. Just wondered if anyone else thought this would be a good idea or should I just shut up now ?
  21. Ace

    iTunes Help

    Done that .. Didn't help, all it did was to then say it was an unkown album.
  22. Already posted in OffTopic but could be missed by a few ..
  23. With the amount of people asking for sigs here, i wondered how long do you keep them before decidiing "i need something new" What makes you decide it's time for a change? Me? .. i've had 3 sigs in my whole RM life (about 4 yrs i think), one lasted about one month (Armed Forces Day) my current, only for 3-4 months now, the 1st was for the remainder.
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