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Everything posted by Ace

  1. While most companies will tell you, you have a years guarantee what they don't tell you is that under the Sale of Goods Act they actually have a responibilty of 5 yrs in Scotland (6 if you live in England) If you can, search through either youtube or BBciPlayer for the baldy cnut Dom something (can't remember his name), he did a TV peice for watchdog exactly on this, there was even links to st'd letters you could use for problems like this. *Edit - Found this* Hope this helps
  2. froyo is the android operating system, i think it's the latest version of that
  3. I'm sorry, are you actually proposing trying to get hugh Keevins the sack from Radio Clyde for this piece of drivel, really. I have always said that sarcasm gets lost in the written word, so i am presuming thats what happening here. Not but a few days ago, we were all ridiculing the Celtic support for getting Dallas sacked (or forcing him out) for forwarding a fairly in-offensive image and now you are proposing we do something very similar to Keevins because of something just as in-offensive.
  4. Ace

    New sigs

    Vagner Love sig is tremendous. Now if it was Wagner from Xfactor, well that would be awesome
  5. If we win tomorrow, how many points clear are we ?
  6. Sky said yes .. Radio Scotland say no.
  7. Still 20 minutes to go at Man Utd ... could be a big score !!
  8. Ace

    Samuel Eto'o

    Too dark for me, if you could make it a bit brighter it would work better for me.
  9. I can't help post this. The ref has ruled out a goal for Celtic for it being offside, Sky said replays showed it was onside. !!
  10. Just heard on Sky, Celtic have just had on onside goal chopped off for being off-side ..... Oh irony, thy name is GIRFUY !!!!
  11. Ace

    Ian Brown

    Probably from when the design section was completely fucked !!
  12. Ace

    2 TORRES

    I love the first one
  13. Ace

    Favourite Game Type

    It was fun, i love to play but no matter how much i rank up i am still awful .
  14. Ace

    WATP - The RM Clan

    More than a few who are PS3 and from here using the clan tag "WATP". Not sure if it's the same on XBox. No real point, just thought you should know. Wondering if there should be a st'd clan image too ? Edit - Fell free to abuse this post, on 2nd readin it is very wanky
  15. Ace

    Rule Britannia

    Spooky ... That is absolute class !!! I will be nicking that for my wallpaper when i get home.
  16. Roll back and don't install that update.
  17. At the moment, for me ... Servers are the worst just now. the amount of times you lose connection or connection interrupted is ridiculous. When you enter a game in a party but you then get split up ... whats the point of a party then ?? Spawn points .. don't know how many times i have spawned in front of a opposition player only to be instantly killed. Spawn killers ... see above, some of the maps are very small i.e. Nuketown, and the fact that the spawn point is always the same .... easy to camp & kill. Campers ... this is getting awful too, what ever happened to moving through the map finding your kills ??? RC Car ... Get it to F*ck ...now !!! Buying your attachements, thought it would be quite good, but having to buy a pro version of a perk you already have !! Anyway, rant over ... for now !!
  18. I have just spent the last w hours trying to get a game tonight ans am constantly being disconnected. 2 fucking hrs and 2 games in that time. Treyarch need to improve ... seriously !!
  19. ehh ... need to fix that link m8 !!
  20. I haven't played it often enough to even know most of the map names. Nuketown is good becuase it's small & basically a gunfest. I like Launch & the one with the control room at the centre of the map. Jungle is good ... as for the rest, can't say .. yet.
  21. Ace

    ***PS3 GAMER TAGS***

    Acemcl ... Put RM in your request, i tend to ignore random requests.
  22. Has anyone else noticed how much data now gets downloaded when you access via mobile.< I used to get the full screen wiht downloading about 200kb, now it takes up 800/900kb to get the main page. It also takes forever to download, whereas, under the previous skin, it was quick and painless to browse on my N97. I used to visit a lot more using my mobile, now i tend to have to wait to be home to read or post.
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