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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    RM Mobile Site

    I use the mobile site on my phone but in the past couple of weeks i can no longer post a reply to any thread as the "quick" section is no longer there, even if i use the reply buttin i get "Board Message" and no page loads. all i am left to do is view the threads or wait until I get home to make any reply
  2. 2nd one is a belter Spook, the text it more appropro. I will be nicking that for my collection of wallpapers ... when i get home
  3. I think it gets an unfair rep ... only game i really play now. Guns are fine, maps are pretty good IMO, sure there are maps i prefer to other ones but that will always be the case ... can't please everyone. Looking forward to the new map pack ... then a new game (again !!) in November/December
  4. As long as they don't touch the CoD servers .... i'll be fine !!
  5. If you have a PS3 (not cheap to buy one .. but if you already have it)
  6. Seen them before but they are classic !! "You spelled hazard wrong" "I know .. it's hazared" .... LMAO !!!
  7. call of duty: black ops
  8. Ace

    Mobile Phone

    Quad Band is what you are after, they can be used in most countries.
  9. Ace

    PS3 Software Update

    cheers KLB ... will be on soon so hopefully just a blip last night !!
  10. Now that is just brilliant ... clean & simple but very effective
  11. Ace

    PS3 Software Update

    Anyone else having connection issues since the new update yesterday ?
  12. well .. I got my boy o sign me in before 3.30 this afternoon but when i got in at 6pm i couldn't sign into Black ops
  13. Ace

    First Strike Maps

    Ive got Kieran trying to dowload the map pack while i am still at work, struggling to even get on the playstation store .. Constant error msg atm. He better get it done before i get or there will be trouble .. lol
  14. Well, that's my weekend booked up. Wife is a PS3 widow ... again !!
  15. if you are talking about his clan tag .. Then from 13th prestige and above (i think it's 13th .. I could be wrong) you can channge the colour of your tag ... Big whoops, i know.
  16. Ace


    best fun in ages
  17. Ace


    Ya prick !!!
  18. there was also comments from Dr Death that if the money was right ... any player would be sold, basically stating what the scum have been having a go about us for the past few years.
  19. thay are £9m in debt but i was sure that also took account of the positive player sales i.e. +£7m ... If they hadn,t made those sales the figure would have been more like £15m.
  20. Pay £50 for the game then money on top for content ... it's coming I tell ya !!
  21. Cracking score Gaz ... sorry i missed it.
  22. Your best bet Jim is to either buy a £20 Playstation card or put money into your wallet and use that to buy from the online PS Store
  23. Ace

    simple diouf wall

    Love it .. the quotes make it much more interesting.
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