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Everything posted by Ace

  1. posted from my phone ... grrr.
  2. err .. My explanation was i had tunnel vision down my gunsight and never heard you *shamed* ... lol
  3. Ace

    Hardcore HQ

    just remember J1mgg .. No drunken gaming allowed
  4. Ace

    New Wallpaper Request

    Superb work, especially the latter 'Ibrox' design
  5. harcore hq is what we play mostly
  6. KLB .. I reckon our regular party (possibly exlcuding myself ) would give any other team a hard game. on a night's gaming how often do we actually lose a game ... one or twice at most.
  7. Ace

    Nokia Syncing via OVI

    The N97 was Nokias first real attempt at a smartphone and, IMO, they failed miserably. I have been reading reviews of the N8 too and there are quite a few shitty reviews about for that too, i will be switching away from Nokia when my contract is up (in 6 months time) Shame as i have been a loyal user but the N97 has completely ruined the who brand for me.
  8. Ace

    Jelavic Sig Request

    You just have to be patient mate. I imagine they take a bit of time to do and it's done in their own time.
  9. Ace

    New Wallpaper Request

    One thing ... I am amazed that we don't have a repository for all the wallpapers that are created here ... past, present & future. Would be a great resource for the site & it's users. A place for all sorts, looking for images, designs, wallpapers etc ... I think it would be a great way to attract more traffic to the site. But who am I, certainly not one who creates this kind of thing ... I'm more of an ideas man
  10. Ace

    New Wallpaper Request

    Just the sort of thing I am after, thanks all. Great work on both of those Spook. Cheers folks
  11. Ace

    New Wallpaper Request

    The more I think about it, I find the player ones a little boring, I prefer stuff done with the crest, stadium, flags etc. (although I like the one you just posted .. something different) Sorry to be a pedant, whatever you feel like doing, whenever you feel like doing it (now there is a line I could use more often ) Lorney ... you are a Star
  12. Those who have a nokia phone, do you use OVI to back it up or sync. Thought i would ask as i am having problems with my N97 and trying to sync my contacts to it. I reset my phone but backed everything up beforehand, now i can't sync my contacts, keep getting an error message. Wondered if anyone else is getting the same massage (err code 80043bf5). I have grown to detest Nokia because of the shit software (and shit phone .. N97 has been my worst phone ever)
  13. Ace

    New Wallpaper Request

    Not really sure (clients who don't really know what they want, it never changes ... lol) In all honesty, I don't mind. I have had a single wallpaper for about 6 months I think, so i am just looking for something different. I am sure there is a stock of wallpapers you have created previously, I would happily take them if you like.
  14. I currently have a wallpaper made on here (i can't remember who by though) which is very classy (Rangers crest on a washed out grey background). Anyway, I have had to for ages so I am now looking for something to change it to, keeping a Rangers theme of course. In fact, and this is probably a bit much, but as I have windows 7 and can rotate my wallpaper, it would be good if you have a few which i can save to one folder and rotate from there. My screen res is 1366 x 768 ( if you can match it great, if not I will just set it to fit screen) Thanks in advance.
  15. Because it uses the serial number that Sony use, there would be no way that the machine could tell the difference between rreal and fake. Sony usually issue software updates to overcome piracy, as they did with the dongle hack but because this is at the heart of the PS3 hardware, no software update can fix it.
  16. Ace

    Drunken gaming

    I took part in a bit of drunken gaming at New Years (apologies to Gaz & Chris !!). Couldn't tell you if it improved my gaming but it probabbly did.
  17. Black Ops is a good game but the servers for PS3/PC are awwful and it is ruining it for alot of people. MW2 was superb but i found the killstreaks to be too powerful and ruined alot of the game. COD4 was superb, it's what got me into the whole franchise, for me, probably the best of them all. I can't comment on WaW as i have never played it.
  18. Apparently the only way Sony have around this woulkd be to issue new HARDWARE, A software update won't do it. Could be cheap games are gonna be available soon
  19. Ace

    black ops

    Aye .. KLB is a f'kin camper & he teamkills like a m'fucker
  20. Ace

    iTunes Help

    I have been burning all my CD's onto my external hard drive (1 Terrabyte .. so plenty of space ) There have been a few CD's where i am having some trouble, for example: Eminem - Curtain Call, when i ripped this over via iTunes, it has split 3 tracks away from the main album (Stan, Stan Live & Shake That), the only difference is that the "artist" is Eminem feat Dido or Elton John or Nate Dogg rather than Eminem only. I noticed it had split them into the compilation folder when ripped, i moved them into the main album folder, but then had to "locate" them, which only changes the display back to 2 different albums (the main one and the secondary with the 3 songs). I have marked each song as part of a compilation i.e. the main album but that doesn't help. I have found this with a few different albums i have been ripping but i can't resolve it. Any help ??
  21. Ace

    PS3 Overheating

    unless you have the thing inside a closed box or have deliberately bloked the vents it shouldn't overheat .. Unless the fan is fucked. You can buy a secondary fan from Game that you can attach to the back of it.
  22. Ace

    Laptop screen

    when i had to send my laptop away i was told the same thing, package company has a special box for things like this.
  23. Never had a problem with Norton .. I still think people have a problem with because it used to be so resource driven but it uses very little now and it still catches plenty of viruses/intrusions.
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