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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    Anyone got a...

    i have an n97 but im using it to post right now so can't grab the pic and use but will do tomorrow .. If i remember
  2. as it starts on Friday and today is Thursday, it's a safe bet that it's normal points just now. When you play double points each kill will show a bigger value.
  3. You need to get yourself an inflatable doll m8, you are beginning to sound desparate (and stalkerish !!)
  4. Ace


    Liking my new Avatar .... cheers
  5. Had asked for a "Twilight" Wallpaper (for the Mrs) .. fancy giving it a go?
  6. Ace

    sotw#3 voting

    Well doen Lorney, quality sig . When you get round to adding the date, i will be using it for the month of June. Would be good if we could get admin to pin something on the Bears Den & Off Topic .... the whole board should support it. Again, well done
  7. Ayrshire .. get it fixed yet ??
  8. Ya dancer, well, it's getting hammered then this weekend See you in a party soon KLB? *Edited to ask ... does it start Friday or Saturday ??*
  9. Ace


    Very nice m8, will sort out my Avatar tomorrow. Thanks again
  10. if it only happens in your room and you are next to the router anywaywhy not just get an eothernet (rj45) cable. It will stop any issues and your connection will be faster too?
  11. Ace

    sotw#3 voting

    For me, No 1 without a doubt .. the glint off the medals are a great little touch. As the say, beauty is in the details. I do note that not a lot show the actual date of when it is happening
  12. It looks really fake, and others have pointed out the guys keep running into his gun fire. I found this one (the Machinima one)
  13. Get the tongue a wee bit further up mate I might give one of these a crack tomorrow Cheers
  14. Jesus, you will scare the girl off if you keep stalking her like this Anyway, back to the actual topic. 1. I previously asked if someone would like to make me a new avatar, something along the line of an "Ace" but better than the one i have just now. 2. Anyone fancy making me a wallpaper for my Mrs, she loves that Twilight Vampire shit and i tried to find something but it was all cack and on dodgy sites and i am sure that someone here can do far better anyway. *Is that enough sucking up ??*
  15. Poor Lorney ... all these sad lonely young men only after one thing ...... your title as current top spot in the sig design stakes
  16. Ace


    C'mon guys, this is to highlight our Armed Forces and all the good that they do. Hopefully, the board will pick up your sigs and use them for the month of June, letting any visitors know how we appreciate our soldiers, sailors, airmen etc.
  17. The last map pack cost 1200 microsoft points for Xbox ans £10.99 from Playstation store, i believe they are the same value and would imagine it would be this same next time around.
  18. If you fancy, you want to make me a new Avatar ... something along the lines of my current one (an Ace) but better !!!
  19. Ace

    PS3 or XBOX 360?

    My boy had an Xbox 360 & traded it in, along with all his games & accessroies and purchased a PS3. I also have a PS3 but i'm not a fanboy of either console. I like the PS3 because not only is it a very good games console (no problems with it yet .. i had to return my boys Xbox THREE times over a year) but it is also my main Blue-Ray player as it is a far better quality than my dedicated Sony player.
  20. You have to say that we are a helpful lot. It is a great site for many reasons, this just puts the icing on the cake.
  21. that worked a treat .. Cheers.
  22. My sons laptop had a trojan which i have managed to get rid of but now his Internet Explorer cannot connect to the internet. I know that the machine itself is connecting but when i click on IE8 i get the error message "Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Webpage" When i run the diagnostic tool, it comes up with "proxy server" issues. At the moment, he is hardwired to the router and i know he is connected to the net as his anti-virus is still getting updates. Anyone any ideas ??
  23. Ace


    Well done Lorney !!
  24. Ace

    Any requests?

    I asked in Lorney's thread for a sig regarding Armed Forces Day ... hopefully someone will pick up the baton, please !!
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