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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    SOTW #2 ***VOTING***

    Hard choice between 1 & 7, ended up going for 1. Never used PS, would love to learn as the stuff you produce is amazing but still like to comment.
  2. And if you haven't shared them with anyone, then your download shouldn't cost you anything.
  3. Ace

    any requests

    Ok then, Armed Forces Day is coming up at the end of June ... i would love a sig that reflects this day. Will use it for the month of June. A Link for you to look at, there are some resources there too. I actually hope, it's something the whole board would help to support.
  4. Ace

    MW2 Pet Hates?

    The new maps cycle in with the old ones, so if you pick say "Domination" you will play the new maps too.
  5. Shhh .. no-one is supposed to know that
  6. We can only hope, they are certainly the best of the rest but just whether they are capable of a sustained run in europe ... christ, are we ???
  7. When i copied the maps for Kieran onto his PS3, i had to log in as my account, when i went in everything was still there including all my 4th Prestige Lvl 7
  8. Ayrshire ... isn't all your data stored on the Infinity Ward servers, if you manage to get it working you should be able to recover all your stats, awards etc.
  9. Is that another £20 PSN Card that i will have to buy, meaning i will have £18 credit on my PSN account ... rip off again.
  10. Ace

    Whats Your K/D Ratio?

    Still say .. who gives a fuck !!
  11. Ace

    Favourite Game Type

    Depending on what i am after, if it's points then i like to play Demolition .. you can rack 'em up fast there, just for fun i like to play free-for-all. Now, whether Hardcore or Non-Hardcore ... i was so used to playung Hardcore that when i play the other, i keep forgetting one shot does not equal one kill.
  12. The new maps are good but need tolearn them to get the best our of them. The only problem is they are flooded with campers, so amny places to hide & choke points where you just set up and kill (or get killed)
  13. Ace

    New Maps

    I believe it is Andy . See the bit where it says "RangersMedia> General Discussion> Design, Gaming & Technology> Gaming> RangersMedia Call Of Duty - PS3> New Maps" Get yersel tae fuck !!
  14. Ace

    New Maps

    Okay then .... we have all had a play on the new maps, so what do we think of them ? Personally, not a had a proper shot yet but i think they are a good addition to the game. Obviously Crash/Overgrown are an exact duplicate of Cod4 maps but feel they have chosen two of the best maps from the game. The 3 new maps are pretty good, although i would say they are a campers paradise, plenty of corners and cubbyholes to hide and pick you off, there are some obvious chokepoints where people will ALWAYS come through .. get there first and you are guaranteed a few kills before someone twigs. I'm not sure yet if they cycle through the main game types yet i.e. TDM, S&D etc or you are stuck with playing them as a stand alone game pack ... which i think will get boring pretty soon.
  15. Firms battle over Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Two months after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launched to a huge media fanfare, its publisher Activision announced that it had taken more than $1bn in sales. The sales put the video game in an elite club alongside other entertainment franchises such as James Cameron's Avatar and Michael Jackson's Thriller. In fact it beat both to become the most successful entertainment launch of all time, in terms of its first 24 hours on sale. Its success should have allowed its creators to reap the rewards and become the leading lights of the video games industry. Instead they were ignominiously sacked and their studio now teeters on the brink of collapse. Call of Lawyers Infinity Ward is a Californian video games developer of just under 100 employees. They created the first Call of Duty game in 2003 and saw the series gradually increase in popularity until the breakthrough hit Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare switched the setting from World War II to the present day. Until recently the studio was lead by Jason West and Vince Zampella. Then in March they were suddenly dismissed by owner Activision for unspecified "breaches of contract and insubordination". The first Call of Duty game appeared in 2003 There had been rumours of a rift between Infinity Ward and Activision but the move still astonished the games industry. "I was surprised at how public and ugly it got very quickly," says Matt Martin, editor of website GamesIndustry.biz. "I'd imagine a lot of ego and pride has been bruised, when Activision would rather let studio heads go than give them the creative control they thought they were entitled to." "It's also difficult to argue it's all about creativity when you're slinging mud at your old employer and demanding millions of dollars from them," adds Martin. Almost immediately after being sacked the pair launched a $36 million lawsuit against their former employer. They accused Activision of operating in an "Orwellian fashion" and concocting false allegations in order to fire them - thereby gaining the company full creative control of the Call of Duty franchise and avoiding paying agreed bonuses. Continue reading the main story We expect the Infinity Ward studio will be essentially closed after their next Map Pack release Mike Hickey Janco Partners The lawsuit accused Activision of "astonishing arrogance and unbridled greed" and complained that Activision forced the pair "to sue for their pay - in the hopes of either getting away with not having to pay them anything, or maximising its leverage to reduce that pay". The suit even quotes Activision CEO Bobby Kotick's famous statement about fostering a company culture instilled with "scepticism and pessimism and fear". Activision then countersued, making it clear that they were aware West and Zampella had secretly held talks with with Activision's arch rival Electronic Arts. Activision also claimed that the pair had tried to "steal" Infinity Ward and "hijack Activision's assets for their own personal gain". Although Infinity Ward does not have control over the Call of Duty name as a whole, the situation with the Modern Warfare sub-brand is less clear and Activision has warned fans that West and Zampella's legal efforts may seriously delay any new sequel. And that was before the exodus at Infinity Ward began. Two by two At time of writing over 30 employees have left Infinity Ward including all the lead designers of Modern Warfare 2. Midway through the migration, West and Zampella unveiled their new company Respawn Entertainment. Activision has just signed a deal with Bungie, makers of Halo Just as Activision had predicted, this turned out to be a new studio created with help from Electronic Arts. It has quickly begun to announce the hiring of many of the errant Infinity Ward veterans. To complicate the picture further, 38 current and already exited staff have filed a separate lawsuit against Activision for breach of contract and unpaid bonuses, royalties and profit shares. The "Infinity Ward Employee Group" alleged that Activision had withheld the money "in order to force them to keep working for Activision so that Activision could receive delivery of Modern Warfare 3". As it had done before, Activision dismissed the lawsuit as "meritless". "It would seem that the studio shock from massive employee defections has likely destroyed any remaining creative culture within Infinity Ward," said analyst Mike Hickey of research firm Janco Partners. "We expect the Infinity Ward studio will be essentially closed after their next Map Pack release." Continue reading the main story I don't think the average consumer cares or recognises who makes the games, only whether they are good or bad Matt Martin GamesIndustry.biz Mr Hickey expects the development of Modern Warfare 3 to be spread between two Activision studios not historically tied to the franchise. "Delaying Modern Warfare 3 wouldn't necessarily harm the Call of Duty brand so long as new titles in the franchise continue to be released," suggests Mr Martin. "It might do the series good for a 2011 Call of Duty title to be something new entirely and give Modern Warfare 3 time to come together out of the limelight. "Activision has big teams able to work on demand - as it has in the past with various Guitar Hero spin-offs for example - it can afford to scale up and down as and when it needs to, " says Mr Martin. Bungie jump As the predictions of Infinity Ward's demise, and the implied negative effect this would have on the Call of Duty franchise, reached their crescendo Activision played their trump card. Activision also co-owns the World of Warcraft online game They announced a 10-year exclusive contract with developer Bungie, creators of Halo - one of the few video game series that can compete with Call of Duty on an equal footing. The deal immediately papered over any holes in Activision's portfolio that a collapse at Infinity Ward might have produced. "We understand that Bungie has been working on its new multiformat game for some time and from that we assume that this game could come out in 2011 - that would help to offset any fall in performance or delay with Modern Warfare 3," said Mr Hickey. The situation is especially ironic given that Bungie was previously a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft. Unlike the relationship between Activision and Infinity Ward, the lead creatives at Bungie tugged themselves free from the software firm after they made it clear they wanted more creative freedom. Activision though seems to be banking that games players really don't care, and in the majority of circumstances are completely unaware, of who exactly makes their games, said Mr Martin. "It's a sign of the immaturity of the industry", he says. "Creatives in Hollywood prove themselves in multiple genres or different disciplines. The majority of game makers make the same game over and over for different systems, or make variations on a theme." "West and Zampella have made some great first person shoot 'em-ups and two great franchises, but it's only one theme that's evolved over time," he adds. "It might hurt egos, but I don't think the average consumer cares or recognises who makes the games, only whether they are good or bad." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/10094229.stm
  16. Ace

    New Maps

    I don't get in until after 6pm tonight, meaning when i try to download the maps then so will half of Europe ... i imagine this is going to be a long slow & frustrating task. Also, i had to buy a £20 PSN points card as i wasn't willing to stick my C.C. details into an unkown server, can't believe the never launched a specific card to the value of points requried to obtain the maps.
  17. McStay was put out to Hunfary to manage a team there, part of some deal. He got them to 2nd in the league and plying pretty good football, However, there was some financial problems with not paying players so he left. From what i hear, Lennon has NO coaching badges at all but McStay has his Scottish, British & Europen qualifications required to manage a top flight team. As i said, it is only a rumour but they guy telling me was fairly certain due to his contact i.e. McStay's father.
  18. Didn't see this thread ... well i have just posted a new thread. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149916
  19. That rumour is Willie McStay. One of the guys i work beside, he knows McStay's father and he has said that Willie has had 3 or 4 meeting with Liewell already about this. Also, my colleague, his boy plays for a top 6 SPL team ans therefore knows a few of the Celtic squad and he has also stated that McStay is odds-on for the job now. I would never post rumours about Rangers but with Celtic, don't care if i get them wrong .. but my colleague was pretty certain.
  20. Ace

    Wireless Signal Loss

    Ok here goes .. oh & btw thanks for all the help guys. My sons laptop (Acer Aspire) could get a signal anywhere in the house. He dropped it on it's edge and dislodged the power unit inside the casing, after awhile the power unit had dissapeard inside the casing and i couldn't connect the charger to it. I checked with our IT guys in my office, he had a look and said the only way to repair it was to dismantle the screen & its hinges etc to be able to access the power unit and re-attach it. NB - for awhile it still had a charge & i could even connect the charger but every time i did i think it pushed to power unit further into the casing ... but during this, the laptop could still get a full signal so i don't believe the wireless card was damaged. I wasn't confident in doing this repair so put it into a local shop. After getting the laptop back, i have since discovered that he now doesn't get anywhere near the same wireless signal he had previously. When he is in his bedroom, he is lucky to get one bar, where before it was full signal (to confirm, my laptop, which works fine, still gets a full signal eveywhere, including my sons bedroom). I took the machine back to the shop to complain & got it back the following day, them telling me they have re-installed all the wireless card drivers and it was working. I took it home only to find the same fucking issue. Now, my wife was talking to the IT fella in her office and he said that the wireless ariel in the laptop is usually inside the housing of the laptop screen and when this is played with it can often be re-connected poorly (or not at all). I wanted confirmation from you guys in here if that was the case. If so then i suspect that during the original repair, they have messed up the wireless ariel connection in the laptop or something similar ... i will be taking it back and telling them to have another look.
  21. Ace

    Wireless Signal Loss

    doubt it would be that mate, if the signal is full elsewhere then it cant be the laptop i know that in my house i lose maybe a bar, 2 at most of signal strength when i use the laptop in my room, the router is in the livingroom, i put that down to the fact our electric meter thing is in the way, and maybe thats affecting the signal, might find there is something in the walls, cables etc, that may just have an awkward affect on the signal I meant the wireless arial for the laptop ... the laptop receiver arial rather than the router arial.
  22. Ace

    Wireless Signal Loss

    I have been told that the wireless arial is sometimes wrapped around the casing for the screen. Can anyone confirm if that is the case, because if so there might be the reason why its not working. I had a problem with the power unit in the laptop and put it in to get fixed, to get at the power unti they had to dismantle the screen & they could easily have fucked up the re-connection. Don't want to go in all guns blazing if it's not the case though.
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