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Everything posted by Poetry_In_Blue

  1. It's ok, a Final Fantasy type RPG wouldn't take long to master/complete, I'd rent it first or borrow it of someone before deciding to buy.
  2. On your way in if you cross over an area with the red lasers it sets of alarms for a while (to be honest if you want to investigate fully you don't get a choice), on the way out the alarms are continuously going, but you can pick up a card thingy and there are two points where you can use the card which turns the alarm of for a short period of time, and rather fight just run back to the hanger where the boss fight occurs. Saying that if you are near an area which you can turn the alarm off, you can hang around there and build up experience points. As a wee bonus, on your way in, when you come to one of the control rooms where you have to go down/up some stairs there is an entrance which isn't shown on the map, go down there and there is a pretty damn good piece of equipent can't remember if it's a weapon or armour which will help you out when it comes to the boss battles later on. When you get to the prison cells, open all the doors as there is a save point and a bloke where you can buy potions etc. If you're getting killed too easily, it could be that your characters just aren't strong enough and you're going to have to go back to another area and build them up a bit more.
  3. I know where you're on about now, it's after you have to rescue someone on the ship and on the way back, I did it the other way round, ensure that someone can cast protect and spells like that, take out the three weaker gaurds first and if possible use ranged weapons on the main character you're fighting, also ensure your gambits are set up with healing spells and or potions with strength. Have to admit it took me about three attempts to win this battle.
  4. So far I've got Resistance Fall of Man, Enchanted Arms, Elder Scrolls, a Mafia Game (can't remember what it's called), Genji and I'm sure something else. There are a few games which look like they're going to be brilliant when they're released. That game "Darkness" (I think it's called) which you can also get on the 360 looks amazing and intend to buy that.
  5. Where on earth is that? If I wanted to I could start on the final battle scenario, but decided that I wanted to get all the espers and all the rare game (to complete that challenge), I also want to accomplish all the hunts and think I'm nearly there with the hunts (I have accepted the challeng of the Behemoth King) I also want to defeat that big Wyrm where you have to unlock the doors in a certain order, it is a huge creature, took it on once and then ran away. To be honest though I started to find the game tedious and repetitive in a lot of areas and it started to do my head in, but intend to complete it.
  6. Dado for me. Sorry Luffy, but to me there just seems to be too much colours going on.
  7. I've had the occasional problem when a game freezes, which is a pain if you're too far away from a save point (or not saved for a long time), apart from that no real problem.
  8. Davy for me, not really for the player but the background
  9. Dado (but where is his left hand to make him smile like that?)
  10. Here's a link to the list of games which should work on the PS3, as I said earlier though the upgrades would have to be downloaded onto the PS3 for them to work. PS2/3 compatibility
  11. Not sure, on the PS website they have a list of games which are compatible, but the problem is you have to download upgrades. If you can't do that then they can send you a data disc which you just stick on the system. What I'll be doing is downloading upgrades onto a memory stick and use that. What ever you do don't waste time phoning their customer services, I'm sure not a single one of them has had any technical training.
  12. I've got the PS3 and the XBox 360, luckily (touch wood) never had any problems with either. Funnily enough I've been spending most of my time playing a PS2 game on the console!
  13. Can't wait, might pre-order it now that there is a release date.
  14. I have both, and I have to say that I think the PS3 is far superior to the 360, you talk about the price of it, but to have the 360 run with somewhere near the same capability you have to buy lot's of extras which will boost the cost of a basic system. As for games I find that the games seem to run smoother and clearer on the PS3 than the 360, and with more games in the pipe line for release this year I'll be able to judge better then on quality.
  15. In no particular order: Elder Scrolls - Oblivion Final Fantasy VII Doom Sonic the Hedgehog Halo 2 (will change to 3 when it comes out )
  16. I think on the long term Sony are going to come out on top. I have the 360 and PS3, and I have to be honest I think the PS3 is much better, have to admit a bit peeved of about having to download upgrades or getting discs to play PS1 and PS2 games, but as I only have one PS2 game it isn't really a problem for me. To me the PS3 seems to run smoother, it comes with a 60GB hard drive installed, the games I think are more impressive visually. It also easier to insert peripherals such as memory sticks etc with photos. The 360, even though is very good, you have to buy a hard drive (unless you pay more to have it with your console), it is only 20GB, don't know if it's just me but games sometimes freeze on you and you have to re-set the machine and start again from your last save.
  17. Godfather - The Don's Edition Resistance - Fall of Man Genji Enchanted Arms PS3 version of Oblivion is on order as it's not been released yet.
  18. Kev gets it for me, looks much better, but Follow Follow is good though.
  19. Due to Barry looking like he is straining to have a shite I will have to say Reidy.
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