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Everything posted by Poetry_In_Blue

  1. As we don't have to play them again it really doesn't hurt our chances as our fate is on our own hands. We are top of the group, we play the Ukraine next, if we beat them we are still top of the group simple as that.
  2. Damn it! Will be getting it next week though!
  3. the draw for euro qualifiers was done before the world cup so i dont know what the rankings were then but ill go and see if i can check on fifa.com That makes sense, cheers mate. just checked the rankings before italy won the world cup and they were hovering between 12 and 14th for a whole year before they won the world cup so that will be why they were 2nd seeds for the euro qualifiers. Never realised Italy were ever that low, they have almost improved as much of Scotland.
  4. the draw for euro qualifiers was done before the world cup so i dont know what the rankings were then but ill go and see if i can check on fifa.com That makes sense, cheers mate.
  5. Do they go by seedings for the draw for the Euro finals, reason why I'm asking if that's the case how come in the qualifiers Italy and France were in the same group and they were 1 and 2 in the world?
  6. Who decides that rubbish, Gattuso behind Terry, Ferdinand and Lampard what a load of codswallop he is much better than them. As for Naka even being in there, put a wee bit of pressure on him and he crumbles, look at last night for example.
  7. Where did you learn that? FIFA website. has full lists with points etc. we have 1025 points. Mexico in 13th have 1026. Cheers! Link to table if anyone is interested. http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/ranking/...ullranking.html
  8. I wonder where we will be when we win our next 3 matches, especially after Italy, seeing that we are now above the Ukraine in the ratings. If we keep performing as we have done then we might leapfrog England soon!
  9. Not bothered about the footie tonight as Rangers are playing tomorrow, even though I'll probably end up flicking between the different channels.
  10. How was Singapore, and why didn't you access the site from there? :harhar:
  11. What is it used for though? If you're talking about computer software and not a musical instrument that is???
  12. All of our desktops and laptops are being installed with this tool, and I have a horrible feeling about it.
  13. That is the problem, you can't blame Hamilton for being in a good team and given the drive, at the end of the day he still has to do his talking on the track. He could have buckled under the pressure of being in the lime light all the time, or he could have made rookie mistakes, but he hasn't which shows he does have a winning mentality. I do hate all the press he gets though.
  14. It is going to be interesting this season, and I'm going to go for Barca to win (beating Rangers in the final ). No harm in dreaming, having an orgasmic dream is having Rangers beat Barca!! :bouncy: :bouncy:
  15. glad to see that he has given us some credit - though his options were limited now we've beaten them TWICE. I saw an amazing stat on the BBC - in 48 games under RD France have lost only 3. Italy in the World Cup final and the two defeats to us. anyone able to confirm that? That's correct, and the first time France lost in France since 1999
  16. In the current climate I agree, if England stopped picking players because of their name (Lampard, Beckham for example) and picked players who would play with passion like they did against Moscow then they could possibly do better than what they have been doing.
  17. It is good to hear, my concern is even the fourth placed team in the SPL might be rubbish in Europe!! Look at Hearts last season, kicked out of the CL and still didn't qualify for the UEFA cup group stages.
  18. One of the best rally drivers the world has ever known still only 39 died over the weekend in a helicopter crash with his son Johnny.
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