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Everything posted by Poetry_In_Blue

  1. The Rangers incident was deemed a protest and is not anywhere as serious as the potential assault of a footballer. Celtic should rightly be hammered, and also warned that their stadium is patently not fit to hold such high profile games, given the way the advertising hordings collapsed under the surge of Celtic fans, someone could have been seriously injured in that incident also. We have to show we're better than the mankies and show no bias towards the incident, either way at Ibrox or the piggery a fan ran onto the pitch and it doesn't matter if it was a protestor or not, even a protestor could have assaulted someone or be carrying a weapon as could have the Celtic fan. I was just relaying what Uefa's take on our invasion was, they also recognised he was not a fan of our club. My apologies I misunderstood your post when I originally read it, thank God I didn't get to post my original response as it was so much longer I'd have a two page spread on the apology! You're welcome I take it you did the merging!
  2. The Rangers incident was deemed a protest and is not anywhere as serious as the potential assault of a footballer. Celtic should rightly be hammered, and also warned that their stadium is patently not fit to hold such high profile games, given the way the advertising hordings collapsed under the surge of Celtic fans, someone could have been seriously injured in that incident also. We have to show we're better than the mankies and show no bias towards the incident, either way at Ibrox or the piggery a fan ran onto the pitch and it doesn't matter if it was a protestor or not, even a protestor could have assaulted someone or be carrying a weapon as could have the Celtic fan. I was just relaying what Uefa's take on our invasion was, they also recognised he was not a fan of our club. My apologies I misunderstood your post when I originally read it, thank God I didn't get to post my original response as it was so much longer I'd have a two page spread on the apology!
  3. Just like Murray Park. Oh wait... Two things Murray Park is a training facility not the youth set up, and we are starting to see the benefit of a changed youth programme with the likes of Lennon, Emslie, Shinnie, Fleck to name a few of the Scottish home grown talent.
  4. Yes..but the question is...did they ? You might want to direct your question to Strathclyde Police I'm not sure if any of us will actually know to be honest.
  5. I suppose they would have had to interview him after the incident, but if he asked for the plonker to be charged with assault it would have probably been laughed at and thrown out of court due to Dida's reactions at the incident.
  6. Can you ask him to pick my lottery numbers...
  7. And we're top of the group. Maybe im just scared of the glorious demise we're so used to in scotland I know it has been such a long time when we could be filled with confidence, but I think this time it isn't a flash in the pan.
  8. Believe it or not technically we should be classed as favourites as we are ahead of them in the world rankings now!
  9. forgot about them, that's a shame, she is being threatend with a jail sentence and hope she does get one.
  10. The Rangers incident was deemed a protest and is not anywhere as serious as the potential assault of a footballer. Celtic should rightly be hammered, and also warned that their stadium is patently not fit to hold such high profile games, given the way the advertising hordings collapsed under the surge of Celtic fans, someone could have been seriously injured in that incident also. I typed out a long response to this and then posted it, but as someone was merging threads at the same time I got an error message so can't be arsed to type it all again and going to keep it short! We have to show we're better than the mankies and show no bias towards the incident, either way at Ibrox or the piggery a fan ran onto the pitch and it doesn't matter if it was a protestor or not, even a protestor could have assaulted someone or be carrying a weapon as could have the Celtic fan. I hope the evening times is correct and Celtic do get a 6 figure fine, it will be even better if they have to play at least one match behind closed doors but we will hopefully find out on Thursday if UEFA release their decision quick enough.
  11. It's crazy, I wondered how Henman made all his money!
  12. Poetry_In_Blue

    Halo 3

    Got it, it looks pretty good but not had the opportunity to play it yet.
  13. That's a good point, keep it as even as possible and whenever you can pay to have your minor skills upgraded by trainers and don't waste time paying trainers to upgrade your major skills. Can't remember the type of character, but I always go with the one who has night eye as an initial magic spell so when you first start and find those dark places you don't have to rely on a torch and being seen all the time. I'm also that sad I have the game on the PS3 and XBox. :bouncy:
  14. I actually think we will turn over the Ukraine with a 3-0 victory to be honest, and this has nothing to do with the wave of optimism over recent results. In the last game against them they were lucky to beat us, some poor refereeing and cheating from Schevy and an unfair dismissal was what beat us.
  15. I wonder where Aberdeen will come in their group... Bottom Ha Ha Ha!
  16. Even though we would all like to see Celtic getting kicked our of Europe for the behaviour of one of their fans, we do have to be try to be nuetral as possible. Unfortunately, this is the first incident in Europe for this type of atrocity from anyone affiliated with Celtic for as long as I can remember. The fact that the fine might be in the six figure category for what Celtic could argue as a first offence is amusing and sends out a very clear warning, a fine and a game behind closed doors would be brilliant. Even though it was clearly a Celtic fan and he has been banned for life from all games as would be expected, we were only given a nominal fine for the incident where an individual (and I stress not a Rangers fan) ran onto the pitch and tried to chain himself to the goal post. I agree he didn't raise his hands to a player but it was argued that the stewards can't 100% prevent this sort of incident from happening and Celtic will also use this argument. I do agree the incident at the piggery could have been more serious if the fan had seriously struck the goalkeeper and/or was carrying a weapon. If that had been the case then Celtic would have probably been facing a ban from European competitions.
  17. With Dailly being brought back in according to today's Evening Times there won't be anyone else brought in. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/displa...1745676.0.0.php
  18. Here's the Evening Times view on the situation, the best bit I have to admit is the last paragraph! http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/displa...1745726.0.0.php
  19. Both are going to be in the dock on Thursday, Dida for his theatrics and Celtic because the fan ran onto the pitch. As for outcome I think both will be given a fine.
  20. American athlete Marion Jones has handed over her 5 Olympic medals from the 2000 Olympics after admitting at that time she was taking steroids. The irony of this story is the person who was in second place to her in the 100m sprint Greece's Katerina Thanou could receive the gold and this is the same athlete who was given a two year ban following the 2004 Olympics!
  21. Yeah, noticed they were out of the UEFA cup, ain't got a clue who it was that beat them but I was surprised.
  22. I take it Ajax have had a bad start then!
  23. Were they playing with a rugby ball? Gretna had a good go at them and put the Celtic players under pressure and they couldn't hack it, Gretna were very unlucky not to walk away with the win or even a draw.
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