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Everything posted by chris182

  1. Awesome, didnt know they did streaming! Cheers for this
  2. Is it just me or do we think that Arsenal overshot the deadline even though it was only allowed if the weather had an effect on the transfer?? One, I thought Arshavin was in London and, two do they still send communication by pigeon?
  3. He's gone http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7858331.stm
  4. They don't have the money to spend on a sub goalie, they have 1 fully fit striker and need to plug the hole in center defence as more pressing issues I think They also aren't getting anything for N'Zogbia - Taylor is heading up to the Geordies in a swap
  5. A non-starter IMO harper is an able and repected deputy down there
  6. I don't really see why he's too good for Newcastle TBH They're a bigger club than Bolton, albeit they have troubles N'Zog can f**k off too
  7. chris182


    Can't see owt on this
  8. exactly bye bye Newcastle, it would make the season (after gers mopping up of course) if they went down Not me! They're my second team! What's everyone got against them anyhoo?
  9. Nah they've harper and krul, they've bigger worries!
  10. Get them canned To coin a Murray phrase: not REAL fans
  11. A last plea! I can meet anyone in Aberdeen with the cash
  12. cheers for all your help David Glad to hear you got tix, enjoy the game!
  13. I don't believe that there are any signs that we are coming out the other side. Selling a player is a short term fix. and will see us through another few months, but what happens this time next year, particularly if we don't qualify for the CL? The underlying financial problems will still exist whether Boyd is sold or not. This might be, but it WILL help things surely. Can't see the money going towards new signings, it will be to safeguard wages me thinks Mistakes were made in the summer and the credit crunch came at just the wrong time for us. Youre right tho, CL failure is unthinkable next season. More downsizing whilst Celtic live it up - wrenches at my guts
  14. An accountacy partner in PwC who has this situation down to a t. A lot of people out there don't have a scooby what's going on at our club and are far too fast to point the finger. Okay, perhaps the Kaunas debacle was avoidable but at least there are signs that we coming out the other side in wake of all these financial troubles. If that means selling an asset, fine by me. At least we can still have a football team to support if all continues to go pear shaped in the world markets
  15. First step is to get right in tae them from the start as they usually do to us, pressure is on them to repeat the performance of today Need to counter the pace of Aluko on the wing too
  16. I'm also looking for a spare ticket or two! Will pay slightly more than face if needed
  17. Wasnt the guy who tackled him in the semi last year was it? Hope hes ok!
  18. Its maybe just Alex thinks hes no deserving of a better wage is all? Trying their luck in what are difficult times financially? Might be back yet for him
  19. Loan?? This truely is the silly-season!!
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