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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Good shout. McInally was apparerently a real blue nose as a boy. I'd of taken him as a Rangers player as well. Under-rated in my opinion.
  2. Agree that none of then will be now. Also heard that there are members of Craig Burleys family in darkest Ayrshire who still will not speak to him to this day.
  3. Maybe - wouldn't be the first time! I thought I'd heard that he was a Rangers fan as a boy. As for Hartson re a previous post, I remember seeing a cribs type documentary about him at home and he had lots of framed shirts on the wall one of which was a Richard Gough one from the first champions league when he said Rangers were his second team after Swansea. I'm sure he also spoke about his massive disappointment when we didn't sign him (on the same day we signed R De Boer) because of some bogus fears about his knee then O'Neill stepped in and the rest is history.
  4. This. I agree totally but my list are all guys who are reputed to have been Rangers fans at least at one time. My view is that if you're a player and if you're good enough for them to offer a transfer fee/contract to you then someone else will also be after you. When I was living in the USA I didn't play for an ex-pats team because they wore green and white hoops.
  5. The Cock Tavern in Smithfields used to be a Rangers pub don't know if it still is.
  6. Personally I don't know how you reconcile being a Rangers fan and signing for them. The ones I can think of are: Kenny Dalgliesh Danny McGrain Jock Stein Davie Provan Paul Lambert Craig Burley Tom McAdam John Hartson Scott Brown James Forrest Any more ?
  7. It's all relative I suppose but the debt figure (without the potential hmrc payment) was enough to severely curtail our trading in the transfer market for pretty much the whole of Walter's 2nd term. For a football club then that qualifies as crippling imho. I don't believe that Murray would have had no say at all in who the club was sold to, however the fact that Lloyds has so much influence was down to the mismanagement of the Murray regime in the first place so either way it comes full circle back to him and his board.
  8. Heart keeps believing mate, head says no. Football has moved on since those days. Like it or not a forward line like that wouldn't cut it in the SPL today where physical prescence and athleticism is at least as important as skill.
  9. I don't trust Craig Whyte at all but every time there is another rumour of financial misdeeds and evidence of lack of investment I don't get angry with him but with Sir David Murray. The crippling debt, the alleged tax evasion etc all happened under his stewardship and that of his board. Letting a financial asset stripper wide-boy like Whyte in the door was a direct result of mismanagement by the previous regime. Whyte is what he is but the bottom line is that he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the Rangers boardroom. Even now Sir David Murray gets a relatively easy ride in the media. If anyone is to blame for where we find ourselves it's not Craig Whyte. He's a symptom not the cause.
  10. I think Riordan would fit into our wage structure better than Hleb.
  11. For: Free agent. Probably cheap. A nutjob but was a decent player once. Against: Played for them. A nutjob.
  12. We could afford him but not the Estonian right back (where we do need someone) ?
  13. I wouldn't blame him if he did. Ally has got to carry the can for the two European failures - we should have got past both these teams - and for signing Ortiz, Bedoya and McKay who can't be good enough or they'd be making a proper challenge especially now when starting places are up for grabs. But no-one can blame him for Whyte turning out to be what I always suspected - a total shyster. Selling Jelavic today and not putting in a meaningful bid for any kind of replacement is unforgiveable. If the £1M bid for Holt was real then why not use a third of that and sign Sandaza? At least he's a proven SPL goalscorer and can't be a worse option than Healy. The real sucker punch for me today was not the Jelavic news but the fact that Hibs signed Claros who we couldn't afford to offer a deal to - fucking Hibs - it's shameful.
  14. He plays better when Jig isn't there. That's always been the case.
  15. This. He was a Rangers fan (or at least we were his favourite Scottish team), he had a signed top framed on his wall in his snooker room and had said it was a dream to get the call to come to Ibrox. We fucked up he'd of been a great player for us.
  16. Unfortunately many of them have more/less than the standard 10 fingers.
  17. Tom English is from Limerick according to his bio? Am I missing something ?
  18. You can imagine them sitting in their nasty little flats in Croy or Royston. Dressed in cheap green polyester, the monobrow twitching, the rotten teeth showing between snarling lips as they spit their hatred down the phone.
  19. That Stevie guy sounds like a complete cunt and an oxygen thief. Just a completely bitter member of the filth. Darwinism will get his kind in the end.
  20. No, slowed the game down every time he got on the ball and didn't offer anything which we don't already have (and probably better) at Ibrox. Good for winding up the unwashed though
  21. Sir Walter.... This is where you should try your sniff sniff.....
  22. What utter bollocks, just twist the facts around to suit your argument why don't you. Then you continue with the veiled accusations of my being a tim. Which I doubt very much you'd say to my face. If anyone has a shit argument and piss poor deflection it's you.
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