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Everything posted by H72

  1. I don't hate him for being a "Rangers hater" or any other silly shit like that, I just don't like him. He's a shite pundit.
  2. Rangers simply must win. No excuses. Drop any points here and the league is as good as Celtic's to lose. :mcgregor: :whittaker::bougherra::weir::papac: :davis::ness::lafferty: :diouf: :jelavic:
  3. Do you honestly think that type of bent logic is going to help Rangers current situation with UEFA? Pointing the finger across towards the green side of Glasgow isn't going to do our case any good. Of course they should be getting treated in the same manner that our Club is in regards to certain songs - but that will come in due course, that much is justly guaranteed. Lawell and Reid have opened a massive can of worms with long-term repercussions which they can't possibly comprehend, for the past 3 years, in a feeble attempt to knock the very fragile Rangers Football Club off their perch with their constant attacks on certain elements of the support. Defending IRA songs as simply "political" or "cultural" is only the beginning of a backlash coming their way very soon over the next few years. No-one is going to tolerate it. In fact, things are going to get far worse. Back to the original post, if anyone sings TBB or TFS at the Old Firm game then they should be thrown out and never let back in. As nvager pointed out, it's sheer stupidity in the current situation that Rangers are facing. It would be unforgivable.
  4. The build-up to St. Mirren's goal was fantastic today.
  5. If fans are to sing TBB or TFS at the Old Firm game, songs which we definitely know are deemed sectarian, then they shouldn't be allowed back at Ibrox. It's just fucking stupidity to sing either of those songs whilst this investigation pursues.
  6. That is absolutely unbelievable.
  7. What's a "british protestand"? Is that where they sell bowler hats and Union flags?
  8. Next big game is Dundee United at Tannadice. One thing's for certain: Rangers must play better than that if we're to win.
  9. Diouf could've played that far earlier. He's so slow on the ball.
  10. That Travnor has had a great game so far.
  11. Rangers Football Club, you're the only team I love! Yas, Rangers.
  12. I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me, Sasa! Sasa Papac!
  13. That Travnor or whatever for St. Mirren is doing well.
  14. Glasgow Rangers Champions. They don't seem best pleased with that one.
  15. If I was investing millions of my own money into a football club under severe financial scrutiny from Lloyds TSB and HMRC, then I would be taking my time too. Although it would be nice to have the takeover completed before the next Old Firm game, it won't make a difference if it is completed now or at the end of the season. We have to be patient.
  16. Mr. Whyte will have known about Rangers' sectarian problems long before he made his intentions clear to take over the Club. I'd imagine he will fight when it is injust.
  17. I've only heard this through the grapevine mind you. Wouldn't take it as anything solid.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsHEQdQwZnw If true, then that really is a complete joke. I'm pretty certain that almost everyone on here could hand pick a YouTube video of a small group of fans within Celtic Park doing similar. Unbelievable. Make of it as you wish.
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