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Everything posted by davis1986

  1. Cafu mourinho coached him at soccer aid? Infact was he. It managed by anncolloti at ac arggggggggghhhh
  2. What about an Italian (World Cup)that played for ac milian (kaka and Robinho) and played for one of joses team. Either Porto Chelsea or inter?
  3. Lucio? Won World Cup 2002 and champions league with inter?
  4. Well done everyone involved hopefully the wee man isn't to far away from the required amount needed
  5. Never once acted the "big man" basically said don't go back to Ibrox if your only glory hunting. Just don't ever tell me to fuck off on a forum again
  6. Johnny come lately no problem remember I bought tickets off you a while ago for Falkirk please don't try to act the big man on forums.
  7. If you think our club is a shithole don't ever come back. Sure we might be struggling now but it won't always be the case.
  8. Agree with the lot mate. Snakes. Dissapointed in weir more than warburton
  9. Pathetic eh? Now at Nottingham Forrest along with the banker. Snake bastards
  10. This is taking longer than our search for manager/dof. Good job it's for a good cause lol
  11. That's it went through definitely now touch and go for a while ?
  12. Don't need to say thanks mate. Been meaning to do it for ages but I'm not the greatest with computers lol.
  13. I done it about 5 times then got one mate. Left a comment there as well mate but it hasn't came up on the page yet but might take ten minutes as you say
  14. Agree with you to an extent. If it comes out he didn't want to leave us after the window shut then I will admit I was wrong. The timing of the whole thing doesn't sit right at all with me. Regardless of what was said i.e. If they resigned or not
  15. He snaked us by trying to do it behind our backs? As a season ticket holder I'm entitled to my opinion and wish he at least waited till end of season and admitted job was to big for them and resigned rather than bailing out at start of February when we are left with the players they brought in and can't change it
  16. In my eyes he is. He will be part of Nottinghams management in summer and tried to do it all behind our backs. You can have your opinion I don't agree with you though
  17. Warburton says fire is nearly out only 10 days away
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