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Everything posted by JM1872

  1. He won't talk to the press ? what about the famous blue room conference ?
  2. It won't happen tonight! It's a Friday night, its nearly half 6, stock exchange closed at half 4 and everyone will be away home so why would the takeover panel work long into the night to look over papers? They couldn't get it in on time cause their fearless bastards so why should the takeover panel just do it for them? It'll be signed sealed and delivered by Monday. .. I'd imagine
  3. this tonight/monday, a win tomorrow and a draw/defeat for the spuds on Sunday?
  4. Nice man! Might try and get tickets myself but I'll wait and see what the finances are like come Monday! Hope ye have a good day out !
  5. We're Murray International Holdings mate. That's Murray International Trust based in London, don't think it has any connection what so ever to the Rangers.
  6. if both have signed then its basically done! just the final checks now! Let's hope! So hard not to get excited though! Would the blue room conference be tonight, or Monday?
  7. I fucking hope this goes through tonight!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. Murray's company is Murray International Holdings though, is it not? This is Murray International Trust?
  9. Don't know if Murray International Trust his him though? Says company address is somewhere in London?
  10. closed two minutes ago. oh well, over to tomorrow v hearts
  11. How can there possibly be anything to hold it up? Surely they can't think of anything else to use as an excuse? 14 minutes and counting.
  12. It will still go through lads, keep the heed!
  13. Nice of you to use my "Donald Muir has left the building to get a pen fromt he car" line Appreciated Good work mate
  14. EDIT: Fuck! Here's the link .. http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/247097-spl-champions-handed-champions-league-qualifying-boost/ Surely good news! Hope we qualify for the Champions League again next season... if we win the league of course Also, sorry if its a repost and admin's can move to Bears Den if necessary, wasn't sure.
  15. Haha! I'm actually not to bothered about rep! I respect my own opinions and views. Everybody is different and reacts to different situations I agree with you there, I agree with most things you say
  16. Exactly. And of any possible candidates, who'd actually want the job, Ally is by far the most experienced in terms of Old Firm experience and being able to handle the pressures of management. It was a no brainer. We've seen PLG come in recently and do fucking shite. Now, yes, he had no experience but he also had no idea on what this club was about. Ally is a different matter. I hate to make this comparison but its the same with Neil Lennon and Celtic. Tony Mowbary failed to rise to and thrive under the pressures of managing Celtic, whereas Lennon has grasped it by the scruff of the neck. I don't think Lennon will be sacked. He has to be given credit where its due and here is the correct place. No managerial experience and just over 24 hours ago he was 4 wins from an SPL title. Lennon and Ally are very similar. They have the same passion for both their beloved clubs. Lennon knows what domestic success means to Celtic and their fucked up owners and support. Ally knows what it means to the Rangers family to succeed. Next season will be another almighty battle of the Old Firm, and with Ally, I think we're in good hands
  17. Aye fuck it man! I'm here for the banter no the rep
  18. Definitely! You can even see it when some goals are scored, the players are all over at Ally having a laugh, celebrating the goal and sharing the moment! From the moment Ally was brought in I knew he'd be boss one day, and I've never doubted him. "He has no experience" - If people think playing second best to Walter Smith managing Scotland and then Rangers, especially under these conditions, haven't given him any experience then what the bloody hell does he have to do? It's clear to see that the Old Firm, without a doubt, is the most pressurised (sp) job in football. Ally will handle it fine. I'm excited to see what he'll do with the money, the opportunity and the future of Rangers Football Club. He's a man who gets on extremely well with the players, he creates a good atmosphere and knows what it's like being a part of Rangers and competing against them. I have know worries about McCoist because I know that he will do the best he physically can for this football club.
  19. Endless possibilities! Huge game of poker and Whyte blows all his money cause he thought PM was bluffing.. "Murray now in driving seat to control Rangers after Whyte loses takeover budget in poker" would be the headline - Spangles would be here as soon as he saw it! They end up playing COD all night, or like H72 suggested, sit up all night scouting over FM for the latest talent It gets to half 2 ... Murray: "What will we do now?" Whyte: "Dunno man, prankie folk? I have minutes?" But, as you say, the clearing of the debt will be vital. The ability to operate cleanly will be excellent and gives Ally a huge chance of success next year and in the years to come! I've actually been excited by some of the suggestions of players who will be signing, like the foreigners and what not. Ally does come across as a fella who would look to venture abroad for some European flair. I think the success of Jelavic has brought this on. They now know that talent is their to be found. The thought of Bartley coming back on a loan deal is a fucking massive signing too!
  20. quality man! sounds like rare party Alistair Johnston, Paul Murray and Dave King in the next room coming up with their next cunning plan All cuddled up in their sleeping bags! On a more serious note (quite hard to be serious now), but I believe it will be done tomorrow, especially if their all having an over night stay at the MIH Hotel
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