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Everything posted by bluemc

  1. Miller for me , think he has been great over the year some important goals and all the donkey work he does. Need to give him a new contract as we need his goals.
  2. Was on the BBC forums for a while and came in here when CanadaReady was posting links, think i was in the first 20 to join but under a different name then my computer broke and didn't get it fixed and when i got a new 1 my email was gone so i had to change my name (weesnacho). The beeb was alright but you got warnings for anything thats why RM is good you can say what you like LONG LIVE RANGERS MEDIA
  3. Im just outside stirling and its terrible here the roads haven't been cleared yet
  4. I'd rather have big Kyle upfront than the lazy shit back at Ibrox ,Wee kenny is doing great just now give him the contract he wants because he is a much better player than Boyd will ever be
  5. Could just see if he became a boxer In the blue corner "NIKICA THE TIMSKELPER JELAVIC"
  6. Like Gomis good player and could sign him on bosman or for a small fee
  7. Ive got a home hub but ive also got a PS3, try going into your network settings thats what i done ,wouldn't think the 2 consoles are that different
  8. If this happens then the scum no they are fucked because we can only get stonger.
  9. Get the brush out and sweep it under there
  10. Said he was a gers fan as a boy used to go to games but he doesnt like the songs the fans sing
  11. I enjoyed reading it wouldn,t minded if it was longer the more damming truth wrote about them has to come out so more people no what they are really like
  12. Aye was just thinking will the papers have it front page news , no, but it should be
  13. I have no words, its what we expect from the dirty scumy bastards and most of them live in this country ,it just shows how stupid they really are, and they call their selfs MEN WATP
  14. I think we will lose but not get a hidding 1 maybe 2 nil
  15. drew 1-1 with R Zaragoza, they got their goal by an OG ring any bells, didnt create many chances from the highlights i saw
  16. We drop our 1st points of the season and its all doom and gloom, 28 pts out of 30 aint bad to me Wakey Wakey guys
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