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Posts posted by OceanRain

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bears said:

    No they wouldn't show and that's not what I wrote. Read it again. We are not the establishment. They are. They control the media so they control the narrative. We step out of line and we're hammered for it. So don't step out of line. Slowly the public (who buy the rags and talk to each other) will notice that it's not the Rangers supporters being a disgrace and they'll share stories of mock hangings of us instead. The Rhecord provides the narrative for many people, like it or not so we need to stop feeding them news stories.

    I've read what you've written. It's hand-wringing, apologist nonsense. I have no time for wee tubes smashing up the bogs either but when I see shite like that on display inside a sports stadium then my concerns immediately turn to how and why it was allowed to happen. Not some rocket launching a sink in that shithole.

  2. Just now, Bears said:

    It is a stinking disgrace but if we give them any ammunition to shoot us down they will use it.

    No it's not right, it's totally wrong but who are we going to complain to? Who is going to sort this out? No one.

    Until the few amongst us stop lowering themselves to their level with their toilet trashing (with repairs paid by our club!) we will continue to be portrayed as the bad ones while the "craic" is what they do.

    Yes, swap the two and we would be portrayed as genocidal scum for the banner and mock-hangings and the toilets would be down to "exuberance".

    We will not win this until we rise above it with our behaviour, keep our noses clean, give them no ammo and slowly the tide will turn as people will realise who is really in the wrong on most occasions.

    Is it right it's this way? Never. Can we fix it any other way? No.

    The "we've also been naughty boys" rhetoric won't wash with me.  What happened yesterday was a well-orchestrated sectarian display and everyone turned a blind eye to it. Do you reckon they'd have run with the pictures of the hangings or the banners if we'd all just got back onto the buses and slunk off home quietly? No chance and you know it.

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