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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. Can he hit a freekick? Can he take a corner and get it past the 1st man?
  2. What about Alan Smith and Robbie Fowler any sign of them yet?
  3. Anyone know when they are going on sale to season ticket holders??
  4. Was down standing with them all today. Was fantastic. Absolutely fooked now though
  5. Coming from erskine mate. Cheers
  6. Ive got a spare. I'll sell you it for 20 and ill meet you there
  7. Thoughts?? Never parked at hampden before so.
  8. Didn't even think of that never really use addons. Occasionally us the percentage of next sale if it's a youngster I'm selling. He sounds still good anyways How much are you paying him a week?
  9. I'll wait till I've seen Healy play. It's been about 4 years since I've actually seen him play
  10. What age is Gattuso in your game 37 or something? He still good? if they do bite their bloody hand off Although the AI teams never bid over the odds on any of my players. Man City were interested in one of my 1st team centre mids worth £6mil and he was only 24 so they enquired about it. I said £12.5million and they rejected. Then he got unhappy, wanted to be put on the transfer list. Then offered him to Man City for £9million. They came back and offered me £7million and I took it
  11. The amounts you have to pay some of the youth players in the game is just crazy though !! Something they really need to sort out. Set his asking price to something like £40million and people will stop trying to buy him/enquire about him etc.
  12. sounds like a keeper !! Send him out on loan somewhere where he will get a game every week or keep playing him yourself Yeah it will be hard to do I think. Only 3 of my 1st team have came through my youth at the moment. It just depends what positions they can play etc.
  13. Nice one The worst thing ever would be for you to have been at the club for say 20 years and they decide to build a stadium only to rename it after some shitty player or call it 'Rangers Stadium/Arena' Has happened to me before. Absolutely gutted Sounds good mate Definately bring through as many as your best youth as possible then go for the same challenge I am. Would be incredible to do it
  14. Can he play tomorrow? If he has signed already.
  15. Ah I see. Good luck bro My goal at the moment with my Dortmund team is to have a full team of players who have came through the youth and win the league and CL. I've not signed anyone for two seasons so I'm gradually bringing through my best youth into my first team. I've got so much transfer money to spend but I'm trying something new. Never done this before
  16. I hope you're right but I just can't see him being good for us unfortunately.
  17. They have it's called 'Rangers Stadium' how original Built in 2028 it's an 85000 all seater. They are currently 2nd in the league 4 points behind ...... Elgin
  18. I always save before it. I have a seperate save called 'before fmrte' just incase it does happen. it has happened to me before although I usually have a 3 rolling save anyway. I'm currently in year 2036 hoping to lead my Dortmund team to 4 straight Champions League wins
  19. I just made Celtic go into administration using FMRTE. Fuck them
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