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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. Most likely he will go there. If not I can see him getting shipped out to commentate on Al Jezeera or something.
  2. I was hoping Kerkar would maybe get at least 10 mins to show us if he is any good or not. Been chockin to see the guy play. Anyone else?
  3. True dat. Anyways. I don't want Commons. He can fuck off elsewhere money grabbing shit.
  4. Haud on. I thought the sheep were paying Velicka's wage and we were paying Fosters?
  5. I see Weiss will be running at Hibs new right back on loan from the taigs. He should have a good game tonight Also Riordan on the bench? WTF?
  6. 4-4-1-1 with Naisy sitting in behind Jelavic. That'll do me
  7. It's open now mate it's open 9 till 9 every day. I'm actually just back from it. Go along and have a look
  8. No. Only because I'm moving abroad in July/August for a year. Will miss the place will definately get my season ticket again when I'm back though
  9. So is it a 4 4 2 with naisy up front?? Or Weiss and naisy on the flanks and a 4 5 1. So fucking glad Jelavic is starting!! If a 4 4 2 tonight, it looks a fantastic line up. Hope naisy and Jelavic can form a great partnership up front! WATP
  10. Jelavic needs a full game tonight!! I would shove Weiss up front with him in a free role and let him run riot!!!!
  12. Hopefully things will change under mccoist but I highly fucking doubt it
  13. I'll wait till stv or ssn come out and say its off. I don't trust the PAPErs.
  14. Is he better than what we have? No Would he improve our 1st 11? No Don't need another Webster ta.
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