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Everything posted by DrFunke

  1. Someone tall like an Aguero..messi...suarez...
  2. Gave it to my mate for over 4 years for his mate who now sits next to us and i never asked for a penny....my payment in kind was when tims tix were dished out and i didnt get one and he did he gave it to his brother while he was in Florida.
  3. I cant make a few games this season due to work and living down south. The last few years i was giving seat to mate for free. Can i call the club and allow them to re-sell the seat to get a credit off next years ticket? I know this used to be somethin that they done. Would help when the missus goes mental seeing the champions league ticket prices next year
  4. MEANINGLESS pre season match. Nothing more than messing about with players and fitness. Dont give a shit if you beat Barca 10-0 preseason, means nothing if you lose to Hamilton. The tests have been league cup so far and we know where the issues are and new players starting to settle well. Get a grip those judging players on preseason games and form
  5. Glad a few folk seem to think its a good idea... next up im suggesting 'table' service for pie and bovrils But seriously, wonder if its something anyone on here could put to the club at a forum or have someones ear.
  6. On that note tho if u just upgraded the arse of the seats then when the stand was empty you wouldnt notice as its folded up
  7. Tbh it looks like that now...the whole Govan is just a sea of different shades of blue depending on how much sun your seat has got!
  8. Over the last few seasons in GF6 ive noticed the seats have degraded considerably ans been badly bleached by the sun. In chatting to my mate who sits next to me i mentioned is happily pay a one off cost to get the seat upgraded to have a bit of a cushion on arse and backrest which remains for the duration of my ST. Could also be a good way for club to make a few quid as surely they could do this on the cheap. Thoughts ?
  9. Aye...thats oldco Sutton who doesnt exist anymore. The newco Sutton celebrated his 2nd birthday not long ago
  10. Regardless how we feel about him fighting.... the difference would be that no one stuck up for him. This year we have a TEAM and you know any bother everyone of them would be there shoulder to shoulder. The reactions after the penalties really drove home to me how united the lads are.
  11. My seat in our ladt prem seaosn was 450 in GF6....i imagine go back to similar
  12. Is anyone else shocked that we havent had renewal emails today after yesterdays result lol ive been checking inbox every half hour. Wonder when we will see these drop?? Also, are we currently on 36,000 ST's...and how many can we sell in total WATP
  13. I keep seeing mixed reports regarding europe....do we get europa league if we win the cup.....
  14. no that means you need to have been sucessful to buy one. it doesnt say you have been
  15. are you not just looking where it says pre-requisite. it says taht for everyone if you dont have an email you dont have a ticket.
  16. my 11 year old stepson has been allocated a ticket and i havent. Have given to a mate as he didnt get allocated one either and wasnt going to travel all the way up myself. im a nice guy
  17. Dont agree that all ST holders should get one...ive sat for 4 seasons and watched utter shite travellin up from.newcastle for games. So its only fair full ST holders get first shot rather than those who jumped on this years gravy train. Reward the more loyal, nothing wrong with that
  18. Alright lads and ladies... been looking online for the new gers kit to see if anything has leaked yet but nothing so far.... Anyone else seen any good kits due for next season?
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