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Everything posted by watty.

  1. NBA jam on the megadrive was the last basketball game I played,loved it due to the fact it was all about the dunks.no tactics,just get the ball in the hoop the most spectacular way you can.
  2. calm down mate fuck sake,do you understand how humour works ?All I'm saying is if your going to buy a game make sure that you have some sort if interest in the type of game that it is,wether it's a shooter,racer or sports game,if u don't u could be setting yourself up for dissapointment. godfather bought it and has said he's shite at because he's not familiar with how basketball games are supposed to be played,apart from the obvious that you have to get the ball in the hoop,there's different plays and tactics that help In winning the game.it's your money mate,but 50 to 60 quid is a bit of a gamble on something you're not sure of... Mate
  3. think you just answered you're own question mate
  4. Conquest is my fav mode mate,never liked it on ps3 as it was only 24 players and the maps were too big,so it was pretty boring,but with 64 on ps4 it's quality.feels like you're in a war with all the shit going in around you,plus it's not like rush were you're forced down the same route over and over again,you decide where you want to go and what flags to capture.
  5. aye mate,there's a shitstorm on the forums about it,how does a patch make the game worse ? It's supposed to make it better ffs.game was fine before the patch imo,only needed some slight tweaking here and there and it would have been perfect.
  6. have you been on bf since the latest patch mate ? It's a fucking mess,they've made the game worse,laggy as fuck,shite hit detection and if you get into a trade off with another player and he drops you first,his health shows at 0% WTF!! Needs fixed pronto.
  7. aye same mate,feel like andre the giant holding the dualshock 3 now.
  8. went for the meth instead mate.
  9. should try cash converters mate.i got a second hand 1 for a tenner after I upgraded to ps4,as I didn't see the point in paying full price for 1 just to play music and watch netflix.you get a years guarantee with it aswell mate.
  10. Earthworm jim http://youtu.be/EolW7ZxAOJ8
  11. not saying gta was bad mate,I thoroughly enjoyed it,just that I preferred the Wild West to gta 5s urban setting,and I also thought john marston was a better character than Trevor,Michael and Franklin imo.
  12. it's saying argos in clydebank have the standard unit for store collection for £350 mate.
  13. better than gta 5 in my opinion,didn't want it to end.amazing graphics,story and soundtrack.rumours going around that they're developing a sequel for ps4 and xbox one.oh man,the possibilities.can't wait.
  14. absolutely loving it,I bought it for ps3 originally and it was an absolute mess.had bc2 and bf3 and they looked and played better.played it for a week and never touched it again.Upgraded to the ps4 version a few months later,and wow what a difference,64 players,amazing graphics and no input lag.can't get enough of it now.
  15. Loving the new china rising maps for battlefield 4 on ps4,they look bloody stunning.there's a very Vietnam ish look to them which I love.looks amazing flying over in a chopper and watching 64 players battling it out.
  16. I bought the ps3 version mate and wasn't impressed.looked great graphically,but felt like a poor mans uncharted.also don't like playing females in games,they're usually underpowered or have shit storys or both
  17. aye mate you should.i've got a ps4 now,so give me a shout sometime if u fancy a game.might be on later tonight mate.going to give the new devil may cry a bash,it's free on ps3 psn,quite fond of hack n slashers,loved the first 1 on ps2.
  18. I think that's down to you playing death match mate.conquest is a good way to rank up quickly,as you get a lot points for capping flags and spotting.can only play a few games at a time tho,as a match can last pretty long.1 lasted about 50 minutes the other night,with us winning by 6 tickets,was a shaking wreck after it mate lol.
  19. seen my mate playing it the other day,wasn't impressed,just made me appreciate bf4 more.you still playing bf mate ?
  20. implemented for fat lazy Americans that can't be arsed to press a couple of buttons.
  21. I'm sure the wee earphones come with it,look pretty pish tho.
  22. think so mate,the unboxing videos I watched on YouTube had it in it.did u not get one I take it ?
  23. think he means the wee headset you get with it mate.
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