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Everything posted by terrybutcher

  1. I really hope he was wearing his brown shoes,if not it could be a PR disaster!!!
  2. i liked the neg button,for the fact that if some1 pissed you off you could punish them for it
  3. This is really bad,according to this our support is very split which is a very sad day,I hope any people that are thinking of becoming snitches better start looking up there rule book to make sure there not grassing some1 up for a perfectly good and legal loyalist song.And i know its green that has said this and no fans have done it yet,but mr green better be more careful with his words from now on,or hes going to lose alot of the support that hes so far built up.We were here supporting our team before you charles,i think it would be best you remembered that!!
  4. I guess rule brittania is going to have to go too
  5. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this 1ce and for all
  6. thats why i want him to answer it under oath :mcculloch:
  7. Lol heard it heard them all!I want to hear it from the horses mouth on rangerstv
  8. I think hutton could be a good player,hes never going to be a world beater but i think hes a decent young player. I was always frustrated when he was being left on the bench because we had mcloued and ian black,Black is not my fav but im not going to slag him,Can you imagine we got gattusso, the corrupt sphell fucked that all up for us!!!Well the good thing is we dont need them,but they certainly need us,i love how they fill the papers today with fans singing and legal chief saying hes a green brigade fan!! The fuckers are trying to divert attention away from the FACT!!! the spl are dhirty cheating bastards.Hows your holiday in farance going dungboy? :cgreen:Didint mean to go .But yeah kyle hutton is pretty decent :hutton:
  9. in the super rangers song i just sing we hate celtic smelly bastards.Every 1 else sings our song,and there no good at it,man u stole it years ago and none of them can sing it right,all other fans make it sound shite and dont do it justice,it really does annoy me.
  10. Yes he is a really great leader for the youngsters to look up too
  11. If the rumour is true,It could be quite spectacular :mcculloch:
  12. Well theres the 1 about when he was at motherwell that he was the final piece of the jigsaw theres the 1 that he is the best dancer out there,ive even heard the 1 that he used to love the fresh prince of bel air and then after the getting jiggy with it came out, he used to dance to it like a man possessed.
  13. Yeah as you guys say i have heard lots of diffrent storys,we need to get him on rangers tv and asked under oath,what is the real meaning behind it. We have waited years too find out,we deserve and answer!!
  14. I have a funny feeling,hes trying to be a snied and not let us know,Its about time the big man has to spill the beans sooner or later :mcculloch:
  15. Glad to see you found it alright :kyle:
  16. Glad to see the big man back,now what i would like to know is,who actually knows the true reason he got the nickname jig? I would hope its a question that could get put to the big man on rangerstv or something.I have heard many people tell me all sorts of storys,like hes the final peice of the jigsaw,to hes a bit of a mover at the disco,Hope we can put this question to him on rangerstv :mcculloch:
  17. I dont like the pointed toe of the puma shoe far too narrow,Guess im just going to need to get use to it then
  18. What i would like the club to come out and say is the exact songs and words which which should not be sung or included in songs,as some1 said before what we need is clarity
  19. very good vid never heard of this guy before,fuck all the kiddy fiddling motherfuckers!
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