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Everything posted by superallysbears

  1. They will do if the wrong person is appointed, big flange is gone along with last season, it could go south very quickly.
  2. I'd honestly say the scum have it harder than us, they could very easily fuck the next appointment up.
  3. Just fuck off, you were wanting to the last time and it obviously affected performance, punt him.
  4. Yeah agree, that first season there was about seven games they managed to win games in added on time, also the hit rate on signings was astonishing, they've always been know to get the rub but law of averages has to come into it at some point.
  5. The executive guy or whatever he is that joined spurs along with a set of circumstances that all aligned made it happen, I've no doubt the scum lucked out with the right manager at the time, the question is can they manage to do it again? I have my doubts.
  6. We need a bit that swagger back at our club.
  7. He's crap mate, disagree if you like, a couldn't give a fuck.
  8. No doubt he'll know about the depravity but as we all know, morality and guilt play no part in a taigs life.
  9. I liked it on first veiwing but Ive changed my mind its pretty bad.
  10. He's already won player of year for next season 😉
  11. I haven't seen much of him, what's the story with him, has he been injured alot since his England days?
  12. We'll he obviously thinks he's good enough, tell me where we finished last season, there's others in the sqaud where the same logic applies.
  13. We paid around that figure and if we can get anything near that then we'll have won a watch imo.
  14. He's fucking rank rotten, if you don't agree I couldn't give a flying fuck, it's that attitude that's seen us end up where we are, HE'S FUCKING SHITE!
  15. Honestly we need to put these tarrier scum bastards back in they're box asap, fed up seeing taig bastards all over the media talking absolute shite, every single one are on deludamol.
  16. Aye that's what the ultimatum will be, probably earn more at spurs being a number 2.
  17. That's exactly right, trained with Liverpool so 400k to 4 million over night 😂
  18. If we can break even on Davies then we'll have dodged a bullet, imo he's worth 400k at best but he's came from England bla bla bla.
  19. Welcome Jack, hope your up for the fight 👌
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