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Everything posted by SPWF

  1. What a response! The same old cunts just don’t have the stomach for a title fight.
  2. I’ve been posting miserable shite all week tbf.
  3. I’ve went so hard on us not winning that I won’t even celebrate if we do win just to save face.
  4. Folk are so terrified of losing staunch points that they’re incapable of coming to reasoned conclusions IMO. Our form has been on the down trend since February, and the long term evidence is there that the leadership group of this shower don’t have the stomach for a title fight.
  5. Should’ve put money on one of our home games being midweek.
  6. Hopefully played his last game for us. A gutless shitebag who’s misplaced self confidence is now gone as well. Useless. Fucking hate him and his stupid big greeting face.
  7. He’s playing Mind Games mate.
  8. So I could come in and make a pithy remark.
  9. Can I? Yes. Will I? Absolutely fucking not. OP must be on the spectrum to be this bad at reading the mood of the room.
  10. If you think this group of players can go to parkhead and win, never mind win all 6 high pressure games, I’ll have whatever drugs you’re on.
  11. Couldn’t even get up for enough last week with a full Ibrox and a chance to pull away in the tittle race. Fucking sick of them.
  12. They won’t need to now. They’ll 100% beat us at parkhead as well and that’ll be that.
  13. It’s fucking insulting on every level to mention Connor Goldson in the same sentence as Davie Weir tbh. Weir is probably still a better defender at fifty odd than that useless sack of shite.
  14. See thinking about it. I reckon I hate most of our players more than I hate the tarriers players.
  15. Another vintage display from “our best defender” Cannot stand the cunt.
  16. Plodding useless cunt. Meant to be a hard man but never puts up a fight when the chips are down. Can fuck off back to obscurity in the Championship any time he likes.
  17. Same old from the serial losers. 55 was lightning in a bottle. This collection of lower league cast offs and European nobodies will never win us a league. Fuck them all and fuck them all in the sea IMO.
  18. Just punt him into the deep berth at Invergordon instead of bringing him back with us. Fucking hate the useless greeting faced cunt.
  19. Cunts will tell you he is though and use that as justification for us not signing a real striker.
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