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Everything posted by rangersxfc

  1. mheida went from slandering green to now mocking him in the space of a week all down to traynors blog the so called gentleman sure are being careful
  2. was gonna do thread like this last week and forgot all about it this is not just sportsound the discrimination rangers fans face from all the radio sports shows in scotland is undeniable out of clyde real radio bbc sportsound your call central fm there has been one (if ye take that jim traynor is a bear) radio host with over 39% of people who go watch football in scotland these odds dont add up """"""""more bears have won x factor than hosted a radio sports show in scotland """""""""""""
  3. the 6 months green has been here dundee hibs have done nothing but put the boot in to our club
  4. just to make it clear the tickets were bought by celtic fans this game could end up being callled off
  5. mark benstead Will def be some #rangers fans at Tannadice for #scottishcup tie with#DUFC - 4 away tickets sold so far... According to various, the tickets bought in the #Rangers end for#dufc cup tie were bought by a) Celtic fans b) anyone but rangers fans.
  6. So we have said goodbye to the year 2012. A year where everyone lined up to kick Rangers Football Club whilst they were at their lowest ebb after being taken to the brink of oblivion by a man who passed an SFA fit and proper persons test. They all lined up for a kick whilst we were down; the SFA, the SPL, football “fans” up and down the county, anonymous internet bloggers, journalists… You name them, they lined up to book the boot into OUR club. So what did we do? We accepted our punishment and went to play in SFL3. We filled stadium after stadium lining the pockets of the same chairman who voted to put us into this tin pot league. We welcomed our guests to Ibrox and have been ambassadors for fair play both on and off the pitch trying to win friends and help the game in this country as we progress through the leagues. And how are we rewarded? We are CHEATED! The SPL/SFA/SFL proposal for a 12-12-18 set up in Scottish football is one that punishes Rangers football club and its fans. Let nobody fool you into believing otherwise. As Charles Green says, what other league in the world can you win promotion and then play the same teams again the next year? The answer is the Scottish Football League circa 2012… The answer isn’t the Scottish Football League circa 1994! Yes – today for the first time in the public domain I will reveal the evidence that I have already passed to the powers that be at Ibrox. The corrupt forces of the SPL/SFA/SFL are now pushing through a 12-12-18 proposal and are saying that the leagues will be made up of the finishing positions of clubs this season based on sporting merit. There are currently 42 clubs in Scottish football split over a league format of 12, 10, 10, 10. They claim that if Rangers are promoted in first place they would be elevated to second bottom of SFL3 and therefore still within the bottom 18 clubs in the country which would see them continuing to play in the bottom tier of Scottish football next season. Fair enough and something I could accept if this was the norm but it isn’t. Rangers will in fact become the first club in Scottish football to be DENIED their right to promotion. Back in 1993/94 Scottish football had a league set up of 12, 12, 14 supporting 38 clubs. The following season 1994/95 Scottish football changed to a 10, 10, 10, 10 format. The winners of SFL2 in 1993/94 were Stranraer. With league reconstruction they would have went in on this so-called “sporting merit” position of bottom of the second tie – ie, position 24 in the Scottish football ladder. With two leagues of 10 you would therefore assume that Stranraer would take their place in the third tier? They never. As winners of the third tier they were quite rightly put up a division into the second tier… So much for ‘sporting merit’. So with ‘sporting merit’ becoming 2013’s ‘sporting integrity’ what does this previous precedent mean for Rangers? As a shareholder I have passed the information onto the club and it is my understanding that Charles Green will fight this all the way. All the way to The Court of Arbitration of Sport in Switzerland no less should the governing bodies of Scottish football fail to see sense. It is also my understanding that having previously set this precedent of allowing Stranraer promotion in 1994 Rangers would win any appeal to the CAS. The end result of this will be that even if the powers at be in Scottish football (Lawwell, Petrie) push through this outlandish idea then Rangers will be playing in the second tier, rather than the bottom tier, of Scottish football next season. As the old saying goes – you heard if here first.
  7. that attitude has worked well in the past
  8. this might be what jim traynor was referring to in his columm
  9. 302 guests ://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42143
  10. fist off the fact he pick 5 live to go on speaks volumes and is very symbolic he could have went to any radio show in scotland
  11. in a few minutes to discuss his column should be good http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_five_live
  12. in sort you better watch what you say or write about this club we are not taking it anymore
  13. """"""This club, the biggest one in the country, were not invited to take part in talks which will shape the game’s future. We are then entitled to conclude that this club are not important, which is strange indeed when so many fans of other clubs continue to be obsessed by Rangers"""" class
  14. HE shape of things to come, three divisions of 12-12-18, has been agreed in principle. This abomination will now be pulled and stretched by selected members of the SPL and SFL in a desperate attempt to make it more presentable. Good luck with that. It would be easier trying to iron out the lines on the face of the old broad, Madge, in Benidorm. 12-12-18. It’s ridiculous, especially when you remember the two 12s will fragment into three eights. Yet this time supporters will just have to buy into it. Whatever happened to that new and bold notion that fans were all important? It isn’t that long ago clubs, particularly those in the top flight, were solemnly insisting that ignoring the views of fans would be akin to financial suicide. Remember? It was when the game was wrestling with the problem of what to do with Rangers. All the clubs were squealing that the wishes of fans had to be granted. If you swallowed any of that bilge you probably also believed in sporting integrity. Of course it was all nonsense. Sporting Integrity was a cloak of convenience, albeit a rather thin, practically transparent one, behind which club leaders huddled together to come up with sanctions. Rangers had to be punished, they deserved to be punished but it seemed as if additional penalties were being randomly introduced depending on who was in which meeting. Many Rangers fans like to think the frenzy to cause the club as much additional pain as possible was driven by one club but that wasn’t strictly the case. Many fans of many clubs waded in but this is not to say Celtic fans or their club didn’t attempt to influence the outcome of debates on Rangers and possible sanctions.change. If they were listening to fans they wouldn’t be sticking with a top division of 12 , and if there was any integrity there would be no rush to bring in changes for the start of next season. If, as seems likely, the structure is altered for 2013-14 supporters won’t get what they’ve already paid for, especially those following teams striving for promotion. Actually this entire season will be rendered meaningless. Sporting integrity won’t merely be compromised, it’ll be crushed but this is what happens when desperation slips in and throttles reason. This belief won’t sit well with the few who are more or less running the SPL and influencing thinking within that desperate organisation but they can’t complain. After all, they’ve dismissed Rangers’ views completely. This club, the biggest one in the country, were not invited to take part in talks which will shape the game’s future. We are then entitled to conclude that this club are not important, which is strange indeed when so many fans of other clubs continue to be obsessed by Rangers, who are simply getting on with their own affairs asking no favour from anyone. We do, however, expect commonsense to be applied, along with fair play. Look, Rangers will return to the top flight, which will of course have to be rebranded. Rangers will take a seat at the head of the table where, despite the latest insult of being shut out of reconstruction talks, we will act with the good of Scottish football in mind. We’ll work through the divisions and we will return stronger and better than ever before. This club accepted their sanctions and moved on but too many others have been unable to do the same. They continue their assaults and while the deranged, who are using social media sites as conduits for their twisted agendas, should be ignored there are more than a few in the mainstream still maligning the club at every opportunity. In a BBC radio debate last Saturday night one pundit, in a matter-of-fact manner, said Charles Green speaks with ‘forked tongue.’ No attempt to explain or justify the statement, just as no explanation was offered when another radio voice claimed there was a dishonesty about Walter Smith when he went public with a late bid for the club. Word of advice gentlemen. From now on be very careful when talking or writing about this club. To paraphrase something said about another club, Rangers will not be treated less than others. And although there is no desire to pick fights, be assured that no one will attack Rangers with impunity. Better, however, to quote Bill Struth: ‘Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. You do that, you will emerge stronger than before.’ Tolerance and sanity. That’s what Rangers will demonstrate and maintain, especially when back at the summit. After all, someone has to. 12-12-18. Dear God. Of course they did. And they are still at it on social media sites and on blogs clattered out by individuals who are no better than semi-literate. The sheer hypocrisy of what is happening within Hampden’s corridors of power right now will be lost on them but let’s not pretend sporting integrity or the wishes of supporters really are important to all those clubs pushing for this http://rangers.co.uk/news/opinion/item/3085-remember-sporting-integrity
  15. banned from all press conferences at ibrox tho i agree more needs to be done
  16. £11K neil alexander makes more in a week than killie make a year HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  17. here is the link Mon, 7 Jan 13 http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/scotfoot
  18. my smart card scratched up tae fuck was goin to replace it this season but ive grown attached to it think they cost £5
  19. The last 30 minutes of sportsound extra were devoted to rangers as per usual all was going well till stuart cosgrove mentioned that green was using inflammatory language for financial gain ie to sell season tickets you dont sell over 36.000 season tickets on "inflammatory language" cosgrove should know this more than others when in a match day fanzine he called rangers supporters orange w*****s and h*ns but i dont recall a boom in season tickets at mcdiarmid park around this time well what more do you expect from the host of the most petty and ill informed football show on radio but the point is the editor of sportsound hand picks panelists and the criteria seems to be the more anti rangers you are the better the chances of you getting the job its about time rangers take them on and highlight this discrimination and double standards we face from sportsound on a weekly basis
  20. take sportsound for example there is one rangers fan (derek ferguson) with eight aberdeen supporters and fuck knows how many tims considering their HQ is right next to ibrox its easy to see the clear discrimination rangers and our fans face and its about time the club highlight it just before anyone starts chick young is NOT a bear
  21. my prophecies for 2013 the transfer embargo will be dropped followed by league reconstruction with us in the spl or div 1 of course we need to sign out of contract players and there wont be a better time to nic a few SPL players than right now we have more than 150 to pick from
  22. some people just come on here to start arguments and be controversial same mugs all the time to easy of one fud to set the agenda on here well done liverpool
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